Fallout 3: DLC

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Leoparddude, Jun 3, 2009.


Fallout 3: Alien DLC

  1. Epic Fail

  2. Wouldn't Buy

  3. Wouldn't Mind

  4. Could be good

  5. Godly

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  1. Leoparddude

    Leoparddude Ancient
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    #1 Leoparddude, Jun 3, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2010
  2. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    have you not watched any of the trailer?
    its a rural themed DLC

    Senior Member

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    yes there is a dlc coming out after point lookout called mothership zeta, and its a space ship that responds to the crashed spacecraft you can find in the game and you get abducted. i cant wait I <3 fallout 3
  4. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Not really critisizing the DLC story or setting, as long as I get some cool new gear which the aliens will provide for me.
  5. Kidbomber

    Kidbomber Ancient
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    Near Future of Armageddon because of Humans + Aliens that come to take over the destroyed and defenseless Earth = Seems Right to Me.
  6. desert elite

    desert elite Ancient
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    Pointlookout is gonna be focused on small guns(why I may not download it as im a energy weps character only)mothership zeta will have high tech energy weps maby even alien grenades or an alien rifle if they put that in.
  7. Draxfear

    Draxfear Ancient
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    Don't like the look of Point Lookout but I think Mothership Zeta looks good, I like that sort of thing. It will most likly have some very powerful weapons in it too :D
  8. ABigScaryBear00

    ABigScaryBear00 Ancient
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    just to let all of you guys know mother ship zeta is coming out in July but i think you know this And Also they are considering putting in a and alien rifle that will match the Tesla cannon in power but not do damage overtime but include very high criticals like the blaster another reason why this DLC will rock is because you can finallly get another source of blaster ammo other locations with ammo if you didn't know are
    -Anchorage War Memorial i found about 12-15 not that many
    -The Giant Crater by Fort Banister alot of ammo here i think like 50 something or 60's
    -Alien Ship crashed through the barn also coems with blaster
    -Firelancer Random event coems with unique blaster and soem ammo like 20 i think
    -On the Enclave Crawler At teh end of broken steel theer is a armory master who has like 20-40 ammo depends on your luck and then 36-48 more in armory on the ship
    -the last one is is Tesla's lab in the Old Onley PowerPlant from broken stell 24-36 i think
    i hope this helps people who need alien blaster ammo or who wanst some for the guns you will find on mothership zeta

    and to the person who mgiht not get point lookout beacsue of small arms focus why not get small arms to 100 also my lvl 30 has like 7 lvl 100 stats

  9. Draxfear

    Draxfear Ancient
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    Yeah, ahev 10 intelegence at the start and you can get to 100 points quite quickly. Small Arms is really good anyway, it controls your shotgun and rifle skillz
  10. desert elite

    desert elite Ancient
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    To late now but comprehension perk is one of the last perks I will get I saved all the skill books I got so when im level 30 im just gonna max out my skills that are not 100 with skill books if I feel like it.
  11. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    It's not even that hard to get all stats to level 30 by level 20.

    And Point Lookouts logo is the stupidest one yet. It's something straight out of Flintstones.
  12. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    Telrad... the point lookout logo is supposed to represent the old-time horror movie logos, that being cheesy and almost cartoonish, they did an excellent job with that, and especially with how dark this pack is going to be, they need something to lighten it up even a little bit.

    IMO, other than broken steel point lookout may be the best DLC yet. They appeared to have two different types of ghouls, versus the only one in The Pitt, as well as this is a completely new and exciting destination. Rural areas can be scary as ****, so you might be surprised with this one, which I never was with the others (well except maybe in The Pitt with the troggs going after me as I collected the ore...) Also they haven't had much of a melee oriented DLC, so I think we may be seeing a lot more melee weapons going into this, which is a lot of fun.

    With Mothership Zeta, well, it seems like Bethesda is revisiting the '50s era horror movies, now with aliens :). I can imagine it will at first feel like a cheesy horror movie, but will eventually develop into a much darker richer plot on destroying aliens, with more of an Independance day feel to it.

    Overall, I've been a big fan of all of Bethesda's DLC since Oblivion (well maybe not Horse Armor lol), and they always manage to make something for everyone to enjoy, with interesting new plots unfolding.
  13. ABigScaryBear00

    ABigScaryBear00 Ancient
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    i love Independence day and i agree about that it will seem like that towards the end

    and rural areas have always been my favorite in Fallout 3 especially when the shits scared out of me becasue that's my favorite part of all

    the Pitt wasn't as long as they made it sound becasue i thought the ore would take forever to find when it only took me about 50 minutes and i struggled to find the last 2 for ten of those

    Oblivion was amazing and the gorse armor was decent i must say but all the others rocked
    i want to also ponit out the oblivion is bigger and mroe complex then Fallout for prove download em both to your hadrdrive oblivion kis like a gig more

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