Nicely done. It looks good, but you should make the blocks a little more into each other. You can see parts sticking out....but other then that it looks great.
I like it The only thing I could see changed is the blocks a bit smoother and replacing that one stray elite with a spartan...I put it as my computer background
This actually looks really nice, but like they said with the blocks with smoothness, and maybe with he Spartans maybe get the guy main right closer in too, and it would take away empty space there.
Rofl the elite looks like it has a massive boner. Good job. The blocks could have definitely been forged smoother though 4.5/5.
This a really cool idea. Never would have thought of doin that. From the pic i think it would have been better if you took the pic farther away and if everyone was closer together. But all in all it looks really cool.
That's genious. Great work. My only complaint is the elite on the left with the turret is holding it up at a 45° angle instead of vertically.
i think that this is verry nicley done, but as others have said you need to smooth out the blocks and move the sniper in twords the group more. i think that for the elite guy, that you should just make him a spartan with the bulkiest armor. IE;SH L&R: security,H: EOD/security, Body EOD/hyabusa. i don't know which you'd choose but i'd go all EOD accept for the head which'd be Security.
I agree, the blocks need just a little interlocking. Otherwise this is a perfect remake, I love it. I am Dling it in just a few. I like the way the background looks woot.
Oh good, another 7 year old on ForgeHub. Nice. That is a neat picture dude, I can't believe how well those clouds work as a planet
This looks amazing. My only complaints are that the blocks need to be neater, and maybe have the sniper on the right looking down more
Other than a general smoothing and rounding of the blocks so that they look more like the space beneath the planet, the only thing I would change is the distance the characters are from the camera. Otherwise, good job.