Debate Is Obama on our side?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Zendarrun, Jun 3, 2009.

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  1. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I would have to say that it annoys me when people say that Obama is harming our national security. I will dispute this one point at a time.
    On your first two points, please cite your sources. I am not aware of these non-military reasons that he is spending money on. Also, the United States has a missile defense system and the Defense department (which happens to be led by Robert Gates, the same official that President Bush appointed) is constantly getting funding for defense-related activities.

    You say that President Obama is supporting Iran's nuclear program. I have a feeling that you really do not understand this. Obama is against nuclear proliferation in any country that may be hostile. He has said that countries should have the right to nuclear energy as long as they do not use the nuclear technology for their own destructive ends. If you listened to his entire speech in Cairo this week, you would know that he is very much against any sort of nuclear proliferation.

    Next you say that he has done little stop North Korea's nuclear tests. My question to you is, what more can he do? Our nation already has sanctions on North Korea, a starving country with few rights. They plan to become the predominant power in the world, and are lied to to believe that their country is far better than any other. They practically live in a fantasy world, and that is why Bush/Obama Administration sanctions have done little to affect their country's nuclear proliferation. Beyond sanctions, there is little to stop another country's actions other than war. Is war the correct decision? Perhaps, but the country of North Korea does have a strong military force because of its devotion to its army and nothing else. A weapon of mass destruction is unthinkable because of its proximity to 3 of our major allies/competitors (China, South Korea, and Japan). In response to this, I want to know from you what Obama should be doing on the issue of North Korea because to tell you the truth I don't know what more he can do other than war of course.

    Your last point is that President Obama is apologizing for the war in Iraq, and my response is this: How does that undermine our national security? Whether or not the Iraqi people are better off without Saddam Hussein is not the issue at hand here. The problem was faulty intelligence about weapons of mass destruction. The Bush Administration never truly apologized for the incursion into Iraq, and that is the reason that Obama "apologizes" for it. The real reason that he spoke about Iraq in Cairo this week was because it is a subject that angers the Muslim population in the Mideast. Much like over in the States, there is spin on news and information in the Mideast. People there may have false information that the war in Iraq was "A Christian Holy War" or a plan to spread our American culture and take over or something silly like that. President Obama is looking out for the country when he apologizes for Iraq because he is trying to calm down resistance in the Mideast. America, being very much a/the predominant world power gives its President two roles. The first and most important is to look over the citizens/residents of America and the second and almost as important is to keep global order. President Obama wants the best for Americans when he apologizes for our careless war in Iraq.

    So in conclusion, yes, President Obama is very much on our side.


    Oh and Spartin2000
    This is very misinformed. I wouldn't call the President of America anti-American. Read his book... it give you a much better insight into his mind. It's called the something of something... ah yes it's the Audacity of Hope... I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was the only book I finished last summer.

    And to both of you... watch this video. You don't have to watch the whole thing obviously, but it's Obama's Cairo address. Keep in mind, his kind words to other countries do not mean he is bowing to them... it means he is good at foreign policy. And when he says Salam Alaikum it just means "Peace be with You" and it is a very typical greeting in middle eastern countries.
    YouTube - President Obama Speaks to the Muslim World from Cairo, Egypt
    #21 M.Jelleh, Jun 5, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2009
  2. AlbinoFruitcake

    AlbinoFruitcake Ancient
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    i think that Obama is doing the right thing. he turned the page on the last 8 years of US history under Bush, whom i did not like.

    Plus, if he does do something wrong, he will only do it once becuase someone will assassinate him, because there are so many racists out there that probably want him dead.
  3. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Are you really that ignorant?

    Wow, really? Our involvement in Iraq helps nothing. We have spent nearly a trillion dollars for this war[1]. 9/11 caused about $27 Billion[2]. Casualties in Iraq are at 4311 with the latest death June 5th (today)[3]. In 9/11? 2,752 [4]. If you think staying in Iraq will stop Terrorism, you're wrong. Take a look at Al Qaeda's history. They move around a lot [5]. Stopping one place wouldn't do much.

    Why not? Respect is good.

    How can we stay in Iraq and build our forces?[3]. We have enough. Our spending is already incredibly high.

    Obama should destroy them? Wow. Instead, render them useless. Silo can be destroyed with much less harm [7]. US has been doing it for years. We need not pick fights with other nations.

    China isn't stupid. They wouldn't attack their best buyer.

    You're an idiot.

    So? Many people do. It's the woman's choice[8]. Overpopulation is a huge issue as well[9].

    I wish no one had! Ever hear of separation of church and state?[10]

    Statically, the president's job is the most dangerous job.


    Source 1
    Source 2
    Source 3
    Source 4
    Source 5
    Source 6
    Source 7
    Source 8
    Source 9
    Source 10
    Source 11

    Remember people, he's one person.
  4. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Sorry I just wanted to say that he did swear in on a Bible.
    In fact, it was President Lincoln's Bible.

    Source 2

    Did anyone realize that conservatives typically have some reality where 3rd world countries are going to possess a nuclear armament and immediately fire everything they have at us. They are smarter than that. They would try to get their demands first... probably. Anyway it seems like conservatives always try to use fear mongering to win votes.

    Sorry if that's a bit off subject.
    #24 M.Jelleh, Jun 5, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2009
  5. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Don't you guys know? Obama is conspiring with the Illuminati and the Guys Who Faked The Moon Landing to destroy America! By spreading goodwill amongst the world, he is attempting to kill us with Anti-American God-hating Nucular Communist Jihads! We must remain strong against this threat by banning abortions, attaching the Christian church to the state, pass laws in favor of inept corporate executives, and outlawing any talk about Evolution! If you don't go with us, then you're unpatriotic.


    ZOMBIECOW Ancient
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    Ever heard of the Cold War? Why didn't the Soviet Union attack us, because we had ICBMs. If they attack, we attack back: lose lose. That is why having them is important for our protection. Anyway Obama is trying to take away our missles away. No gain, only a loss of intimidation resulting in a more vulnerable US.
    #26 ZOMBIECOW, Jun 6, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2009
  7. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Obama is trying to take away our missiles away?

    Please cite your sources because I have never heard about this. Any cuts to military spending are minimal because as you can see in Scope's post, the US already spends an enormous amount on defense.

    If you are talking about nuclear disarmament, that has been going on for years under many administrations, Republican and Democrat, so that other nations will feel the pressure to do the same.
  8. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    The funniest part about zombie's post, is how he says there is no gain by taking funding away from the military.

    It's as though he thinks the money is evaporating into thin air, by not being put into the military.

    ****ing l. o. l.
  9. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    I hate how you all ask to site sources yet you never do that for your own statements... Hypocrites...

    ZOMBIECOW Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Compared to the trillions of dollars of useless bailout money, what is a few billion to keep our missles up.
  11. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Because no one is citing their sources here.
  12. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    No They're there Not.

    #32 RadiantRain, Jun 6, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2009
  13. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    If I don't see a leniency in behavior in this thread, it will be getting locked. This is your final warning people.
  14. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Wait, what?
  15. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    I noticed that afterwords, too... Hypocritical, yes. What am I gunna say though, besides chill the **** out, people?
  16. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    you know..... you're right and i didn't know that when he bowed to the head of Saudi Arabia it meant peace be with you and what you said gave me a different insight on him.
  17. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I was using widely known facts for the most part Rain. If you have an issue with the legitimacy of something in particular that I said, please point it out.

    Oh, and I like the new name tecks.

    Spartin2000, there is no point to being a smartass in the debates forum. It doesn't make you look witty, just like a close-minded douche. I'm glad we had this chat.
    #37 M.Jelleh, Jun 6, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2009

    ZOMBIECOW Ancient
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    Sorry, but if were going to talk about conservatives lets talk liberals. Don't u think liberals have some reality where the hard workers are losers and don;t deserve their money while the useless unemployed or uneducated get free ****. Somehow they win votes like that. Maybe because that is half of this ****in country. Anyway if u don't agree go to hell u liberal scum. I now see why this whole website is liberal. Because u guys sit on ur asses all day and play games and post continously on forgehub.
    #38 ZOMBIECOW, Jun 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2009
  19. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Hey, don't look at me. I'm no liberal. But I'm no conservative either. Associating with either party is stupid. Both have their incompetents and their corrupt; I just support whoever I think is less inept or corrupt. You can't stand on your high horse about how your party is any much better than another person's party, because there are just as many people who prove the other parties points on your party as there are people on their party who prove your points about their party. You say the socialism is from the incompetent and exploiting; they say that capitalism is from the incompetent and exploiting. You say that abortion is murder in the short term; they say that overpopulation is murder in the long run. You say that guns should be allowed to prevent crime; they say that guns should be banned to prevent crime. In other words, you're both idiots that don't accept the underlying fact that you're arguing each other over the same issues, while the real bad guys are winning.

    By the way, nice way to use Objectivism to prove your cause, even though Objectivism is completely irrelavant to Conservativism in today's regards. You're like those guys who shout out, "Where is John Galt?", without understanding what it means, or even realizing that you're misquoting the book. Make up your own arguments instead of jacking them off of classics, and then maybe they'll start to make sense.

    Oh, and if you don't agree, then go to hell, dumbass. At least the rest of us here can be open-minded about some issues.

    And get this locked already. It wasn't a good debate topic to start with, and it never will be.
    #39 Nemihara, Jun 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2009

    ZOMBIECOW Ancient
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    I agree that the republican party today has lost a wheel. If only Ronald Reagan could come back from the dead. But the heart of america is being lost through socialism. The left has gone lefter as well as the right. So even classic democrats can agree with the "republican party" today. By the way, if open-minded means being a stupid ant-conservative, then good job.
    #40 ZOMBIECOW, Jun 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2009
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