Scoobie-Two Made By: Prodigious 7k and JayDee 106 Supported Gametypes: All (FFA and Team) Slayer, Oddball, King of the Hill, VIP, Infection and Juggernaut variants. Recommended Players: 4-10 Download Link The Map Scoobie-Two is a surprisingly fun map with games people don't play very often like oddball and juggernaut. play it, you will be very pleasantly surprised by its fast paced game-play which makes for a lot of laughs and a lot of surprising outcomes. The Motive The Reason i made this map is because me and my friends on Xbox live that frequently play Halo 3 have for a while played a map called scoobie-doo (i don't know who made it, so i don't have permission). And it was great for infection just watching people going in and out of the tunnels . But with Sandbox and my forging skills much better than when i first saw the messy, badly forged original, i made a version on Sandbox. Creation I wanted this map to be better than the old version in 2 ways. Make it un-cheatable: on the old version, hiding behind the teleporters was widely used because when the zombie tried to kill a human they went through the teleporter instead of killing them. On mine this is impossible as i have interlocked in the teleporters. Set it up for a variety of gametypes: The old version only worked with infection, however mine works with Slayer, Oddball, King Of The Hill, Juggernaut, Infection and VIP. Weapons and Equipment Trip Mine x2 Regenerator x2 Deployable Cover x2 Flare x2 Gravity Hammer x1 SMG x2 Shotgun x2 Battle Rifle x2 Needler x2 Extra Information The teleporters are all either Two-Way nodes or a Sender with a Receiver inside, this makes all the teleporters both Senders and Receivers. Please don't judge the gameplay until you try it. It is surprisingly awesome with large parties. The recommended players varies from game to game depending on the gametype that is being played, but i recommend no more than 10 players in one game. You may find the choice of weapons and equipment random, i assure you that they work very well with all the gametypes that the map supports. Map Screenshots Overview (ceiling deleted) Overview (showing weapon placements) Inside the Tunnels Down the corridor Zombie Spawn Tube (infection only) Gameplay Screenshots Team Slayer Slayer Oddball King of the Hill Infection Juggernaut Thanks to my testers: (Gamertags) Shooter 517 Danny 7005 TULLY13 Master Jamster HarmfulLemon dirty darth Rat 437 0ixSubZ3roxi0 spirit of doom (+ guests) Calum9216 CosmicToast20 I have done extensive testing and all the feedback has been awesome, I hope yours is too but i accept all constructive criticism as it will help with future versions. Thanks for reading. Download Scoobie-Two (link) Throobie-Doo I am already taking ideas for another version. Like spawning tubes, multi layers etc. If you have any ideas (especially name) for a version 3 please tell me below. If anyone is interested i found a map that runs along these lines but is not the one i based this map on. (link)
reminds me of the stupid scene in scooby doo pros nicely forged nice interlocking really fun game cons i dont think there is anything bad with the map overall 4.433345434/5
The whole concept of the first version was to recreate the stupid scooby doo scenes so in turn this does too. If you have any comments for another version d4rkdemon then they would be well appreciated.
Oh i get it, when they are running through multiple doors down a long corridor or something like that. It looks like chaos in there but that could be fun too. Oddball would seem a little ridiculous on this though....
Tully13 you could just delete them when you download the map and replace them with radar jammers ? The Stickmen, the gameplay is chaos, very very fun chaos. thanks for the comments guys
I finnaly understand the map how when the villian would chase them tru doors and that stuff. If I had live I would immediatily download cuz this looks really fun fast paced gameplay. I love how you made it work for alot of gametypes! I cant think of anything bad really. 4.5/5
Thanks for the comment, the gameplay is very fast paced and very enjoyable, and i probably should of explained more about the scooby doo aspect of the map. 1 question: why are you on forgehub if you dont have live?
Wow. This proved to me that I should stop judging maps by their names. This seems like the perfect game for the type of custom games my friends and I play and it will hold us over for a lot of games. I can't see this working well for KOTH or Oddball, though. Infection will be hilariously confusing.
Thanks for the comment, i was aiming for a map that is fun to play for people who play for fun not competetively. KOTH and oddball especially, even though they are a weird choice of games the work suprisingly well, you should try them.