Sandbox Jumper: FaceOff

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Xang, Jun 6, 2009.

  1. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Jumper: FaceOff

    Welcome to the newest addition to my jumping maps, Jumper: FaceOff. I got the idea for this map not long ago when i was playing a jumping map with a friend. I decided to make a map were you could get a friend and race them to the end, kinda like a fast pace jumping map. I mostly made this map because i have realized that lots of people argue about who is the better jumper, well this is the map to prove it on. Its not that large but its just meant to be a little jumping race course. Now that Ive covered why i made it and what it is, i will explain how the map works. Both players start on separated walls where they cannot get to eachother. It basically has late jumping, crouch jumping, scaffholding jupmping and obelisk jumping. Although words can never explain it completely so on to the pics.

    Here is the overview of the map, as you can see, it is a straight jumping map that goes straight across the sky bubble.
    Here is the starting point. As a said before each player spawns away from eachother, and from all i know, you cant get to eachother. The teleporters behind each players lead you to the other side. I put those there because while testing the map players tend to spawn on the same side when they die, even when i fixed the spawn settings. So just remember if you spawn on the same side, go through the teleporter!
    After a bunch of late and crouch jumping, both players have to do scaffholding and slide jumping.
    After that, a light jump. The kill ball is only there to blind you, as i will show in the next screenshot. Anyways all you have to do is jumper on the red light, followed by the blue light.
    Here is the red light while standing infront of the kill ball, this is how you will see it.
    After that, a double obelisk jump! I love this jump, i just hope you and your friend can do it.
    After that double obelisk jump, there is the finish! I wonder who will finish first, you? Or your friend?

    Well, i hope that you enjoy this little jumping race, and i assue you that you can expect an even harder version in the future.

    Tester- llLilNinjill - I would like to thank you for testing and helping me fix the bugs on my map.

    For map click-HERE
    For gametype click-HERE
  2. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Hey man I love your jump maps. A racing jump map is a great idea! But I think you should had chosen a few better jumps for the course. I'm not sure if anyone really likes the killball jump. Its hard to see the light (but thats probably the point). I'm not a fan of jumping on those corner pieces either... I think the other ones you have here are fun though..
    So I think its a great idea... But I wish there were more enjoyable jumps (more slide jumps and such). I can't wait for your next jump map!
  3. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Sure thing, if you suggest a jump that i should put in my next version of the map chances are if its good i will put it in, so i will remember to put more slide jumps in my map, and if anyone wants me to put ghost jumps in the map then i also will.
  4. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Oh you take requests eh? Well then yes, I would love some ghost jumps! And remember that valley of jumps you did in the expert jump map? You need another one..but way longer! I like slide jumps and radar jumps too. Turret jumps are fun but not too many at once, ya know? I like most couch-late jumps as well. I think you should take the best jumps from each of your maps and put them all in the same course. That would rock! Or do that in a race-jump map like this one!...
    #4 Gunnergrunt, Jun 6, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2009
  5. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Hmm... Quite alot of jumps... Im going to work on a map which im going to try to post within a week... I will take some of your request but you will have to wait to find out which ones i pick.
  6. Ahogan11

    Ahogan11 Ancient
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    wow i really like that you compined a jumping map into a race that was a great idea. i havent seen that done before and it looks like you did a good job at hte jumps as well ill dl and try it out 5/5
  7. The Unirocerous

    The Unirocerous Ancient
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    Looks awesome, I can't believe I have not seen other maps like it (as in, competitive jump maps)... I am a huge fan of jump and puzzle maps, so I am getting this and all your other jump maps for sure... If I can figure out any way to break your map(s), as I enjoy breaking maps, I will tell you ;). Anyways, back to the topic, it looks awesome. And keep up the good work.

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