Do you think as many people will play H3 when H3ODST comes out? I hope =/ EDIT: I know some people do still play H2
Sure, why not? ODST will only be fun for so long, and it only offers firefight and a campaign, no matchmaking. Halo 3 is famous for it's matchmaking, so I doubt people will stop playing.
I loved halo 2 campaign and still think it was better than halo 3s. with the main focus of halo 2 was dual wielding that may be the case here which will make odst feel like halo 2. not a bad thing at all
I feel like anyone who doesn't own halo2, says this or people dont play h2 much anymore. But on topic, people will still play halo 3. ODST is just a new way at looking at the series but when you finish it and then what? Mostly you'll return to halo 3 to show off your recon in MM...
That's what I was thinking. I bet that after maybe a week or so of ODST's release, every single matchmaking game will have at least 1 person wearing some form of recon.
I think this is why Firefight aka from now on as FF (for me anyways) was introduced. The expansion seems to revolve around teamwork so itll keep people playing plus the achievements , for awhile. By the time your done and dried up with odst halo reach will be on the horizon
Well, no duh they will still play halo 3. ODST just has a new campaign and firefight. A majority of the people enjoy multiplayer more.
From what I've heard numerous times, halo 3: ODST is the exact same thing as halo 3 but with the differrent campaign and new acheivements list. It still has multiplayer/matchmaking and forge and theater. So I don't know where you got your info that its only a campaign (with the firefight mode) on the disk but I'm pretty sure that's wrong.
Halo 3: ODST ships with 2 discs. One, the campaign and firefight, and then one with multiplayer, with all 24 maps and the new ones.
Halo 3's mutliplayer makes the most of what the Xbox 360 has to offer so you can do more things which you couldn't do in Halo 2. Plus, Halo 3 has far more players so even if many of them start to play the Reach Multiplayer instead, there will still be lots of people in Halo 3's matchmaking. Halo 3 will survive on Xbox Live for atleast another year and a half (when Reach is released, which may or may not hav a big impact) and probably for quite some time after that.
ODST is Halo 3. The multiplayer in ODST (not firefight) is the same as the multiplayer in Halo 3. So of course people will be still playing Halo 3.
Not everyone will be immensely loyal to Bungie and buy H3: OSST as soon as it is released. Wait a second... Those who didn't buy the maps are now getting their money back (essentially)! If they buy H3: ODST, then they get all the maps! Very clever Bungie. Very clever. The community is satisfied once again.
it'll be like the whole cod4 vs. cod5 thing. i know people that play cod5, and people that still play cod4. i'm sure plenty of people will still play halo3, so don't sweat it dude
Halo 3 ODST will have Online multiplayer. I read it in the Q/A Discussion on There will be 2 discs that come with the game. One for Co-Op n Fire Fight mode and the second disc will be for multiplayer. The reason why theres 2 discs, I dont know. I think it would be because the campaign is so big that Bungie couldnt fit the online multiplaye ron 1 disc.
First, I'd like to clear some things up. Being I've watched almost every E3 ODST interview with numerous gaming communities (G4, gamespot, and IGN), along with every update on the game. So I'd like to finalize two things. ODST is sold at retail deeming it a new game. It's an expansion to the Halo series, but not an expansion in a sense that to play ODST Halo 3 must be in the disk cartridge. Now to my current knowledge disk one contains Campaign, and Firefight. Disk two contains every downloadable map for Halo 3 produced, along with the three new mythic maps coming with ODST. You may be wrong, or I may be wrong, but first I'd appreciate a link to your information. For, disk two is believed to only contain multiplayer maps, not actual multiplayer for ODST as a whole. I'll look up on to maybe find your source, but could you please link us to the page when you have the time. Well, I found it, and I was correct (Not to be bitchy or anything, just don't want you to have mislead information). The second disk is Halo 3 traditional multiplayer, along with the maps. So ultimately Halo 3's disk will no longer be needed if you'd like to play ODST, unless you feel like playing Halo 3 campaign. I wonder how integration of people playign Halo 3 and ODST multiplayer will work...but we'll see. Here's a link. The Q&A is at the bottom of the update.