Unless it's playable this should be in the Aesthetic section I think. Aside from that, it looks good and it is huge! I don't see many humans made in Sandbox, nice job, expecially the mouth.
it really doesnt look anything like a human to me, its square with little interlocking, the head doesnt look anything like a human, and its hands and feet are just stumps (basically). Try making another one that actually has some curves
That's pretty epic. All I need to say is do some interlocking to touch it up, and make the mouth less vampire-ish.
haha, when I first saw this I actually lolled and I had no idea why. Then I found out it was cause your person reminded me of that strange furry brown monster: except lankier. Anyway, the person looks pretty nicely forged, but like the others have said you could maybe interlock more to make him more humanish (unless of course you're going for the robotic look) and give him some shoulders which link his arms to his body. Apart from that, he's well cool I love it how his teeth make him look scary from the humans point of view in the 1st pic XD
it reminds me of E.T. but is pretty epic although im sure this belongs in the asthetic section anyway cool map could use a little touching up however but i like the head.
............. its face is awsome but the rest looks like you just threw it together and didn't care about it....... and as for the first comment i see it is on aesthetic maps................ nice face by the way work harder on the body feet and arms next