Author:: Grimnak god (my other account) SONNIELION Download Sonnielion Description:: This is for sure my best map I've ever created I would say i stepped up my forging a lot and I think it shows in this map. After at least 60-70 hours of forging and about 5 testing, I would like to announce my new map Sonnielion. With the help of some friends and new techniques learned, I think that this map has became a masterspiece. The great athestic structures (I know i made my map have some athestics) and great gameplay, I hope all of you enjoy this map as much as I have. Supported players:: 4-8 Supported games:: Team slayer Ctf Koth Oddball Territories Weapon list and equipment:: 1)Gravity hammer-asymetrical-180 1)Flame thrower-symetrical-180 4) brs-30 2) smgs-30 2) plasma pistol's-60 2) plasma rifles-30 4) carbines-30 --------------------------- 2) frags-10 plasma's-30 1) Regenerate-150 2) power drains-150 1) Came-both-150-spawn at place (NO) HUGE AND SPECIAL THANKS TOO! [BlazeisGod] For weapons, spawns, suggestions, dedication to stay helping me with my map, And for getting all this done without complications. [pixie dustttt] For his great help, he was with me on this map the whole time, and he gave me fantastic tips and techniques. also thanks to the testers: Sir Shazmanoid Luck Fogan Syvarres Chast Number De1nemudda Snobbie 00 Quotes:: BlazeisGod Quote: Your new changes are amazing Pixie Dustttt Quote: Dude thats some sick door merges Chaste Number Quote: KOTh was defenitly the best supported gametype Luck Fogan Quote: Hands down one of the most fun made maps I've played on this year Syvarres Quote: I dont know how you do it Grimnak God but these athestics are great! Now the Pictures:: Defenders side and base [/URL] The defenders side alley, notice the merged stairs (it left some of the people speechless) [/URL] Another pic of the back alley, haha there i am! [/URL] Bridge and sign A barriers [/URL] Little br tower [/URL] Side tower, great for setting up a flag push [/URL] Another view [/URL] Epic Ramp [/URL] As you can tell it was an asymetrical game thats why flame was there and the hammer wasn't [/URL] Attackers base [/URL] Another part of attackers base (thanks for the epic merge blaze) [/URL] There back alley is closed off [/URL] Little side tower for the attackers [/URL] reserved for more pictures Reserved this post for more pictures so get ready Cover behind arches [/URL] The Arches!!!!! Yes they were door merged [/URL] Ramp to camo [/URL] Back base [/URL] overview of the front [/URL] ONCE Agian I would like to give my thanks to blaze and pixie and of course the amazing testers!! I hope you guys enjoy playing on this map as much as i did forging it, and maybe i will get over foundry or maybe not If you missed the link than here it is Downlooad!!!!!!!!!!
wow nice i see that you interlockedand geo-merged almost every object. maybe i would delet the flame thrower and maybe add a mauler or something. but overall great job. downloading it right now =)
Thanks dude, but i was going to delete the flame thrower but i decided not to because it wasnt as effective as you would have thought for it to be, it just fitted into the map perfect. Thanks for your suggestions and download =]
This map is very nice. the ansthetics make it stand out and the gamplay looks like it plays out ok. u geomerged verywell and had some great ideas. but it defently is supposed to be a more FFA map in my opinion
Posts like this make me mad, how can you judge the gameplay just by the post? You didn't even play on the map! If he did play on it his post wouldn't of been much different though. I found TS and FFA just fine on it. Theres not anything you can clean up much, the only thing I found kind of weird was the stair in the hallway. I understand you were trying to make it stand out, but I think a double box or even a single would of worked much much better.
Yea I understand that perfectly, I'm just a perfectionist and the stairs dont go to the ceiling exactly haha sorry
This looks like a great map, the forging is very nice. The only concern I would have is the flame thrower, I would probably replace it with a shotgun with 1 clip.
I would like to commend you on the sheer amount and neatness of the geomerging and interlocking, but for some reason this map looks rather boring to play on. I will dl and test it and get back to you with a full review, but it seems that the map has a bunch of dead ends, open barren areas and random merged beauties. However, this will not be fair until I DL, but that is the first impression i get.
Its alright and I know what you mean, but the stairs took about 2 hrs to get in there and Its not like a lot of comossion goes on back there. I understand what you mean but the flame is only there for asymetrical, and the map mainly supports symetrical, so the only time you would have a flame is usually on oneflag cause thats the only asymetrical gametype supported. So I actually found it to work pretty good during testing also thanks =] Thanks for actually downloading it so you can support your statements. and i see what your getting at with just the pictures, its hard to judge a map so thanks for DL to give a better review. Also after you download and the map still seems like it has dead ends, than could you tell me were you think them dead ends are?
Amazingly clean and neat. The extra touches like the stairs inside the angled double box really make this feel like a non forged map. Very aesthetically pleasing. The flamethrower and grav hammer seem like good power weapons for this map. The small pockets of cover in the middle make for good control points. The only thing that may pose a problem is the slight lack of access and lines of sight in the middle. I recommend using fence walls or boxes in some places to add some strategic cover fire in the large middle wall area. Well done.
actually beleive it or not, theres not much battle that goes on around there, so theres just not much to worry about most the fighting goes on around the small br tower, but thanks i might keep thta in mind for a v2
I'm afraid I don't have time to DL and comment on the gameplay, but the geo-merging is phenomenal and the map looks very clean and polished. If nothing else, at least this map is proffesional.
thanks but you guys shouldn't really post without giving some gameplay advice, I mean is there like anything i can do to improve the athestics, gameplay, or map itself?
haha dude i love it! I rember when you were wanting help with this way back and i showed you the sketch up for some ideas. Although you didnt go with what i gave u i must admitt the base design you came up with is pretty sexy. nice job and i cant wait for v2! maybe sandbox???
yeah haha i remember. Dude i also never thought of that. If this map gets to be pretty big i might re-create it on sandbox, thats a good idea dude, thanks. ok guys i have a quick question for you all, everytime i look at this post it says my photobucket images have been resized, so I cant see my pictures, this started like an 1hr ago, but its working on all the other sites i posted my map on..Can you guys see this pics ok or if not whats going on?
idk bro, cause on our laptop i can see the pictures fine, It might just be our comp. Cause im seeing it fine the links working and everything so i wouldn't worry to much about it.
Nice. I really like the diligent fusing. I also like how u placed the gravlift under the floor. 10/10.
thanks bro it might be working since ur at moms and im at dads and thanks for the comment, but the grav lift wasn't really anything, its actually really easy to set up, and it was there just to improve the gameplay.