This is not staged, this is from a real matchmaking game. These two on the other hand are staged. We tried to get Chips and his recon to stay on top of the Hornet but he picked up active camo and we were impatient.
Very nice, the first one is the best, i like how the focal is put in the backround, and there is the warthog, makes it look like an action scene. epic..
The first one actually is an action scene/shot, he said it happened in matchmaking and wasn't set up. Both look cool, good job.
I dont get the concept of these screenshots. So you got some guys standing on a hornet? okay... dont make the name misleading
Yeah first is best. I love doing that. good for lols. and it doesnt matter in this case if it was staged.
It's missing spartans on either sides equipped with spartan lasers and a gauss hog on top of the hornet itself. I rofl if you actually see something like that in matchmaking. The effect in the last one is kinda cool, that's probably my favorite.