Sandbox Blackheart 1v1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Urban Myth, Jun 5, 2009.

  1. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Backround Story: This sacrificial chamber is home to many souls who died by the hands of the covenant. The dark history of this tomb is yet to be discovered but listen closely, for the myth may be true, the myth that the cries of the ghosts confined in the hellish place echo throughout the tomb. Don't lose focus or it may be your last day on this earth. I present to you.....

    My first completed sandbox map, my first 1v1 map, and my first enclosed map. The only gametype that Blackheart is set for is slayer, and I recomend a limit of 4 players total (it's a really small map).​


    Normal Weapons
    • 2 BRs​
    • 2 Spikers​
    • 1 Plasma Pistol​
    • 1 Needler​
    • 2 Brute Shots​
    • 2 Carbine​
    Power Weapons

    • Sniper Rifle​
    • Gravity Hammer​
    • Mauler (if you consider it a power weapon)​

    • 2 Frags​
    • 4 Plasmas​
    • 1 Bubble shield​
    • 1 Power Drain​
    • 1 Grav lift​
    • 1 Regenerator​
    • Oversheild (not set to spawn at start, 120 secs) ​












    Outside of the map. To show the shape of the map ​

    #1 Urban Myth, Jun 5, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2009
  2. F2P Game7ypes

    F2P Game7ypes Ancient

    Likes Received:
    very nice map.
    i like the way you interlock.very nice and nother good spot is very you merg the weapon holder looks nice...
    maybe this map is a little bit too small for 2 power weapons i only would place hammer or snipe but thats your decision.
    overall good work
  3. I NBK Xen I

    I NBK Xen I Ancient
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    This map is awesome to play, very good interlocking and feels like it isn't on Sandbox. The close quarters combat is great, I can see this map doing well.

    Isn't there a racetrack called BlackHeart?
  4. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    I don't know. Is there? When I thought of the name I was thinking dark and mysterious. Oh and in response to the other comment, the hammer plays fine with the sniper (both set to respawn every 3 minutes).

    Thanks for the constuctive criticism
  5. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
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    Hey, shea I love this map, I myself am into building 1v1 and team double maps, such of mine are respiration, pavilion and pipeline. I am a great fan of this map and it looks very well made indeed! I cannot wait to play this map with some friends and I will get back to you with the gameplay.
  6. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
    Senior Member

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    K cool thanks man, but hey remember limit it to 4 players total haha cuz even that is a little hectic
  7. Arbr

    Arbr Ancient
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    i Realy like this map. I think its one of the best 1 v 1 maps i have ever seen. even betterthan my 1 v 1 ( everyones maps are better than my 1 v 1 map lol)

    Im making a halo 3 maps review and im considering on putting this in it. great work.
  8. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Hey thanks man, can you give me more info about the review though? By the way, have you tried the map out?
  9. MASTER016

    MASTER016 Ancient
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    i was wondering just about ur last pic why is there a teleporter on the out side of the base or is just there for no reason please tell me thanks
  10. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    It's for forging haha. Nothing special it's just for getting me down to the crypt faster in forge.
  11. Chilledyou

    Chilledyou Ancient
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    This map looks amazing, most of this map is very unique, and that is what i, personally look for, the interlocking looks great and smooth. This map has very many ideas put into it that i have not seen before in other maps. You have a download from me.

    A SILENT EMU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm not a huge fan of 1 v 1 but this looks really cool. For the most part, very well built and there are some unique areas. It looks like there might be some sort of campable areas but I'll have to see once I get a chance to play it.

    ZOMBIECOW Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice map. Just curious, what gametype do you use. Some insight on this would be helpful. I can judge better when I am told about the gametype.
  14. Arbr

    Arbr Ancient
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    I did try the map out, i can still download maps ont my silver xbox live account, jus cant download them to my file share or play online. The only way to play with you online is through my brothers account.

    The review is to update people on sme of the Best maps out there at the time. Im now going to make a review every week so people can be up to date with the good maps.

    I started a new Youtube account so i can actualy see how many people watch the video from a poor account. so im just going around FORGE HUBS, and Halotracks to see what hot maps are out there that people most likely woul play.

    Last night i played this map on my brothers account with my friends. They said that this was one of the best 1 v 1 maps they have ever seen.

    Its a really good map, but aother thing is that we played a game that was 4 people free for all. It seem to work just fine. If you want to be in please message me on forgehubs and ill try adding you on xbox to let you in te video.should happen today...

    Sorry for any spelling errors...
  15. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Weapon/Equiptment Information is up now in the main post.

    Just use slayer variants.

    I apreciate the feedback and thanks for considering Blackheart for your reviews. No worries about the spelling haha.
  16. s3anz2

    s3anz2 Ancient
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    Looks awesome, I really like the light effects. Have you tried a 2v2 game yet? because it looks like a pretty big map and seems like it'd be more fun that way. I really like the little overshield box thing. It looks perfectly locked and really smooth. In fact, the whole map looks like that, i'll give it a DL when im done studying for my exams tomorrow.
  17. cheese and fries

    Senior Member

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    Alright firstly. kudos for stealing the name of a Race Map down in the racing section....yes Blackheart however you added 1v1 quite clever.....although im sorry but in MY opinion I see this map going nowhere. (except maybe page 4-5 of the competitive maps)

    Do you remember when all the 1v1 maps in Foundry came out? Like Sewers etc.....some more that I cant think of haha

    BUt yea THATs what you should be aiming for. This map is all Y Intersections, blocks and walls, VERY cramped, 1v1 maps should have multiple levels and escapes

    not even that the lines of sight here are horrible, except maybe in the grav hammer room but other than that, I would probably faint in this map from the claustrophobia......nice try though better luck next time NO DL here however
  18. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    Wow great forging and I use the teleporter thing too when i'm forging in the sky bubble..... oh and you might want to change the name to something else becuase my racetrack is named BlackHeart and it has been out for a while now....

    The forging looks great on this and I'm gonna try and get a 2v2 or 1v1 on this later today to see if it is as good as it looks =)
  19. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Ya sorry bout the name thing haha. I swear that I didn't copy you (Great map by the way). Thanks for the feedback and hopefully you'll enjoy it like everyone else has.. well except for "cheese and fries" (who needs to give constructive criticism instead of the insulting spam he gives everyone.) Anyway sorry but I can't change the name =/
  20. Arbr

    Arbr Ancient
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    Urban, Im sorry that the review isnt up yet. It shoul be up by the end of the week. I also got my account to be a xbox live account so ill b using Ht Arbr for 3 months. Please delet IvI Brooks IVI. TY

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