really nicely done i will try it out but i think this should be in mini games unless theres a reason why it is in aesthetic maps 5/5
Oh wow.. I finally found this post. Great job, Ghost and Mackmack. I'm glad you put as much effort into the aesthetics as you did, and it actually works, so I have nothing bad to say, which is rare.
Thanks everyone for the great feedback. I am currently thinking up Course Two and working on this map to make it playable. A one flag game should work.
HOLE IN ONE!!!!!!, not really but veerrrrry nice, creative, well thought out, great layout and plays excellently. lastability guaranteed
Looks great, guys! I'm gonna check it out and let you know what I think. There's no doubt you live in the Woodlands, TX. You go to the Shell Open much?
when i saw this i laughed so hard thinking about the small writing you have there, it almost drove me to tears. but the map looks excellent i will be sure to d/l it once i get my xbox back and i like the idea of stabbing your opponent in the back if they beat you
Yeah I can see where you are coming from maybe if I added a bit more to it. I am glad you guys liked it. The day that I wanted to post it MacMack wasn't home so I just wrote it all out, until he got home so we could take the final picture. Glad that it made people laugh. Glad you like it. And I do live in The Woodlands, but I am not sure what you mean by Shell Open. Is it a golf tournament maybe? I am not a big fan of golf myself, just thought it would be a cool idea for a map.
Thank you very much Ferretness, that is very cool. Hopefully you will be able to do more videos for me.