METEOR STRIKE Made by Mastar DOWNLOAD Meteor Strike - Gametype. Crater - Map Variant. This is a Mini Game idea I toyed with briefly when Sandbox first came out. Originally, it was called Magnifying Glass on Ant Hill. But that didn't score high enough on the epic meter. So I came back to it a few days ago.. tidied the map up a bit and changed the gametype settings, giving the zombies Rocket Launchers and a couple Flame Grenades. The Humans spawn in the "crater" and are forced to dodge the meteors as they hurtle from the sky if they want to stay alive. When the humans die their souls are transported to the heavens where they become meteor launching tyrants. (5 point reward for Last Man Standing) At the start, TWO Zombies spawn in the skybox and play God, tossing meteors (rockets and flame grenades) with the flick of the trigger finger.. towards the helpless mortals. (1 point per kill) The zombies' numbers become greater as the game goes on. This game is made for some casual crazy fun. But I decided to add some scoring just to keep it a little interesting. A regenerator spawns in the centre of the crater, 60 seconds into the game. Recommended Players: Lots. Honour Rules.. If you're a zombie. Don't blast your zombie friends off the edge. IF YOU DO.. you will be booted from the game. : ) PICKSHAZ. The Humans. The infected Guys. Don't look down, you won't be able to see the meteors. Bang. Thanks for checking it out. Download it and tell me what you think. Or else.. DOWNLOAD Meteor Strike - Gametype. Crater - Map Variant.
looks good. hope to play this soon, my b-net profile is messed up so i'll use my brothers in a few days.... it'd be cool if there were multiple craters and there is a teleporter in each so that the humans can go between them. or you can just make tunnels leading to them........
Nice... =) I just checked this out a while ago. The whole concept is amazing, but sadly, I can't even play it because my Gold membership is not renewed yet. Exactly how many percent of players are humans and how many percent are zombies? In the picture, I saw several humans and three zombies. The number of humans are okay, but the number of zombies should be two in my opinion. I don't know, I just feel that three is a little too much. But that's just me. Great gametype. Hope to play it soon.
lmao i like this map this is a really good looking game and ill try it out it seems as if it would be to small of an area, you may need to make it bigger. Also i was thinking it might help out a bit if you add brute shots, and some nads. and some way for the ground players to fight back, idk but any way this game looks grate and i gotta play.
Wow, looks great. Pretty original idea and the forging of human spawn loosk great. I actually had an idea of doing something like this although whenever i forged the circle i would face Great job and it looks epic with alot of people.
Looks really fun, and the map itself is very well made. My first impression was that it would be too ridiculous to have a fish bowl of zombies pummeled by 60+ rockets, but it looks like you've balanced everything out nicely.
Cool We enjoyed it. Pretty cool concept. Had thought of doing something similar a while back w attackers in the skybubble shooting spartan lasers (lightning). Might be cool to add an occasional deployable cover. Wont be much defense but thats the idea right. ManRayX LV-426SIETCHHAIL MARYSHADOW-ASSAULT