okay, i found this one thread a while back, and i finally need it once again so, i think its popular, but it was like an ultimate forging guide, and no matter how i search, its ALWAYS the damn stickys that were posted like 5 minutes ago! WTH?!:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:mg:mg:mg:mg::shiver:
Im not sure exactly what guide it is,so here is so guides I found,but may not be what your looking for. Map Making Guide Ultimate guide to map geometry ...thats all for now,even though I know there are more out there,these are the only one's I could find covering almost every thing.
The search feature can help, go to advanced search and fill it out. You can also be more descriptive and what the thread included, and who it was by. Or at least what you remember. If all else fails, check in the Forging 101 section, there are plenty guides there, and your lost thread should be in there if it is a guide, and a popular one.
I'm so happy. It might be one of those but you should check the tutorial index it has most guides and stuff all linked together!