
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by HaloFan321, Mar 28, 2008.

  1. HaloFan321

    HaloFan321 Ancient
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    Introducing Introducing Heist! The game that lets you play as one of the worlds greatest thieves!

    The webster dictionary describes the word Heist as "an armed robbery, to commit an armed robbery".
    It's true!

    In this game, which can be found here, one player spawns as the zombie or "thief" in his trusty van. He has many ways to break into the "Bank", which is the large structure in the middle of the map.

    The humans, or "cops", spawn in the courtyard. The cops spawn with battle riffles. Everybody has only one life per round. For the cops to win, they either need to survive the entire round (I suggest you change this according to your preferances and part size), or kill the thief. For the thief to win, you need to kill all of the cops in the time limit.

    Now you ask, "How does one person defeat an entire team?". The answer is simple. All across the map, there are little hidden routs that only the thief can access. Why? Because the thief has a normal jump height and the cops have 300% gravity. Half of the fun in the map is finding all of the secret routes.

    The cops spawn with Battle Riffles, standard issue SWAT weapons, however, all the dead guards from a previous attempt to break in have left usefull weapons skattered across the bank.

    There are many secret paths but I didn't wat to reveal many. So here is just one, the easiest one to find and most usefull. The Tunnels. The tunnel is one of the key components to this map. The entire bank is elevated above the ground, and this tunnel, allows for quick escapes and surprise attacks.

    Hints: The object for the Thief is to be super stealthy. Cruch walk often and try not to be in the open for too long. Try to get some long range kills from the roof against cops too dumb to go where it is safer inside.

    List of Abilities for Thief:
    Cannot Pick up Weapons
    No Shields
    Good Camo
    90% gravity (jumps a bit higher than normal)
    No motion tracker

    List of Abilities for Cops:
    Can pick up weapons
    Motion Tracker with reduced range.
    No shields
    No camo
    300% Gravity (Jumping is useless)

    List of weapons for cops on map:
    Flare (Basicly a free get away from the thief once for free ticket)
    AR (Spread shot is really useful)
    SMG (Not as good, but beats BR against the thief at close range)
    FlameThrower (For the crazy on the balcony)
    Shotgun (Could this have been a last resort attempt to protect the vault?)


    Van: A thief has to get around somehow.
    [img width=800 height=600]http://i251.photobucket.com/albums/gg303/HaloFan321/Van.jpg[/img]

    Thief Tunnels: A thief also needs a way to initially break in.
    [img width=800 height=600]http://i251.photobucket.com/albums/gg303/HaloFan321/Tunnels.jpg[/img]

    The Vault Vault: You can't have enough security!
    [img width=800 height=600]http://i251.photobucket.com/albums/gg303/HaloFan321/SafeVault.jpg[/img]

    Courtyard: The flare and SMG spawns here.
    [img width=800 height=600]http://i251.photobucket.com/albums/gg303/HaloFan321/CourtyardOverview2.jpg[/img]

    Courtyard 2: Cops and AR spawns here.
    [img width=800 height=600]http://i251.photobucket.com/albums/gg303/HaloFan321/CourtyardOverview1.jpg[/img]

    Balcony: Home of the Flamethrower and pistols, zombie gets easy kills here from the rooftops.
    [img width=800 height=600]http://i251.photobucket.com/albums/gg303/HaloFan321/Balcony.jpg[/img]

    I worked very hard to make sure that the game is balanced for any size party and have determined that the amount of time the thief gets to hunt needs to be greater for larger parties, as does the ammount of rounds. If sombody is new to game plese explain the concept of stealth or that person usually dies within the first thirty seconds. Always look for alternative routs to get places as the Thief. Every single area has secret ways out (With the exception of lowerfloor in the bank, which only has plenty of entrances). Also, keep contious of the Cop radar and always move.

    Happy Human Hunting
  2. G-Bag

    G-Bag Ancient
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    Re: Become the thief in "Heist"!

    sounds interesting.. but is there nothing for the thief to steal?? seems to me that a game called heist with a player called a thief should have an objective to steal something, not to murder all of the cops in the vault hehe.

    looks more like he's a crazed cop killer assassin than a thief, maybe you should call it umm psycho murderous cop hating ninja!!
  3. HaloFan321

    HaloFan321 Ancient
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    Re: Become the thief in "Heist"!

    I know, It used to be a teritories version but unfortunatly, I couldn't incorperate the stealth feature with that so I settled on Zombies and compleatly redid the map to incorperate various shortcuts. I even rotated it 90 degrees to make room for the vault area.
  4. InventiveLizard

    InventiveLizard Ancient
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    Re: Become the thief in "Heist"!

    Maybe the theif should get a sniper and no camo. Camo takes away the idea of stealth and simply says "crouch walking is stealth".
  5. HaloFan321

    HaloFan321 Ancient
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    Re: Become the thief in "Heist"!

    I tried it w/o camo and the zombie would always die too soon, the Camo is a neccesity, also, the map is large, you cannot kill all the humans in time by crouchwalking. With the sniper, the zombie would be terrible in the house and rock outside, makeing him stay on the rooftop the entire match. I used to have swords but that made a lot of windows redundant, then shotties which just felt wrong because the humans would stay outside and own with thier Brs, also made the rooftop redundant. I trid a BR but that was overpowered, sniper, Plasma pistol (too weak), and rockets (which were wrong). I never tried any other weapons.
  6. RoastedVeggies

    RoastedVeggies Ancient
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    Re: Become the thief in "Heist"!

    Ive got a solution to the game type problem. To make it more like your actually "robbing" the place, change the game type to one sided assault. The bomb will be the item that the thief has to steal and so you would put it in the vault. So the thief would have to make it into the vault, take the bomb, and plant it outside, in order to successfully steal the item and win. This would solve the problem of camping on the roof or whatnot because both teams would have to move around the map whether it be to steal or prevent the theft of the bomb.
  7. HaloFan321

    HaloFan321 Ancient
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    Re: Become the thief in "Heist"!

    But then the thief cannot be slightly weaker then the humans and require stealth, both teams would be alike and there would be nothing to differentiate the thief from the cops, which I really don't want. The who theme of the map is stealth and that would remove it.
  8. RoastedVeggies

    RoastedVeggies Ancient
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    Re: Become the thief in "Heist"!

    True, but cant you make it that the attacking team has different stats? or is that just for gametypes like zombies and juggernaut.
  9. HaloFan321

    HaloFan321 Ancient
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    Re: Become the thief in "Heist"!

    Just zombies and Juggy I'm afraid.
  10. RoastedVeggies

    RoastedVeggies Ancient
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    Re: Become the thief in "Heist"!

    Well, i do have one more idea but i dont know how well this would work. What you do is have one team (most likely the thief) spawn on a custom power up. This way the teams would have different stats and there could also be an item to steal.

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