Sandbox Decibel

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by LSK Mech NL, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. LSK Mech NL

    LSK Mech NL Ancient
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    Hello, Decibel is the first map I made. I made it before I found out you can do things like interlocking and geomerging. The map is made in the skybubble and is a small map made for 4v4 slayer or capter the flag. The map is also doable in a free for all slayer type but I recommend not go with more then 5 people then due to the messy spawning.

    Download Decibel : Halo 3 File Details

    Supported player games
    ffa 5 max.

    Weapons and Equipment
    2x Battle Rifle (In front of the bases)
    2x Sniper Rifle (On top of the bases)
    2x Mauler (Inside entrances of bases)
    1x Hammer (Middle between 2 pillars)

    1x Bubble Shield (Middle between 2 pillars)
    2x Power Drain (inside bases)
    2x Tripmine (Inside bases)

    All weapons and quipment that are put in this map have standard options. I didnt adjusted anything so no extra clips or longer spawntimes.

    Supported Gametypes
    - Slayer
    - Team Slayer
    - Oddball (Ball in middle of map)
    - King of the Hill (Hill in middle of map does not move)
    - Multi Flag (Flags on top of the bases)

    Before I show the pictures I have to tell that all items are placed next and against eachother I never heard of interlocking when I made this map and discovered this site after I got it done. Now I still decided to post this map because im working on something new where interlocking consumes most of my time. Also the spawning is a hell. I have no idea how it became a mess but I guess for fast gameplay its good to know you have the possibility to spawnkill to get it over with.

    Picture time
    The screenshots are made during a CTF, Multi Flag game.


    As you can see there are 2 bases with a open field in the middle. The field isnt big but good for constant fighting. By going into the mancannon you can jump to the flag if jumped wrong you land in the middle again. Flagreturn is on top in the backside of the base. After landing close to the flagspot you must walk back to deliver ofcourse in your own base. Sniper spawn under flagspot.

    In the middle you see 4 pillars. between the pillars on both side is where the Hammer and Bubble Shield spawn, 1 on the left side and the other on the right side.

    Blue Base

    Red Base

    Action Shots
    Note: Hammerspawn




    A whole lotta typing for a first map o_O
    #1 LSK Mech NL, Jun 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2009
  2. cheese and fries

    Senior Member

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    is this a joke? how long does it take to walk to the other side of the map?5 seconds?

    no a map is supposed to be more than 10 ft long. Nice try for your first map, the mancannon behind each base is pretty original, however where does it take you? it looks like they both shoot you off the map.

    try again.

    the middle of the map is the worst part. NO i though tthis was a grifball map at first what kind of gameplay do you expect from this? if your expecting crappy gameplay then disregard what i said, you pulled it off, but if you want something competitive, try building off of this with another level for a sniper or something, (LOL not even...maybe a BR LOL)

    try adding some cover in the middle section....because of how small this is, change everyones movement to 50%...that way the map is more balance LOL....nah im just playin....but hopefully other members can shed light about what is good with this map
  3. LSK Mech NL

    LSK Mech NL Ancient
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    Your beeing negative without even trying the map.

    If you try it then atleast you know how the mancannons work.

    I made the map for CTF and with cover you can never get the flag back so thats why.
  4. Esorath

    Esorath Ancient
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    wow dude, u really laid it into him didnt ya?

    for a 1st map this is pretty cool. The bases are orginal and I can tell you have an aesthetic taste coming out.
    The game play wouldn't be as good like the guy above said, but if you extend each side and add maybe a separate walkway that crosses the middle with a a center structure for cover. This will add to gameplay and add another demesion to the map.

    some basics for maps:
    change in elevation
    unique structures
    interlocking (if needed)
    and a good test or two
  5. suffocation49

    suffocation49 Ancient
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    Im a little curious about the bubble shield and gravity hammer, if you run for the hammer, you over power the bubble shield? How does/will it work....
  6. LSK Mech NL

    LSK Mech NL Ancient
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    Since its an open area I put the bubble shield there for cover. The hammer is there because there are spawns outside the bases for how long the hammer lasts it could be used as a power weapon for fast scoring and countered by the snipers on the bases

    ANTI YOU Ancient
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    i'm not going to be a **** like the other guy but i do have some criticism. first off, like everyone before me said, there's a lack of cover throughout the middle. maybe a nice eye pleasing center structure. Also, there is a lack of ways around the map witch creates a stand still. I'd put some kind of way around the side of the middle that is elevated. And the flag spawn looks like a pain to get to. Jumping from the fins to the platform could be some what tedious.

    take a look at some of your favorite halo maps and find out what aspects of them make them play good and use those gameplay fetures to help inspire good map ideas. And happy forging.

    oh yeah, how do you get on top of the tubes. is that what the man cannon does?
    #7 ANTI YOU, Jun 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2009
  8. skillkill119

    skillkill119 Ancient
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    u have a good idea but the map is way to small and u said cover whould make it easy to get back with the flag.... so y don't u add just a little bit of cover in the center
  9. LSK Mech NL

    LSK Mech NL Ancient
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    The mancannon brings you to the flagspot.
  10. deathangle

    deathangle Ancient
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    i like the map its orginal alot of people like griftball and what not. so i bet alot of those people would love your map. i learnt something you see it aint about how the map look or is layed out its about where or not you enjoy your time playing on it. but you wont impress most people around here without really good desing. they only look at your pics and dont try it for them selfs. you know they actually might have some fun if they tryed it.
  11. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    If you decide to update this map, or make another one, consider making alternate paths to each base or adding in height differences and cover. You might also like to try interlocking the mancannon in the ground so that just the "stream" is visible. It looks a lot better for mancannons aimed directly up.

    You may notice that the floor is a bit uneven in some spots. That's because the arrow on the little blue orb on objects loses precision when facing directly sideways. That means every time you lay down a Wall or Double Wall after you save and quit it won't be even when you load the map again. Using huge blocks is great because it has the same area as a double wall, but the arrow faces directly up, making it easier for the game engine to quantize the data. You could also try using Double Blocks, because if the blue orb is facing up or pressed flat against the grid it will lose accuracy on the X and Y co-ordinates, but not the Z axis (which is what causes bumps).
  12. LSK Mech NL

    LSK Mech NL Ancient
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    You mean if I put walls on the floor and save and put more walls its uneven? Anyway I put the whole centerfloor at once not sure about the bases tough. I think I made it all without saving in between. Except for the new rounds starts to make the gamevariants.
  13. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    It doesn't matter whether or not you place the walls down in the same round, they still become uneven after you save the changes. Also, sorry to disappoint you, I don't like this map. I don't understand what you were trying to get out of it. If a player was to take your concept, they would place two mancannons on foundry and interlock some double boxes. Im sorry but its the truth. We at Forgehub like unique maps and thought the gameplay might be good, it won't be great, of reach its full potential. Rethink maps, make them fresh and create intricate designs. Then you will get downloads. Or like in my case, show the game play in a video...

    EDIT: I looked it over more and I can see you did put some time into this. Take the suggestion of adding cover or making mulitfloors. This looks to be your best option.
    #13 Gollygeeanelite, Jun 10, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2009
  14. Saint Prodigy

    Saint Prodigy Ancient
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    you should put some more cover on the middle of the playing field. good idea though
  15. LSK Mech NL

    LSK Mech NL Ancient
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    I made the map before I read anything about how to forge I just went with the flow.

    after finishing the map I followed tutorials about interlocking and now im sure people will be much more positive about my second map. the interlocking isnt perfect but its noticable I spend more time on this map. I can only work on it during evenings and saturdays so it wil take some weeks for it to be done because lack of ideas :p If you want I can make a screenshot how it is so far :)

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