1. Red vs. Blue already made a "How to play Grifball" video. 2. This only shows game play 3. There is absolutely no explanation at all.
you dont seem to undestand its a joke would u calm down geeze why can nobody ever just enjoy a vid without being lame and say "oh no it doesnt actually show how to pay" geeze btw i like how ladnil edited it lolololol number 4 is so true
Well, sorry you didn't have to be so sensitive about it. Plus I did not fully know that it was a joke because if it was, then the video could have shown you killing teammates and bagging them like crazy. Pwnt.
no it was just a joke as is saying this is how you play grifball, the proper way but there isnt any tru way. look whatever just enjoy the video basically the just get owned i swing and then my teamamte gets the score i found it funny in the game you opinion my vary and dreaddraco2 i dont care what you think as long as other people like it besides you
i think i have my own right to judge since it is my clip ok, and also i dont really care about my grammer this is just a fourm website do you think i care if i spell something wrong or use punctuation? NO its a webstie get a life, if you notice these kind of things it just shows you spend way to much time looking for mistakes
ForgeHub is a website, not a 'webstie', it's also a Forum, not a 'fourm'. Also, how can you spell 'Punctuation' perfectly, yet spell 'Forum' wrong?
cuz i type to fast sometimes that i hit on letter before the other but yea i cant be bothered to check over what i write. but yea still dont care that i messed up as long as people can read it
k, well so i messed up when i typed dont matter so lats not bother talking about it anymore its a waste of space on this thread, it doesnt have any more relavence, so dont reply to this or else its going to be considered spam from now on, unless u have something to say about the video
i thought the video was hilarious! you should submit it to GrifbalHUB (tell them i sent you) so they can add it to the next Pup and Friends video they appreciate this type of humour there also, when you message them, send the link to your video in your file share - they will capture it in HD