Pre-DLC Inclement (Snowbound New And Improved)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Dead in ten, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. Dead in ten

    Dead in ten Ancient
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    Inclement - Severe in Temper or Action

    Thanks Name Suggestion Thread, And Dylanpwns u27!


    Much like the normal snowbound, Inclement is built mostly around Team Slayer and it also offers a couple extras such as Multi-Flag. However that is where the similarities end. Let's discuss some of the main changes and why they were made. This Map plays Team Slayer, CTF, Neutral Assault, and Territories. (Disclaimer: The objective types didn't work at testing I've tested them with a guest controller and both sides work correctly however you still may have problems. If you have any let me know!)

    > Prowlers Added - Snowbound was and still is a good map. My problem with it was it was bland. Needed a little extra spice. Brute Chieftain Style. These vehicles do that by adding an extra element to the game play. Also created many other changes in order to counter it. Oh and while I was at it I decided to put them on the roofs each base.

    > Basement (Jackal Camp) - Enjoyed the long days of camping in the shotgun room in Team Slayer. It has gotten a little boring though has it not? My alternative to cancel camping you ask? Easy. Add Explosives. While I'm not completely against camping I wanted to make you have to think more strategically in order to make it effective.

    > New Weapons - While the maps main weapons are Battle Rifles, Assault Rifles, and Carbines why not add a little extra? A Rocket Launcher in the center of the map and two power drains near each team are the answer to the mighty brute prowler and they also bring some pretty interesting encounters to the table as well. A Beam Rifle opposite of the Rockets ( Above the "Jackal Camp") adds some Risk Versus Reward Movement and allows teams to take advantage of their sniping skills. Four Maulers in and around the Jackal Camp still keep the option of camping alive but risky. Finally eight Plasma Grenades have been added to the where the Ghost Hangar was. Did I mention I added explosives in there also?

    > More Cover - Four "Outposts", positioned with two for each team opposite of the other teams, provide cover outside of the Basement and the Ghost Hangar for each team by utilizing Covenant Barriers. These outposts contain 2 Assault Rifles and 2 Battle Rifles each, and the two by the basement each hold a mauler. All Outposts and the two Power Weapons above ground are marked with a Covenant Comm Node. Oh yeah and the Power Weapons have some explosives next to them.

    Screen Shots (Taken During Testing, Some Small Changes Have Been Made):

    Never Turn Back

    Triple Threat

    Sounding Interesting? Keep Reading and Learn More About the Origins, Testing, and Praise for this map! Scroll Down Further For A Neat Extra!

    Origins: It was a boring day when i decided to turn on my Xbox 360. And I had a goal. Make a Pre-DLC map better. I had already attempted this before on The Pit but it was a flop. With all the Sandbox maps being made I figured the originality of a Pre-DLC map would stand out. I decided to scroll through the map list with my eyes closed, then stop on and forge on it. And the map was...Isolation. Trying to find something better for forging a decided against another random scroll down. For probably the first time I opened up Snowbound on Forge and then...I fell in love. I really liked the covenant barriers and their cool camping stools so I started out on my first outpost originally intend for being part of a VIP game. Then I saw the Prowler. And with that the VIP map idea was quickly scratched and construction on Inclement (Or Originally Snowfound) began.

    Testing: After I posted the original thread waiting for testers it was the longest couple days of my life as I impatiently refreshed my browser. Sure enough testing day came. However over half my original testers didn't show, but me and my remaining testers gathered up enough for a good old 4 versus 4. The match went great but as the feedback came back there was one major problem. The Prowler. Everyone had either hated it, loved it, or didn't care. After looking at the written feedback posted on forge hub that I received I saw that most of them liked it. (At least those who cared enough to post feedback, which might have made it biased since not all posted.) So the Prowler was kept with all its Brute goodness. Other details such as a Sword, Fuel Rod Gun, and a badly placed Rocket Launcher no longer exist, but they are proceeded by 1 excellently placed Rocket Launcher (If I do say so myself.).

    Tester's Praise For Inclement:

    Xylom - "I had fun testing."

    Futebolguy45 - "I tested this map and I think it was better then the normal Snowbound!"

    Meltyourtv - "I'd never expect someone to make a remake of Snowbound, as in my eyes, it's perfect. The bomb room is unique, and the use of Prowlers is original. Nice job!"

    RnR Train - "This map is a nice interpretation of what you can do with a Pre-DLC Map."

    HumpyPumpySatOnMyGran - "He (Dead in Ten)* was great to work with and I love this type o' map."

    Now for a fun extra which I feel defines this map - A Theme Song!

    Theme Song - "Dead Batteries" (Quite An Ironic Song For This Map!)
    Link to Music Video

    YouTube - SnappleMan - Dead Batteries (Flying Battery)

    Map Download Link


    #1 Dead in ten, Jun 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2009
  2. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    Cool :D, going on my drive. That was me in the Never Turn Back action shot, turned into a triple kill :). /brag, forge with you later dead.

    Btw, what happend to the name frigid?

    Edit: on more thing, if your submitting it to atlas like you said, I think you need a video right? Might want to check a service I just started here:
    #2 Mischgasm, Jun 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2009
  3. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    You could submit ANY MAP to ATLAS? I never knew that. Cool.

    I remember you showing this to me, but you did do some changes. I didn't test because YOU NEVER INVITED ME, but it say that this gives a good BTB feel to snowbound. I totally should get credit for the name, in your testing thread I gave the wird Inclemency, which is close enough! I really like what you've done with the map. 5/5 since it's Pre-DLC. Very cool. Downloaded too. Keep forging!

  4. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    It's impressive working with a pre-DLC so kudos to you. In regards to the ghost room, recommend removing some grenades, and putting the remainder on a faster spawn. This means there will still be grenades in there, just much cleaner.

    The four maulers in and around Jackal room i think should be switched to one pair. With four, four people can camp in there without much fear, even with the explosives.

    The prowlers are a good addition, I feel, however only power drains and rockets is not enough. Be sure you have some plasma pistols available to aid inn anti-vehicle mayhem.

    I hope to see some more Pre-DLC maps from you. :)
  5. Project

    Project Ancient
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    this si cool its been a while since ive seen a map on snowbound hows it play cause i never really liked snowbound. also you should try making an mlg snowbound.
  6. Eternal Reconnaissance

    Senior Member

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    I wish you would have included more screenshots, like an overview or just pictures of the changes. But I will download this. I have heard quite a bit about this and I think it is great that you aren't using Sandbox or Foundry. Kudos to you for that.
  7. Bootsie 22

    Bootsie 22 Ancient
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    8 plasma grenades? All in the same place? okay, i like explosions too, but that seems a bit much.

    Um, I'd set the prowlers behind the bases. It seems a bit tacky. Prowlers are tools and you've sorted treated them like ornaments placing on top of a building. But that's just me.
  8. Dead in ten

    Dead in ten Ancient
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    OK here are my reasons for the plasma grenades and prowler placement since I've gotten some comments about those things.

    > Plasma Grenades - Referring to someone's comment, yes 2 power drains and a rocket launcher is an incomplete anti-vehicle system by its self. I added the plasma grenades in order to help with that but also have enough for teams to go into the ghost hangar, now making it an important control point on the map. Maybe eight is a little too much. This was a change made after the test so try it out yourself and if you want less? Set it up for your own preference.

    > Prowler Placement - In the original test some actually didn't notice the prowler that was right next to/slightly behind them which I can understand since they were spawned not facing directly at it. So then me and Xylom thought why not put the on the roof? Then I discovered that the tops of the bases have many advantages for vehicle placement.

    1.) Biggest PoIs on Map
    2.) Good vantage point for prowler turret, but easily destroyed if not mobile, creating a RvR situation.
    3.) The ramps down the front and one side of the base are very smooth and allow quick access to the battle.

    Thanks for your comments and that overview shot has been added. Kudos to you guys for reading and actually knowing where and how many plasma grenades are on the map!
    #8 Dead in ten, Jun 8, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2009

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