This beautiful villa has: a tv room, dining room, kitchen, sitting room, master suite, a kind of spiral staircase, 3 stories, great attic for storage and has roof acess.The front has a fountain, and lights. The backyard has a beautiful patio, planting area, a storage shed with atv, and a beautiful pool with a waterfall, also the house is completly furnished and comes with 2 cars. Most is also interlocked. Heres a zombie variant. Also you can go behind the pool if you go through where the waterfall meets the pool, just climb the back to get to the top of the waterfall. Works with infection Leave comments please=) Download here
Re: My 3 story house, backyard, with waterfall, pool, and patio. Iterlocked I had to move this to casual maps, comments, i have 2500+ dls on bungie.
Re: My 3 story house, backyard, with waterfall, pool, and patio. Iterlocked Do not double post, and make the title just the map name.
not to be a drag or anything but i think bart's manor looks nicer. but this map is muuuch more playable.
Looks very well made! At first it looked like a cheap copy of Barts Manor but then I saw it was much more!
i didnt steal the waterfall, i made this of the fmgc, you can ask the creator of tunnel rats salty, i know him
Paulie absolutely astonishing. Please make more and more and more and more! But maybe move away from the houses and make other things now?
No problem. But when I get my xbox back I think me you and trick should attempt a map together. And Salty would possibly be of great assistance.
Ok, you should probly say Use for infection. Not works with infection. Cause it works with any game variant.
Overall this map is excellent. The interior is genius as well as the outside areas. My only complaint is I wish the roof looked a little more... well roofy.