
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Scottash, Jun 6, 2009.

  1. Scottash

    Scottash Ancient
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    "Worn away by years of neglect, this holy place won't protect you from the undead or the rain..."


    Map Variant

    *Optional Gametype* Undead
    7 Rounds, 5 minutes
    Next zombie: Chump


    Zombie kill: 1
    Infection: 1
    Last Man: 1
    Suicide + Betrayal: -1

    Alpha Zombie Traits
    90% Damage Resistance
    Instant Kill
    Energy Sword, Infinite Ammo
    150% speed
    100% Gravity

    Zombie Traits
    90% Damage Resistance
    Instant Kill
    Energy Sword, Infinite Ammo
    125% speed
    100% Gravity

    Human Traits
    Magnum + Shotgun, limited ammo
    110% damage modifier
    No weapon pick-up
    10m Motion Tracker

    Last Man Traits
    125% damage modifier
    25m Motion Tracker
    Waypoint Visible to Everyone


    Custom Power-ups do nothing
    Zombies have 300% damage resistance for 2 seconds after they spawn

    In April I decided that I was going to make another infection map, so I thought to myself "what would the creepiest place be to set a zombie map?". Then, whilst in Chapel (compulsory at British boarding schools :() I had a flash of inspiration, and I decided to base it around my school's Chapel. So I made the map in the space of four days, but soon it fell into the dark recesses of my saved map variants and gathered dust. The other day, however, I uncovered the artifact and set my mind on actually finishing a map for once (I've got something like 6 maps on the go). There wasn't much left to do apart from add a few spawn points and fix a few things here and there, so soon I had it to my liking. Enough blabbing on, here are some pics:

    Side view of church

    Back of the church (outside)

    This is what you first see when you enter the church (notice the balcony above you)

    The view of the main doors + balcony from the altar (the staircase is on the left)

    looking up the ruined stairs

    arial view of stairs

    When you go up the stairs, you reach a long corridor with a door on the left. The entrance to the balcony is on the right at the end.

    Looking down the corridor towards stairs

    The door previously mentioned leads to the vicar's room (below) which looks out at the desert from the church's front window.

    Main view of the balcony. Notice the "organ piano thing" on the right. There was originally going to be the whole organ, but due to the object limit I had to sacrifice it :(

    This picture shows the scale of the map. Basically, it's pretty huge

    Close up of the altar. Notice the pallets, these will be explained later

    "Indent in wall" part of the church on the right of the altar. Not sure what this part is called but it's where the people serving the chapel service sit.

    Another inside shot, notice the boarded up windows and the main stained glass window (just incase you missed it lol)


    Now that I've satisfied the population of Forgehub who only scroll down the page and rate the map by its pictures, thanks for "reading". For those who remain who want to learn about how the map plays, I will be more than happy to entertain you.

    Humans start off either right outside the church, and others start inside. Zombies spawn right on the outskirts of the map where its darkest. Fear not infected people, you are still inside the map's boundaries so will not get blasted by the guardians upon spawning. A few (and I literally mean one or two) zombies start on the church's roof and so can assasinate humans ninja style whilst their undead comrades distract them by leaping out of the shadows. Soon though, most of the humans will be safe inside the church, or so they think...

    Now I'm not sure if any of you feel this way, but I can rarely find an infection map which is not tipped in the humans' favour (ie bloody hard for the zombies). So one thing which I wanted to make sure of in this map was that the game was fair for both zombies and humans. As you may have noticed the church has various entrances such as the windows. Small damaged columns lie on either side of the church for the zombies to use to jump through the windows. Wooden boards have been placed up to make life slightly more difficult for the zombies, as have pallets (respawn time of 20 seconds).


    Sneaky, sneaky

    Although zombies will often spawn on the outside of the map, there is also the crypt (below) which is perfect for planning attacks.

    Oh the agony of choice!

    There are two teleporters in the crypt which are the only ways out of it. The teleporter by the blue column can lead to two places. Either behind the altar (below) or onto the roof (which I will explain later).


    The teleporter by the red column only leads to one place, and should be used sparingly. This place is the altar. Not around it, or ontop of it, but actually inside the altar. Upon exiting the reciever node you will be thrust sharply upwards into the pallets (which are held down by weapon holders) by a gravity lift (instarespawn - don't get any ideas humans...).


    Coming back to the teleporter on the roof (where there are also zombie respawn points); the roof is one of the most important parts of the game and always keeps humans on their toes. As you've probably noticed, the roof has several huge gaping holes - perfect for zombies to drop down into and give a rather literal meaning of "death from above".


    The roof is also useful for zombies as it can give a co-ordinated one rewards from the stained glass window. In case that's too vague, if done correctly the zombie can obtain an overshield or active camo by dropping down from the roof and passing through the "window". However, I speak from personal experience when I say that this is really hard to do. Collecting the power ups is easy, but it's avoiding the custom power ups which is almost impossible. Custom power ups do nothing to a character apart from increase their speed by 10% in standard infection, and therefore cancel out the effects of the overshield or camo.

    Well, I think I've covered most of the aspects of the map, and I apologise if I've bored you with these massive walls of text. You're not the only one who's hurting, my poor fingers will never be the same again! Anyway, I hope you enjoy playing on this map if you give it a DL and thank you for taking the time to read this obsenely large post.

    P.S. A short machinima advertising this map will be made very shortly as soon as my capture card works ;)
    #1 Scottash, Jun 6, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2009
  2. The Stickmen

    The Stickmen Ancient
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    First off let me say what a beautiful remake of a church. I don't know if its the effects on the pics or what, but that really does look great. Love the idea and although I am not a huge fan of infection games, this looks like it could work beautifully as one. Very very nicely done. I also like how you used the custom power ups and camo/os for a look of stained glass.
  3. Killsbury3

    Killsbury3 Ancient
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    I hate infection maps. Or at least I used to. This is possibly the very first infection map that I actually like, because this is pure GENIOUS!!! This is one of the most beutiful maps i have ever seen. I especially love the stained glass window and the red teleporter that makes zombies come out of the altar. Brilliant. Absolutely Brilliant.
  4. Demonic Bunnies

    Demonic Bunnies Ancient
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    Haha, I like the circle window, I might just use that technique for some circle-doors... Genious map, by the way.
  5. Eternal Reconnaissance

    Senior Member

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    Let me start off by saying what a beautifully forged map this is. Rarely do I come by maps that look this good and aren't just aesthetic maps. I can see you took your time and this map just looks stunning.

    But maps aren't based only on aesthetics, especially casual maps. So I must go into detail on the gameplay and map usage. The implementing of zombies coming from the altar is creative and I would say helps make the gameplay even creepier, now that the church is infected with zombies. Then wooden boards on the church make it feel older and scarier for the humans, just like an old church should. I have yet to play a game on this but I should think the map should play out great. I can't be sure on this, but I still think you should make an actual gametype for the map, but like I said, I have yet to play on this so don't take me seriously on this until I get back to you on gameplay.

    Still I must say, "What an amazing church!"
  6. Matt666

    Matt666 Ancient
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    Good job- it definately accurately resembles a church. I will download it and check it out.

    What I like: -The stained glass window
    -The zombies coming out of the altar
    -Overall the asthetics of the map are outstanding

    - It seems like it would be too easy for the zombies
    - It would have been nice if you had prepared it for all gametypes
    -The outside seems a little bland.

    Overall good job - 4/5 from me.
  7. Scottash

    Scottash Ancient
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    Thanks for all the great feedback guys! It really makes posting maps worthwile :)
    I'm going to be testing this map quite a bit over the next few days with a few of my friends, so I might make a specific gametype for it and see how it plays with different zombie health, speeds, etc.
    In response to Matt666, I do agree that the outside's bland, but I've only got $1 remaining in the budget so it's a bit late to do anything about it. Also, I wanted gameplay to be focused on staying inside the church, wandering around outside it is frankly suicide. Because of this, I don't think it'd play well for any other gametypes as it was specifically designed for infection. I can't really see team oriented games playing well on this because it has no bases, but I don't know I could be wrong. Anyway, thanks a lot for your comment! As great as compliments are, constructive critisism is just as good cause it can help improve the map.
    Thanks again all!
  8. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    Hey is there a gametype for this map because i cant see i dl link for it if there is?

    Oh nevermind i just read the post above me lol

    Anyway i love this map it is amazing i can't wait to play some games on here i'm sure it plays swimmingly although idk yet. The asthetics also make this map awesome and i love the giant stained glass window in the back even though it really isn't a window but jsy emptieness and power ups. The alter with the reciever inside is genius and the whole map is altogether im going to be strict though and am only going to give you a 10/10 because i am limited to that seeing as 1000000000/10 would not be a vary mature thing to post great job and i hope to see alot more from you in the future. Keep on forging :) <happy face
  9. Scottash

    Scottash Ancient
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    Thanks again for the feedback guys :D I'm still working on a game variant for it. So far I think that slightly faster zombies with less health + less gravity (ie lighter); humans with increased gravity armed with pistols + shotguns on low ammo is the way to go. Anyway, as promised I took some screenshots from the testing sessions, so here are the action shots:

    double teamed
    One of them was not happy about the kill steal

    zombie 1, humans 0


    Death from above

    Double kill

    A common tactic for the zombies was to use the pews as barriers as they made their way up the church towards the altar

    Why me?

    Watch out above you!

    Watching your team mate die
    not the most morale boosting experiences

    Jumping through the stained glass
    I managed to collect three overshields and an active camo, but the custom power up at the end rendered them useless :(

    Outnumbered, but never outgunned
    Death poking its ugly head around the corner

    Battle on the stairs

    Death from above 2
    Just thought we'd drop in

    and my favourite screenshot...

    Lack of situational awareness or that of your surroundings kills

    Thanks again :)

    ZOMBIECOW11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Though there are some crooked thing on this map that shouldn't be crooked, I really like this. I like how u made it boarded up and old fashion. 4.5/5. Suggestions: even up those crooked parts, and make the stainglass windom symmetricaly even( it is one of the most important aspects of ur map and therefore needs to be very neat.) Overall goodjob and keep on forging infection maps.
  11. Scottash

    Scottash Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback mate, sorry I've taken so long to reply (exams :(). Compliments are great, but in many ways constructive criticism is even better as it'll help me to improve this map. Although at the moment I have no plans of making a V2 as I've got around 5 other forge projects on the go, I think I've almost created a perfect gametype for this map. I'm going to test it in the next few days with some friends as we're all on holiday now, so I can get it as good as it could possibly be. Again, if anyone has played on the map with their own custom infection variants, I'd be very interested to hear how they thought the game played best!

    At the moment, I'm working on another infection map which shares several similarities with this one, so if anyone else has found a problem with this map, or thinks it could be improved in a way, I'd be very grateful for their contribution :) I'm forging it in the skybubble though, for a bit of a change, so the "empty space" outside the church in this map [which isn't really a problem as it's suicide to stay outside the building] won't be an "issue" anymore.

    Huge thanks to everyone who has downloaded this map, almost 300 DLs in total! XD (285 as of 27th June).
  12. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    i mean this has been done 43 times before but the building is nice, but cant the zombies get to the powerups? also the humans can just walk out that front door and go into the edge of the map to camp. maybe you should remove any possible human "Exits" and keep roof holes for zombies.
  13. physcopirahna6

    physcopirahna6 Ancient
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    awesome forging shame about the object limit if that wasn't there it would have been even better
    Great job you got the effects just right 4.75/5
  14. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    Nice map but no gametype? Unless it is an aesthetic map, you always need to provide a gametype for a map that you post on ForgeHub. It is in the rules, it would make the map much better, and this map sucks with normal infection.
  15. Scottash

    Scottash Ancient
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    I don't suppose that'd happen to be your "Darkness Fall" Gametype ;)

    I take it 43 is meant to be an exaggeration? I've only seen around 20 other church themed infection maps, but I get the point that the idea of making a church for infection isn't entirely original lol. I agree that humans escaping from the church and escaping to the edge of the map could be a problem, but maybe in the new game variant [which I'll put up in the next few days] I could give zombies 3 seconds of invulnerability when they spawn and they will be able to run faster. This will mean that they will be invincible when running to the church so could kill any humans outside. I don't know if this'll work though, so it'll be something for me to test. I really like the idea of keeping the humans locked up inside the church, but unfortunately I've used up all the budget so won't be able to block all the exits. Yes, the zombies can get the powerups (as I mentionned in my first post), but it's almost impossible for them to get the overshields/ active camo without touching a custom power-up as well. As the custom power-ups have very little effect on zombies (increasing speed to 110% or something in most gametypes) this cancels the effects of the overshields + active camo as the custom power-ups have no effect on appearance or shields/health. Because of this, it's mainly just another entrance as it's very hard for a zombie to control what power-ups they do pick up as they try to avoid the custom power-ups.

    I completely agree, this map does suck majorly with normal infection lol. As I said in my last post, I've been busy with school, exams, etc. all that fun stuff, but I've almost got the gametype sorted + I'll be putting it in this post soon. Because of the distance the zombies have to travel from the edges of the map to the church, I think that increasing their speed and slightly lowering their health is going to be the main focus behind creating the gamtype, but the degrees of each (ie 125% speed, 90% health) has yet to be decided.

    As always, thanks for all your comments :) Any more regarding the gametype (especially from those who have played it) would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again for everyone who's downloaded Church! 373 DLs as of July 2nd :D
  16. Xtremegamer1996

    Xtremegamer1996 Ancient
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    Hey man, could you please make a gametype?

    I hate using regular infection.
  17. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    Seeing as how he replies to posts on his thread but does not edit them like the posts recommend, he either does not know how to edit his thread or isn't dedicated to his map. Probably the latter.
  18. Scottash

    Scottash Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm perfectly able to edit my own thread. Your opinion on whether I'm able to edit my thread or am dedicated to my map is unwanted + not needed. It also has nothing to do with the actual map, so could be considered as spam. This post isn't meant to offensive, so please don't reply if your post doesn't concern the map.


    The link to the Gametype, Undead, is now in the thread at the top by the Map Variant link. It's not quite as I'd have wanted it to be, but oh well. I'm sorry to all the people who have politely asked for a game variant, but I've been busy. Also, when I first made this map I didn't have a clear game variant in mind, so I had to do some testing + all that jazz. If anyone has any suggestions on how to improve the game variant, I'm all ears and will take any suggestions; making as many V2s, V3s, V8901s, etc. until I get it right which I hope proves my "dedication" to my map.
    #18 Scottash, Jul 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2009
  19. Undead Fanatic

    Undead Fanatic Ancient
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    This is the best church I've seen yet. The winding staircase and altar are very well done. The roof looked like it took a long time and the windows were very creative and the doors like they belong. If it could be scaled if would be the perfect asset to any map but by itself it still looks great.
  20. RebelCow

    RebelCow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hey man, i love this map! the church actually resembles the one at my school. it is well interlocked and looks very fair. i only have two complaints. one, some parts are kind of sloppy. two, i don't like all of the power-ups there. people could just get them and pwn. so, fix thoses and this will be perfect. 4/5 from me.

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