Stupid logic for a stupid thread. "No evidence to suggest he's not black therefore he is black." "No evidence to suggest he's not coin operated, therefore one of the slots in the back of his head is where you put money." "No evidence to suggest that Ryan has any intellegence, therefore he is a complete idiot." Lock thread please?
Early on in Halo: The Fall of Reach, when Dr. Catherine Halsey and Jacob Keyes go to Eridanus II to observe John as a child, he is described as "a typical six-year-old male, with tousled brown hair and a sly smile that revealed a gap between his front teeth". In Halo: The Flood, referring to John in 2552, he is described as having "Short hair, with serious eyes, a firm mouth, and a strong jaw." Also he's described as being unnaturally pale, a consequence of spending most of his time in his armor. Halopedia
Exactly. Master Chief is not black, and in the book there were no mentions of black spartans either. There was an indian one I believe, but he didn't make it through the augmentation process. Problem solved, question answered. LOCK PERHAPS?