As you can tell by my rank, I'm kinda new here, and have been thinking for days on end how I could create an Airstrike for my map "China Rain" that is annual and fit for balanced gameplay (I've been "thinking" because I haven't been on Xbox in a while and can't think well in my head how I could make this work.) My idea was that I want to have a switch that once activated, would carpet bomb a bridge, and you would have to wait 60-180 seconds before being able to activate again. Any suggestions please! This is crucial for this map to work! Please explain in either form of Text, video, or other. Thanks again!
You could make fusion coils spawn in the air and make them fall by a switch. Build an airplane (or anything you want the bombs to fall out of) and make it hollow. Design it so there is space for the number of fusion coils you want to be falling. Make a slightly slanted ramp out of the back and make some kind of switch that allows the fusion coils to slide down the back ramp.
I was thinking that someone flips a vehicle, moves a fusion coil that gets blown up then causes fusion coils to spawn in the skybox on Sandbox. No need for the aesthetic plane, just want them to spawn in mid air, but can I make it so that the initial fusion coil that activates the reaction to not spawn for a specific amount of time like 60 seconds or 180 seconds w/o the fusion coils that cause the airstrike to continuously fall? It reaches from one side of Sandbox to the other. It splits in two parts in the middle of Sandbox that wraps around a 4 story building that reconnects on the other side of the building, creating symmetrical gameplay. I've had this idea in my head since I got the Mythic map pack but have yet to get farther than the first half of the bridge because I got stuck on this thought.
Have a switch that holds up fusion coils and when you press it they drop down into a man cannon so the fusion coils fly out rapidly at whatever direction.
Heres My Idea. First of all an aesthetic plane would be really cool... anyways here it is. First Make a regular switch with a custom power up that would activate an elavator, but replace the grav lift at the end with half of sandbox's fusin coils. Now put them to respawn never and the run time minium to match that. Now put the remaining fusion coils in the sky with respawn 180 place at start no. Nopw when you grab a custom power up it release a fusion coil to destroy the other half then the fusion coils would spawn in the sky! Hope that wasn't too complicated.:lol: Cons: Fusion coils in sky will automitcaly fall every 180 seconds can only be used once (maybe) Hope that works!
okay i have done this b4 it just requires a little behind the scene setup to make it reuseable. here is my description 1. make a switch with a way to make a fusion coil explode a fliped mongoose will do just fine 2. the fusion coil will cause a trail to explode leading to the area where u want the airstrike. 3. the airstrike will be above the area and will be set up like this. Two bridges angled like this ^ with pallets on top of them the pallets will not spawn for how ever long you want the airstrike to last if you want a one min airstrike then have them spawn after 60 sec. on each side of the pallets will be 2 fusion coils set on instant respawn to how ever often you want the explosions to rain and in the middle of the pallet i advise something to hold it down. 4. now build some sort of shield so the pallets cant be hit from the ground like this \^/. 5. build the switch to start the reaction and set the fusion coil to not spawn for however long you want the switch to wait until being re active. Note: you need to also make sure their is no way to trow granades to set off the trail so that means making the trail of coils shielded or making the trail take just as long to spawn as the coil that starts the switch. Also you might want to add shield door on this part ( \^/ ) so nades cannot be lobbed up into the mechanics of the switch. I have made this b4 works like a charm i can build it for you if you would like PM me my GT is STK OW GURR btw