Thanks for the positive comment! I would but I have hit the item limit =( Sam as above, I have hit the item limit but thanks for the comment!
I love this map, I played this the other night with some friends and it did not disppoint! I love the bases, with the ramps and the gap with the wall, I havent seen this before and it looks very and provides a nice affect with the gameplay. Although escapable, with 4v4, which i played no-one had the time to escape. So it was great 4.7/5 from me!
The problem isn't that it's breakable, the problem is it's so easy to break, and so many ways to break it. I can grenade jump out from the top part with the 4 arch's. It's so easy to do I could do it in game by accident if someone threw a grenade behind me and I happen to jump then. Hell I can even get out of the map in 2 jumps without even grenade jumping. Just jump on top of the fin in the middle, on top of the arch structure, and out, 3 seconds tops, could even be done while taking fire. Works on both sides. Also you can get out from the bottom just by jumping on top of the slit wall and out I think you really have something going here but you just need to fix it before it'll be good. Along with this when I loaded it up the first time I spawned outside the map, looks like you didn't move all the objective start spawns(infection, assault, territories, etc). I also noticed a the defender flag spawn point on the outside of the map, and you have a neutral flag point for the defender spawn? I won't be playtesting this version, because frankly it's unplayable. The probability of a player spawning outside the playable area is too great and that's just not fun when you spawn outside. I suggest rebuilding in the sky bubble. The items you spend trying to keep players in your map could be better spent on the flooring. Then you won't have any breakage issues. Don't take this as me attacking your map. I'm simply trying to help you build the best map you can. This map feels like it has a lot of potential, it just needs to get the bugs worked out. If you want me to point some stuff out to you I can, send me a message over XBL. GT: Vincent Torre. I look forward to V2.
It looks like a pretty good map. It really reminds me of Midship for some reason. Most of your interlocking is pretty good, but there are a few areas you could work on. It really does look like a good FFA game with 4- players. maybe if you edited the spawns you could fix it.
Thanks you so much for this constructive critisism, and no i know you are not attacking me. I have hit the item limit and i like your suggestion of moving it up to the skybubble and I may do so. As far as the whole spawning out of the map situation goes, i am so sorry about that because I put the map on my fileshare before deleting all of the spawns for the other gametypes as I used a stacked map. Sorry but thanks so much for the comment that was much needed!
Please don't delete them. Even if you don't think you'll ever play VIP or infection on your map it's still good to have them on there just in case. I set up all the gametypes on blockout even though I really doubt anyone is ever going to play territories on it, I even playtested it (surprisingly fun).
Haha, (btw a massive fan of blockout) cheers so much for the advise and I will definitely take this advise for the map i am hoping to release tomorrow. Thanks so much!
i read 2 pages of comments on this map and people are giving you a hard time about something you can boot a player for doing so don't let them get to you. if there playing with people who escape maps then thats their problem. i had a question. the blocks on top of the wooden wall by snipes, are they set up off center for a reason? i don't know, that kind of bother me a little. that has nothing to do with game play and im a game play forger so you got my DL and I'll come back and rate.
thanks for the comment and the blocks are there because i ran out of item limit so had to make do with that,