I'm just curious as too how many of you have twitter. Its pretty cool once you start to use it, at first I was very spectacle about it but after some messing around I'm in love it with. Anyways here is mine Whats yours?
At first when DQ introduced it, I liked it partially. Then it started to waste my time. It's like Facebook status updates, minus Facebook.
Norlinsky. I hardly ever use it, though. My friend frantically called me at 11 P.M. and forced me to register.
Nemi, you pretty much echoed my exact thoughts on Twitter. I've never used it, and I very likely never will.
For the sake of not creating another thread, I'm bumping this back up. I made a new Twitter yesterday, in an attempt to be cool. Also because I found this application on Cydia for my iPod Touch for me to be able to check up Twitter updates from my lockscreen, but same thing. My Twitter Basically, I'm just updating what's going on at the current moment. Probably nothing very serious, but sure it'll be fun just posting whatevers.
Oh the irony. I agreed with you before and now I've broken down and made a twitter myself (though before you and just to stave off anybody that would say I'm just doing whatever you do). Michael Bockelman (OozyGorilla) on Twitter
What a ****ing cockblock man, I made a thread exactly like this. Damn it... Just because your part of the "Fascist Moderator Group" doesn't mean you can hijack a thread.
I have one, but I've never 'tweeted'. I don't like stupid pointless stuff like social networking sites and the like.