Sandbox Extinction

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by MASTER016, May 24, 2009.

  1. MASTER016

    MASTER016 Ancient
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    So when u say they can get easy kills on the sides of the bridge do u mean under the bridge because if they are under the bridge u can just chuck some grenades in there and kill him and if u are talking about the top of the bridge than u can grab the sniper and snipe his head off from either the br towers or the sniper towers thanks guys i will be working on the v2 to improve the simple problems and if anyone else see anything tell me because i need to know thanks
  2. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
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    Great map!
    the asthetics are one of the best ive seen on a sand box map.
    building the sniper towers into the sand was a cool idea.
    the only thing i could say to improve it would
    be put more AR's on the map.
    10/10 tho
  3. MASTER016

    MASTER016 Ancient
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    I was told by many people that the map wasnt built to play well with AR's so i made it a BR type map due to all the spots u can br people from it makes the map play better and makes it more fun to play on, it just doesnt fell right with AR's on the map but thanks for the feed back Anymore suggestions would be welcome.
  4. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    Nice map dude cant wait to play it. One thing i would say: you should attempt some geomerging it would make the map a lot better.
  5. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    I remember playing this bad boy, lol.
    It had some nice aesthetics. Pretty neatly designed, and I thought that you made a very organized map.

    But I don't like the side bases out in the dunes, aesthetically speaking, but otherwise they are pretty niffty. ;D
  6. MASTER016

    MASTER016 Ancient
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    I will geomerge almost everything in the v2 but i will not call it v2 i will name it something else i will fix it in about 2 week i am on vacation

    When i geomerge everything i will be able to spawn more items and make it more asthetic pleasing and try to make the sniper towers less powerful if i have to for gameplay but if anyone else has anything to say it would be much appreciated thanks
  7. F2P Game7ypes

    F2P Game7ypes Ancient

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    yes i think geo-mergin and interlocking is only the point i can give you minus points.
    they layout is very good.
    weapon placement is good too.
    overall a good map.
    i cant wait for version 2.
  8. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    Alright dude i hope your ready for your review. To start off I played 5v5 slayer

    Athestics:: The map was decently athestic not the best I've seen but a lot better than what I could have done on sandbox, The to side towers, I guess you could call snipe towers, was very athesticaly pleasing especially the 3 merged objects infront of each base. Them towers really caught my eye.

    Gameplay:: The slayer was very fun, the map was balanced and good playing so guys if your wanting to get a BtB going this is the map to play. One thing that was amusing to the gameplay was your elevator that lead to a tower. I mainly stayed there and picked people off with the br, that was until i got sniped haha. I loved how the bases was like vahalla that was so epic, with the snipers missle pod and chutes, seriously that was epic.

    Weapons:: the weapon balance was very well laid. who did them you? I really like how you put the sniper at each base, and didn't put them on them side towers, that made it a lot better, because that spreaded out the weapons across the map. instead of in one place.

    Spawns:: Well i played 5v5 and I didn't get spawned at all, but my bro said he got spawn killed once from a vechicle, but it wasn't a problem cause it only happened once. Other than that the spawns were terrific

    Last notes: Dude your vallaha bases were incredible, lol I dont know why i cant get over that. Overall though the map was fantatic.
  9. MASTER016

    MASTER016 Ancient
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    in the v2 or some other name i will name it it will be all interlocked,Geomerged and i will make it Extremly asthetic pleasing as well i may try adding taller structures to make the sniper towers less powerful if needed and the spawns may be changed in some places to make it less likely to get spawned camped at all so everything will be amazing it may also be co-labed with someone to make it even better than this one or it may be a map u will never download,that is my expectations on the map at the moment so look out for v2 or Evolution when i am able to get it done
  10. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Definetely lookin out for a V2. V1 seemed fine just the way it was, But I mean hey if you can make it better I say go for it.

    P.S. if you need any help hit me up.

    A SILENT EMU Ancient
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    Alright so you have some interesting things on this map. I really like the bridge and some of the structures and it is overall well built. One thing that may or may not matter (or even be true) is that I believe the sniper towers will be underutilized or useless in objective game modes because they are so out of the way. 4/5

    ZOMBIECOW Ancient
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    a little cluttered. But overall a very good map. I like the red and blue triangles. 4 v2 focus on cleaning up some of the uneasy shapes if u know what i mean.
  13. MASTER016

    MASTER016 Ancient
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    During objective game modes people that think strategy will have a sniper out there to defend them or stop the other team

    I think i know what u mean, i will make everything very asthetic pleasing as possible next time around,but first i had to make gameplay as good as i possibly can Thanks for the feed back its much appreciated
  14. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    alright yeah a v2 would be awsome, although I really like the way you forged, you made the map got your critism, took full adavantage of people's thoughts, and now your going to go back change the gameplay thoughts and make it athesticaly pleasing. Good job.
  15. MASTER016

    MASTER016 Ancient
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    Ya, am taking full advantage and making sure everyone gives me there thought on the map because i really dont want to here to many complaints in the v2 or Evolution like i want to possibly make it feature worthy in the next and also try to get it into Matchmaking which may be hard but i will try but ,i cant start until 2 weeks from now:( ,though but if anyone wants to do a co-lab with me on it feel free to ask because that would be much appreciated
  16. AlexIsCoool

    AlexIsCoool Ancient
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    I like your use of vertical space. It might be a good idea to add a banshee. As well as weapons to destroy the banshee.

    I can see ghosts and mongeese but it does not appear as though it would be a good map to drive on for there are many obstacles. Clean up unnecessary clutter around the map because more is not always better.

    Also add mancannons to help players reach the sniper tower faster. It looks like a long journey with no cover.

    Good map though.
  17. MASTER016

    MASTER016 Ancient
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    I really like that idea about the mancannon thing because someone told me to make a bridge up to it but i really wouldnt like the look so having a cannon man could make it also asthetic pleasing to get there,nice idea,i may put a banshee depending on how it changes gameplay up and if it to over powering ,the reason i put mongooses on the map was for ctf and assault because people like when there is a vehicle on the map to move faster but its also not always a good idea to use because of missle pods and enough cover but not to much cover to move around but that is some good feed back thank much appreciated hope to here from u again thanks
  18. cheese and fries

    Senior Member

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    This map isnt competitive....but AR start/Random Secondary CAPTURE THE FLAG IS AMAZING

    Everybody goes to the outer sniper perches, pretty amazing. The Snipers are very hidden in the bases so its bettter to do random second weps on this map, or else it sucks ass, imo. Middle Bridge is good, reminiscent of Halo:CE,

    only thing is what is the point of mancannons? I love going out of them with the flag but....thats already a huge advantge right there...but that makes this map great!! that you dont need to walk all the wal around, but the paths are usually always the same if everyone takes the mancannon all the time
  19. MASTER016

    MASTER016 Ancient
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    what people dont know is that u can use the cannon man for helping ur freinds or moving the flag by throwing the bubble sheild or flag ect off of the cannon man and it usually lands on the bridge deppending on the angle of the throw also what do u mean it not competitive ,another thing is that u say the map isnt fun unless u have a secondary weopon ,thats why i placed a weapon close to each spawn unless people forget to set the settings with a secondary weopon and also it depends on who u are playing with because not everyone use the mancannon all the time because its almost a death trap at time because u are in the air and if some sniper sees u ur dead but this is good feed back thanks
  20. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    The day you tested this I had something going on, so I could only stay for about 2 games. I really would like to try this one again though, because the CTF game I played on it worked great. You have some really nice design elements that give Extinction a very unique feel. I'm going to call them the "Goal Posts" that tower over each base are fun and give it a football stadium look. The middle divider does a great job of separating the battles from bases to base. I also enjoyed the color lighted floating towers on the sides of the map. This is a map that I wanted to give a little more attention to. Nice forge.

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