Judgement map Ideas

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by patt06snipe, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    Hey everyone, glad to see you found the ideas thread for new Judgement maps! Yes, this is a thread completely meant for people who want to give their ideas for a new Judgement map. If you don't know what a Judgement map is then read below...

    Judgment = **** zombies
    Judgement is the COD5 **** zombies remake on Halo 3. We include things like zombie windows, nice asthetics on the map, unlockable rooms, and of course a working Random Weapon Box. For further detail go to either link. These are maps that have been made so far.

    Getting down to it

    All you have to Include is...

    -a brief description of the map idea...please explain so everyone can understand

    So basically, this is for people who have things/ideas we could include into the next Judgement map. We want the next map to have what the players want...you know just general things that everyone could enjoy.

    Anything and everything is accepted here, just tell us what you guys want.
  2. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Wait, you want us to give you ideas on a map idea? :/ If you're going to make it, then think of how to do it. Otherwise, don't. Maybe I just don't understand, but if you've already made versions of this then just ask for feedback on your thread.
  3. Eternal Reconnaissance

    Senior Member

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    Hmmm, that will be tough, the next Judgement map. I'm thinking another map on Foundry will be best for the next, but we should also start thinking of how to make this on Sandbox, for different ideas of Judgement maps, or even Avalanche for a snow-themed map. Well, for Avalanche, here's an idea:

    -Large and creepy abandoned cabin and zombies are surrounding the building, slowly climbing through. Get enough kills and fall back to either a basement (if wanted) or upstairs to the random weapon room. Not sure how this would play out, but it would be a cool themed map.

    For Foundry:

    -I really don't know. If I have an idea I'll edit this post.


    -First we would need to see how well Sandbox's items would work, then we could create a map. But maybe it could be an Egyptian styled **** Zombies, with a large pyramid they climb through. Or a geomerged cliff overhanging the map. I don't really know, just some creative ideas. I'll get back to here with more ideas.
  4. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    I like the idea of the creepy haunted house...but I don't know if we could make it creepy with the objects...maybe use FX to change the lighting throughout the game...just a thought. Idk.

    Also, the basement idea seems good to me. Here is a detailed idea of what it could be...also I was thinking maybe an urban style map for this. Ok, humans all spawn on the first floor of a hospital. After about a minute or so they can unlock a passage to the underground parking. Humans must then fight for another minute or so until they can unlock another passage way. I think it would be cool if they went up an elevator or something that takes them to an outside/inside area. (The elevator takes them back up to the first floor just a totally new room, which the door blocking the outside area has been bashed opened.) So, humans can either stay in the safety of the inside or wander across a street to say a safezone....the random weapon box could be across the street or something.

    I know this is a bit far fetched and would take a load of objects and many days planning..but that is what this thread is for. Tell me what you think.
  5. Eternal Reconnaissance

    Senior Member

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    The elevator would be amazing! Especially if it was big enough to be considered an actual room. Then we'd have something to talk about. I'm not sure how the street thing would work but if we somehow got a **** Zombie style to it then it just might work...
  6. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    I'm going to start doing some stuff on sctech-up and see what I can come up with. I'll try and get some pictures up when I'm done.

    Hmmm..an elevator....we need Master Debayter on this one.
  7. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    Are your ideas limited to the COD5 zombie maps?

    You should experiment with my infected airport idea. A mall, or even a small town with the same "fall back points" principle as my infected airport idea will work well. Maybe an airplane, with doors in between cabins, and from the cargo bay to the passenger area?
  8. Eternal Reconnaissance

    Senior Member

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    Well, we aren't limited to the actual COD5 maps, but we are supposed to use a **** Zombie like theme. As in, windows to enter, unlocking certain rooms, and such.

    BTW I have another new idea, for sandbox or foundry, whichever is wanted. How about a Giant train with large train cars for room and then you unlock more train cars later on until you get to the main leading train with a random weapon box there. Zombies try to climb on while you make desperate attempts to stop them in the small rooms and get through. To make this train more than just a simple straight train, it could be curving like on a turn, or even have some cars tipped over because the zombies stopped it. So some train cars will be lower and smaller because they tipped and others won't be.

    And you could start out in a very dull passenger room or just a box car, then the more train cars you get into, the better the weapons, bigger or more detailed the cars. One could be a cafeteria train car, obviously the leading one, maybe one with 2 floors that allows you to snipe oncoming zombies with disadvantage of them assassinating you, wow endless possibilities. I will make this, because this might work well plus I've always wanted to make a Judgement map and this would be the perfect idea to start with... of course, I still need to look at Master Debayter's upcoming guide first. But this just might work...
    #8 Eternal Reconnaissance, Jun 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2009
  9. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    For the windows, you can use a deployable shield that spawns every 10 seconds which is about the same amount of time it takes to fix a window. Another idea is to have a 120-180 second respawning gravlift that u can use to open any doors. This gives the feeling like as in **** zombie to have a choice on where to go. You could do this in the ideas you stated above. I have more in my **** zombie preview thread http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-forge-discussion/73659-****-zombie-preview.html. The zombies get custom power-ups that spawn to make them faster and stronger.
    #9 kilamanjara14izback, Jun 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2009
  10. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    That is a possibility too. We would have to do some things to make it look like an airplane...could be difficult but its a good idea. And no, COD5 is just where Master Debayter (original creator of Judgement) started. That is why I made this thread....to discuss plans and ideas for new Judgement maps. Anything is a possibility.

    P.S - didn't realize Eternal replied to you..hah ;)
    #10 patt06snipe, Jun 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2009
  11. Eternal Reconnaissance

    Senior Member

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    UPDATE: I will actually make this train Judgement map. It will be my next map as soon as I'm done with my L4D Drains map. But I really want to make this, I have some great ideas for it!
  12. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    Great! Another map on the way + my new one + if Master Debayter makes one too.

    An Judgment map pack would be good for all of these once they are all out.
    5 Judgement maps all in one bundle..just a thought.

    P.S. I'll begin designs on my map and start thinking about ways for an elevator to work.
  13. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    My map is going to be an exact remake of **** zombie, or atleast an attempt of an exact remake...
  14. Eternal Reconnaissance

    Senior Member

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    Great. Once we have all these a map pack would really help to organize the Judgement maps, plus we could also create a thread dedicated to every Judgement map created thus far, although that could be included in the guide.

    I look forward to your map. I saw the preview, and while the gameplay will differ from The Last Day, I think it is coming along quite nicely.
  15. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    Thanks, I believe it will be one of my best maps aswell. I just hope that I don't get bored of it like I do with every other map I start. If anyone could help with the random weapon box though that would be great.
  16. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    I'll help you out with the RWB. Just let me know when to help you.
  17. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    I'll work on the write-up for Judgement. I'm doing some playtesting on both maps and working things out. In the meantime, just sit back and relax while I work on it.
  18. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    Ight sounds good. By 'both', do you mean last day and asylum?
  19. Eternal Reconnaissance

    Senior Member

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    Alright, sounds good. It seems that Judgement is going to change from a very big project of remake **** Zombies to Forgehub's newest experience. One big step to another. Let us hope that the next step takes us up higher rather than lower than before.
  20. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    Ok well, back to disscussing ideas for the next map or two. I think I'll put up a poll on the thread so people can vote what style of map they want. But of course we need more styles first. We have three so far.. I think. Tell me if I am missing any.

    - the airplane idea

    - hospital with elevator

    - urban map

    And Eternal you have your map idea - the train carts. Is that right?

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