The Last Hope Series is a project of Infection maps planned to be based on one game type, called Survival, on a multitude of maps, released in about groups of 5, to be called map packs, to make playing specialized infection games during parties easier. If you would like to help the creation of maps for this project, please contact me via xBox live messages or email ( Remember, we are always looking for some help, whether that be with developing maps, announcing releases, giving feedback, and more. Can you survive the infection? Releases: * One Map Pack (Release date: 6/4/09-6/6/09) 42 Days Ago (Valhalla) Obibidal (Orbital) Control Locked In Area 53 Pictures: * One Map Pack: * 42 Days Ago (Valhalla) * Obibidal (Orbital) * Control Pictures coming soon. * Locked In Pictures coming soon. * Area 53 Pictures coming soon. Downloads: * Survival gametype * One Map Pack: * 42 Days Ago * Obibidal * Control * Locked In * Area 53 Note: If a download has no link, it isn't released yet, but its coming. Thank you for looking, and if you could, please leave feedback. (like "Maybe you should..." or "I like this, but...", etc.)
****ing christ this is whats wrong with forgehub, absolute retards who contribute nothing to discussion. (im talking about these 2 ****s who posted above me) If you guys would look at the pictures, there are atually some changes made to them, there is a rocket located under the pelican and he has tried to make changes. Its not your map so dont ride his ass about it christ! The maps look like they have been set up for infection due to all the messy looking areas, but i do think that more pictures would help us get a better understanding of your map. the average forgehub post has about 8 pictures of each map so that the viewers can get a good view of the maps. I would like to see more of these because its seems like a good first attempt and its hard to forge things on pre-DLC maps. as for Denis1895 and Zombiecow, grow up or get the **** out, honestly.
I'm glad you said this instead of me having to. He has done everything right and he posted hid maps for helpful criticism, not to be taken the mick of by you lot. Anyway I think your maps are cool, and I love the idea of a map pack. Anyway you should add a safe house on every map, a last place to go. You could use a switch so all the doors open for you to get in, and the zombies!!!
Either I am looking at a poor variety of screenshots or a very blank, boring map. I don't care what these other 2 think. Fix one or the other and I won't be a *****. As for these other dibshits, u need to grow up and learn how to stay out of my business.
For underneath the pelican, there's actually a whole assortment of weapons. Instead of putting them in one spot, I spread them around, giving people the chance to go around to different spots with people and kind of use them as bases, and the weapons and vehicles don't respond, so you have to be careful. For example, with a big group you could have some stay at the Pelican, some staying at the base, and other on the island near that wall. I plan on giving some more pictures very, very soon. I can assure you I didn't "just put 3 items on the map." Also, if anybody wants to help with maps, like building a map of their own for this (I didn't make all of them myself), help me with taking pictures, or anything else, just ask.
I can now see what ur doing with a couple more of these screenshots. I apologize. Simplcity is sometimes better. The 1 gametype 4 all 5 maps seems convenient as well.
oke so lets take me im gonna take high ground i delete a few weapons and put some weapons on some other places on the map put a few crates and thats all if every body post maps like this then this whole forghub is going down thats what i call stupid spam shitty maps who bring down the good maps and me grow up grow up yourself you sentimentel **** your just to affraid to give your opinion even on the internet so thats why you try to keep everybody as a friend by commenting them alwasy positively no matter if they put in a map like high ground with 1 shotgun added . and no matter if you find it bad really little no life kids on forgehub telling me to grow up get a life