Ravinia Here it is!! Months of forging, testing and perfecting has brought me here: to the post. I am very proud of my first creation on Sandbox, supporting all gametypes and showing off what could be done with Bungie's new Mythic map. I can't say just exactly how long it took to build and polish Ravinia but I can say it was well over a month. AZN FTW was there for me the entire way. Using his knowledge (and hot girlfriend - wink) the spawns and weapon placement has reached it's full potential. Because of him, Ravinia is one of the most well playing maps to come out on Sandbox. For that I award him cocreator. Gametypes All official gametypes are supported on my map. Plus I found that SWAT and snipers play well too. For team gametypes I suggest Team Slayer, One bomb, KOTH and oddball. For FFA I suggest slayer, oddball and KOTH. If you're looking to switch things up a little, infection plays well also. Weapons On Ravinia there are 4 BRs and 2 carbines. At first a person might think "OMG this is going to be assault rifle spam." No. If you remember back in Halo 2, there is only 2 BRs on Midship. And 4 BRs on Turf. Both me and AZN believe that the BR should be considered a power weapon. For in Halo 3, it has been proven time and time again, gameplay is terrible if half the people in the game have BRs. Then the people who don't have one are helpless. This amount is plenty. Don't judge before testing. 1 sniper rifle - 90 seconds - 8 shots 1 rocket launcher - 120 seconds - 2 shots 1 overshield - 180 seconds 2 SMGs - 90 seconds - 1 spare clip 2 plasma pistels - 90 seconds 1 shotgun - 150 seconds - no spare clips YouTube - Sad Faic Presents - Ravinia Thankyou to everybody who I pissed off when I was looking for testers!! Ravinia
dude? Wtf? how did you post all this in like 2 minutes on this site and XF? Lol that sounds impossible. anyways your already aware that ill have the review in no time so jsut be patient. edit part 1:: just watched the vid. who did the awsome footage collecting and video editing? That was epic.
The video was made by Zachary9990. He is very talented and I couldn't be more happy with the video. Thank you.
wow this is amazing. your forging is just about as good as it gets and from the video, the gameplay also looks fantastic. I also love the originality of your map. 5/5 (deserving of a feature). Ill download and check it out for myself to see how it really plays, but my expectations are already high
So... much... testing. I can't count on two hands how many games I tested of this. Despite how much I hated playing the map during testing, the map is amazing. I only hated it because I played it so much. The games were always very balanced and weapon/spawn placement were on the verge of perfect thanks to AZN. Asymmetrical gametypes play the best on this map but Team Slayer played just as nicely. There's always a balance between which team holds the key power weapons, the Sniper, the Shotgun, the Rocket Launcher, and the Overshield. Rarely during any games did I find myself completely overwhelmed or completely dominating. The structural makeup of the map is very nice too. You introduced some new structures combined with more simple structures. There are some subtle things that you did to make the map look better, like the sloped walls beneath Sniper spawn. The structures that you made also create a very nice flow throughout the whole map. Overall, I have to say this is the best competitive map I have played in the Crypt. Great map Shockwave and AZN. EDIT* And I can't see the map behind that... thing... on the last picture.
Download it people. It's an awesome map. I normally don't do videos like these for people, only walk-throughs and the feature videos for Xforgery. This was just special enough for me to do a video on it.
Sweet map it is very neatly forged with your skills ill download it to make sure its sweet.The weapons are balanced.It has very good game plays as well.The map should get enough downloads.Hope it does.Happy forging.:0)
wow... amazing layout... i cant wait to play this... i havent played halo in about a month now and this map has inspired me to come back to the halo universe and start playing again wait... wat? wats that i hear? do i hear a feature?
This map is AMAZING. The gameplay is very satisfying AND the Aesthetics are great with all of the pillars and building like structures! Dude great job on this one 5/5
All I can say is wow. I have seen this map many times (blame Pel) and absolutely love it. It looks like you've spent all of your time perfecting this map, and it looks awesome. I hope it reaches its full potential. I think I heard AZNFTW helped with this, so I give him credit as well for this beautiful map. From the video I can say that gameplay looks promising, hectic, and overall fun. I don't recall the name though, but it seems cool. some questions and pointers I'd like to say are: -The sniper, I in my undoubting opinion don't like it just standing on it's stock in the middle of the ramp. It looks unnatural to me, it just somehow standing tall on a ramp. If you put a weapon holder, that's a different story, but I'm curious. -In the version I saw, I think the shotgun was close to the Overshield, which is a big no no. Please clear up on where some of the power weapons spawn, because OS + Shotty = RAPE. (Metaphorically, not literally, unless you do after you shot them.) -In picture #5, that block, tall and those block, angled don't seem right. I think you might have gooten lazy placing that block, tall, but it seems one block, angled is interlocked with it and the other isn't. I suggest moving the block, tall over towards the unmerged block, angled and interlock them all together. -Have you reached the OLN? I see many places to elevator jump and break your map, being able to jump from roof to roof and ruin gameplay elements, especially by sniper fire. Overall, this map is COVERED in epic win sauce. I really like it asymmetrical layout, it takes a good, intelligent forger to conjure up a good but uneven layout. I give 4.90/5, or 98/100, just every map needs a V2 to be perfected. With some intuitive changes, this could easily be 100/100, and I believe may people see this as perfection. Wonderful job GD27 Shockwave and AZNFTW. I have downloaded and look forward to test and experience gamplay for myself. -Dylan
Yeah you spammed me with invites but it was worth it. The map is fun and is huge its great for BTB objective and slayer games. The path manipulation you put in the map really helps how the flow of players travel through the map. The gameplay is also good. So overall this is a great map every time you play it you find anouther place to fight and have fun with :].
Thank you. I really don't see how you think the columns in the 5th picture looks awkward. But yeh, this map has come a long way in weapon layouts. I will invite you later and see if the map really could become btter.
It's not the columns, the columns look fine, although I would move them in more, but it really doesn't matter. That block on the floor, that block, tall? The one with the two block, angled's next to it? I think just for looks, move the block, tall so that it's merged in with both of the block, angled's. If you still don't understand, I can show you if you'd like.
Lol I forgot that you had posted this over here. Just so everyone knows, the forging is all Shockwave's doing... gameplay was all me. The ramp up to the sniper was my idea as well to help with combat flow. We tried to stray away from the massive amounts of BRs on alot of maps and bring back solid and diverse weapon balance. I enjoyed playing this very much. I wasn't originally going to be Co-creator however i cannot count how many times I showed up to fix this map so eventually it became mine as well. And I am happy to have been apart of this. Great job on your part Shockwave and the numerous test we went through to perfect this as well. Next stop... atlas...
wow GD, this looks AMAZING. Well, IMO it does. lol. It has great aesthetics, I love the all the details. Like the building with all the windows, Or the Rocket ship looking structure, and the little theater thingy. It looks really fun to play, Got my DL! 4.5/5
Although I didn't get a chance to test this map out with you guys, and I'm sure I recieved an invite and was just busy at the time. But no matter that, I downloaded Ravinia earlier and although it says.. wait.. nope. I just looked through your post again and it does not specify how many players you should play with. Oh well, I did a quick little play-through with one of my friends, and he was quite amazed with it. As was I. You and AZN FTW sure do make a great team. At first I thought those purple structures blocking off the corners of the crypt were accessable, how wrong I was. A couple minutes into gameplay I had decided to find a way in. I could not however, and was amazed by how dumb I was at the time. The weapon placement on Ravinia is fantastic, and although I couldn't get an accurate game into it, I'm pretty sure this is on my list for Top Five Sandbox Crypt maps. However I have found problems with almost every ramp on the map, those floating and not floating. When I am usually trying to make a ramp from one object to the other, I usually place a spawn point as my marker. Some people place weapon holders to, but I have found that spawn points are easier to work with because objects go right through them. However with the ramps on Ravinia, there seems to always be a little lip at the point of the ramp that bumps me up into the air while I'm running along. Although I know not every map is perfect, and a couple bumps aren't a reason to go back and make a version 2 of a map, but whenever you come around to tweaking this map, if you find anything to tweak. Or when you are making your next map.. Work on the ramps, I have seen so many people forge maps that when the ramp comes short of reaching the object it is interlocked into and a lip is formed at the top, they leave it the way it is. Take care of your maps, and when a part comes out wrong, you cannot just leave it be. Wow, that all just sounded really gay. Anyways, I love the map Shock and AZN!
The forging is great, I'm impressed. The weapons are nicely laid out; and I agree with you about not having a lot of BRs. All my maps only have 6 or less BRs or Carbines in them. In my opinion, if every person has a BR, the game kind of turns a little boring. like someone else said, make sure you can't escape the map because that ruins gameplay. One more thing, where did you get the name Ravinia? I remember reading a book about 6 months ago that had that same name
Pros: It has a nice, clean jungle type of feel to it, for me. It kind of reminds me of Sanctuary from Halo 2. All objects are positioned perfectly, and they are all aligned up. Cons: I wouldn't have put the OS in the hill, but maybe somewhere close. If it is in the hill, people can grab it, and have 5 seconds of invincibility.
Hey shockwave. Sorry I couldn't get to collaborating the clips from that game but seeing how Zachary got to it, there's no problem . I was swamped with exams and stuff. Back to topic: This map was fun and VERY well forged. The lower level is awesoem and the lift are perfect (I'm a big fan of lifts ;P). Weapon placement was great however I am not a fan of the rocket spawn haha but that's just me. Keep on forging you're doing great!
Thank you for the comments everyone... as for the ramps conker, thank you for that tidbit, I'm sure we will be going back through this a few more times to prep it for Atlas. As for the overshield in the hill, I feel that it is sorta necessary due to the vast openness of that particular hill. It gives some survivability which I feel is necessary in that area. So what sorta chance do you think this has if posted at Atlas...