Made for Conquest,Heiroglyphs is a remake of my first map Nile fever.Plenty of changes have been made that will improve the gameplay of this already great map. Weapons List: 2 Brute shots 2 snipers 4 brs 4 smgs 4 plasma rifles 4 magnums 4 plasma gernades red 1st territory and brute shot reds 2st terr and sniper and nades reds 3rd terry the new middle (teles are just for looks) blues 3rd terry blues 1st terry,snipe,nades,and brute overview Download : Halo 3 File Details
This map is honestly so good. I love the way you placed your weapons, it's very original. You went the extra mile with the aesthetics, and it makes it unique. The narrow hallways and the abundance of cover make it look like a great conquest map. Awesome job, I think you should've cleaned up some of the walls like the one in the 5th picture.
This is much, much better than the first version. I'm glad you've put all your recent conquest experience to use! The weapon placement is better, but most weapons still need work (the sniper is great). The territory sections are a open so this would be best for large parties. There is little to block off lines of sight in the middle territory. And with snipers and BR's on the map, that could be a problem. There are still several places for assassinations as well, but less than before. Its gettin there! I'd love some invites for this!
very ascetically pleasing, ill have to check it out after my xbox gets back until then i cannot say anymore.
This looks like an exceptional conquest map, my favorite parts would have to be the aesthetic touches with the columns. For example the sniper spawn-SWEET! I also think that the pyramid is nice, and it really makes the ancient egyptian-ish feel I assume you were going for, even though you can't get to it. I would download but none of my cheap friends have sandbox yet so I wouldn't play it much anyway.
thanx for the great replies...the sniper is a little problem but its on 90 sec respawn so it kinds keeps it in check...other then that the colum in the middle terry blocks most line of sight for the snipe anyway.
very good map made for conquest very unqik kind of map, btw the last picture it looks like red base have the addvantage it looks smaller to get to the middle
Looks really good and i love the design, although i feel like ive seen it before, and not from your other map... The map look quite neat and it looks pretty good for conquest. Keep up the great maps.
I mean im not saying you havent seen it but plaese show me a map tahts simaler to this 1.i mean i put a lot of work in this map...the middle territory is a pyramid!!! i could of just made it a box or a real smaall pyramid but i went the extra mile and made it a huge neat pyramid...and no side has the advantage its total symetric.
the sniper place is absolutely awesome. i would download a map with JUST that in it. awesome, love conquest, will have fun playing!
Gameplay:The game played perfectly.I love the movement around the map.When I played it I always was on the blue side.For some reason I thought they were uneven.So I went into forge and found them even.The gameplay is pleasing. Weapons:The weapons could be changed a bit.Maybe replace Br's with spikers for a change.I always get overpowered by a Br.Plasma rifles are fine.Overall the weapons are not perfect. Well based on that I think the map is really great overall.You should build more conquest.
This is a very good map and its aesthetics are terrific. The reason you all seem to have Deja Vu is because this is very similar to gold rush (which is amazing) and this map lives up to it. 5/5
the only thing I would change is make the walls a little taller or just put a roof on it because just looking at the screen shots, I can figure out a bunch of ways to get out of the map, and the last thing you want is to have someone double jump onto the walls and just walk around the other team. the brute shot would help a lot too. but besides that, it's beautiful. looks like a lot of fun to play. Add my GT Hidden Outcast if you want me to "HLG" test it for you
Hey, erm, yeah, just incase you don't think you know me, first im going to say my gamertag is DEVILDESH, now that you know that, i think you'll rememeber me play testing this unofficially with you; it was absolutely AMAZING, everything, i'll start with the gameplay; Was absolutely intense, i had no idea how long i was going to survive (Especially with you on the other team.) the place where the sniper spawn looks cool, and grabbed my attention straight away, (Though whilst i was on blue side it was harder than on red side to see the actual sniper.) The gameplay bassically flowed perfectly throughout. Just one thing; I got out with my friend and on my own, I've messaged you on the xbox about that. Next, the aesthetics, they are very nearly flawless, there are only some minor things like slanted wooden bridges on the sides of the path from each teams spawn, but you can't notice that unless you look really close, and that some of the coloured columns are not quite straight in some of the merge-places. Aside from those it looks really awesome. Alright...I think I'm done with the review now, within reason, and onto the numbers and the line For the simple reason of being able to get out of the map, I'm giving this map a 9/10, if you talk to me on the xbox when you're next on, i'll be happy to explain how i've gotten out, and i also have some suggestions as to how to fix it. So yeah...its absolutely Amazing! i recommend this to anyone who wants a good conquest map.
Wow. This is very nice. You seemed to have balanced aesthetics and gameplay. It looks great. I looks to play well, but the sniper seems unnoticable, which might make it hard to use during the game. Otherwise, like Rifle said, clean the walls up a bit, and it's a great map.
love this, great theme, sniper placement, simplicity, awesome. It was also my inspiration to make a new game type, swat elimination, its in my sig