IntroI am in the middle of creating a **** zombie map. I am trying to create an exact or close to exact remake of it and having as many abilities as possible that are in COD:WAW and implement them into halo 3. I know you can not make the feel exactly the same since you can not make the zombies increase in speed over time but I can make it feel like they increase in speed. ZombiesFor the zombies, to increase their speed I will have 4 custom power up that all spawn ever 30 seconds but I will have them all set behind a damaged column and they will all open at different times. Probably at 30,60,120, and 180 seconds. As well as the custom power ups, I will also have a huge hall way which will have spawns placed on different distances and during the game a box will go over the farther away boxes so then the zombies get to the teleporters faster that lets you go down to the building which will appear as if the difficulty is getting harder. The custom power ups will also give the zombies a small amount of shield so that it is not a one hit kill for headshots. HumansFor the humans, they will have 200% gravity so they cannot jump over the ledge where the zombies come in from. To repair the windows there will be a destroyable cover in each room that respawns every 10 seconds. There is a wall, slit so you can see the zombies when they are going to the destroyable cover. To use the destroyable cover you just have to throw it a little bit above the weapon power up so then it will lob downwards onto the weapon holder and the weapon holder will catch the weapon holder into a perfect spot so the zombies can not get through the window unless the destroy the cover. Room-to-RoomTo get from room to room there will be a grav-lift in the beginning room that spawns every 120 or 180 seconds(I will need to test to see which one is best) and to get to each room there will be damaged columns that you need to use the grav-lift on and then it will open up to the next room. Weapon BoxI have not figured out the random weapon box but I am working on it and thinking of ideas. I may have it so you need to use a grav lift on it for it to work but I am still thinking about it... WindowsThere will be a total of 8 windows(that is because there are 8 weapons holders which are used for the window repairing. The starting room will have 3 windows, the other room on the bottom floor will have 2 windows, and the top floor will have 3 windows. Each room will have a destroyable cover(I think I already stated this in the humans part but I am not quite sure. Pictures(with discription) Over view [/URL] Over view II [/URL] Over view of stairs [/URL] Window with Bars(I think this came out quite nicely) [/URL] This is how the weapons on the walls will be presented [/URL] This is what the window looks like when the destroyable cover is "deployed" [/URL] P.S. I will put the roof on so don't ask anything about that.
Ah...I see. It's an authentic remake of that classic **** Zombies map. If you've seen Master Debaytor's zombie map, his is a good example for many ideas such as the random weapon box. hope this turns out good, but make sure the gamplay similar to how it does in CoD. Make it so that some zombies are fast in later rounds and others are slow. Oh...also you're missing a window. I'm not sure if that was intentional or not...but just saying.
Ya I know I am, there weren't enough weapon holders for the humans to put deployable shields on so I had to make it less. It says that in the post.
I think it is safe to say that this is coming along greatly. I know that Master Debayter, Rivalmass, and Patt06Snipe made their own maps, but this looks like it can compete. Good luck on this. Ask them for questions if you want ideas like the random weapon box and other things like that. Plus zombie spawn ideas
Oh sorry I just scanned through that part, mostly at the room to room stuff. It sounds nice. I wish you could make the zombies do things like the way they do it in WoW.
Well I am going to make it so that each window is walled off from each window so that the zombies can't change the window they are going to.(there will be a teleporter in each area and the zombie goes through 1 sender node that leads to all of the areas. By doing this it will be random, just like in WaW. I hope this will work atleast.)
This looks really good so far. The interlocking looks clean and it looks like you've planned this out ahead. If you need any help with this I'll be willing to help you. Although, we still havn't created the RWB on Sandbox due to item limits..but I bet we could figure something out. P.S. - Your map may work well with the already made gametype..Judgement (Master Debayter's original **** zombie gametype.)
I was playing **** Zombie today on COD:WaW and I just saw this thread, I am amazed. I am looking forward.
I think he means maybe as the game progresses. In mine and Master Debayter's alike there are custom power ups that spawn as the round progresses...not when a new round starts. Hope that helps.
Well I have been working on it but very slowly. I will probly have an update for it about every week, I am hoping atleast. Thanks for the positive feedback aswell. I am wondering, should I have the building full of lights and put on effects such as colorblind and (can't remember this effect name please remind me if anyone knows, I am kinda having a brainfart) or I might use gloomy. Since in the real **** zombie on WaW there is fog which this would slightly mimic(spell check) the fog due to the fact that it lessons the vision outside of the house but not inside the house. Any and all feedback is good.
Oh one question. How do you get zombies in and keep humans from getting out on your map? That is a key factor in **** zombies maps. For mine and Master Debayter we use mongooses hidden between two barriers or walls/barrels. Then in the gametype the zombies can use vehicles but the humans cannot. It works very well.
Humans can't jump high enough. All you have to do is put the gravity to 200% and the humans can not get out of the house.
Well, one tiny problem with that would be the humans jumping on one another to get through. But if you do find a way to fix this then I think that will be great, realistic remake of **** Zombies.
You can make the zombies have 3 levels of whatever (speed, damage, shields etc.). 1. SPAWN characteristics (can be set to a maximum of 180 sec.). 2. NORMAL characteristics (after spawn characteristics wear off). 3. CUSTOM characteristics, custom power up. I recommend spawn set to 90 then a man cannon wall spawn after 180 for a 90 sec. "normal" period then custom power up set to run time minimum at maximum (man cannon in front of spawn). Set round time limits to 5 minutes (1.5 for weak and normal characteristics and 2 for super zombies. I also recommend making first "wave" strength average Veruct zombies lvl. 5 (shotgun instant kill but carbine multiple shots) second "wave" at a Veruct lvl. 15 shotgun takes 2 shots and sniper headshot instant kill) last "wave" Veruct lvl. 25 (harder than hell. shotgun is useles only good weapons are duals , flame thrower, fire grenades , rockets, tripmines, frags, and turrets. here is my weapon conversion list... duals / mp40 flame thrower / flame thrower fire grenades / molotovs rockets / rockets tripmines / bouncing betties frags / frags turrets / deployable brownings carbine / carbine battle rifle / kar98 assault rifle / thompson sentinel beam / *BONUS WEAPON*/???? energy sword / knife melee beam/sniper rifle / ptrs41 (sniper) brute shot / *BONUS WEAPON*/???? mauler / .357 magnum magnum / colt 45. smg / stg 44 spartan laser / ray gun (lol) missile pod / rocket (with double tap) edit: p.s. about the human exiting the map problem, just use REALLY angled ramps into "windows"! A man cannon spawns after whenever that window is available and it launches into a teleporter that shoots you down a random ramp of the corresponding area.
What about if I make a new zombie window on sketch up and post pictures of it here? I'll get to work on'll be simple.
I am not quite sure what you mean about the 3 levels of zombies. Because whenever the spawn one dies out then the zombies have to go in to the humans base and whenever they die then the zombies have the spawn traits again. If you could create a gametype for that, that would be great.