I LOVE my pun in saying that the contest itself is a Forgotten Treasure...anywya I lnkow Christrbrnnnnnn is hard at work trying to get Conduction tested for ATLAS b ut there were some other judges as well....it has been A MONTH count it 25+ days since we have hear anything from the FT contest...nothing was said either about when to expect result.s..so yea im just wonderin
Let them take their time. I want to see a winner as much as the next guy, but it isn't just looking at each map. It's also playing them, and if I were them, I would take quite a while playing each map, plus looking at it, playing again with other gametypes, and so on. It could be another month or 2 before we know the winner. But let them take their time, better to have the winner be judged in ALL aspects than just winning for aesthetics, closeness, or just playing well in one gametype.
You could tell by some of the horrible pictures if it even had a chance at all. An Ascension remake with no Banshee? Out. Sanctuary in the middle tier with no outer wall? Out. Some maps were just obviously a beginner playing around. The serious maps were not all that hard to find.
Are you wondering if the contest is still going on? If so, it is. They talked a bit about it in the site update. Here is what they said: Yes, certain maps that aren't like the original map probably don't even need to be tested. Even then, I'm still pretty sure there are a lot of good maps that require a lot of testing because this is a BIG contest. Just be patient my little friend.
Actually, if you think about it, the Banshee was really cheap in Ascension and was only put in because you had lock-on rocket launchers. In halo 3 you don't and it takes way too long to kill it, if even then. There are many reasons for maps to be different, to fit it to Halo 3. An accurate remake doesn't necessarily mean a fun one.
Thats just to give you an idea that some maps completely sucked. I'm not ruling out that a Banshee-less remake could have amazing gameplay its just to paint a brighter image of what im saying...There were also 8 pages of remakes. If you could do the math about how many posts is that? about 80 maps? Lets say 40 of them didnt completely suck. Maybe then it is hard....but it has been a month
I don't think a month of testing a giant contest is long. Why? It seems really hard to get a good amount of testers to play these maps at one time.
Agreed. I think that if they are testing 40 maps then that might take a while. Just be patient and let them select the winner by their own time. I'm sure it will be worth the wait.
And to add onto that, if you have multiple judges or even just players, then you need to all find your OWN favorite map, and everyone has a different preference for gameplay or aesthetics. So some like this and the structures are just amazingly forged! while others hate it and like the simpler design made by the common forger. Just showing what people vote for here.