×Ghö$T-P@tRøl× Caution The Ghost Patrols are here !! Achievemet Unlocked : Ghost Patrol 25G By vitorassoBR Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details «¡Ghö$T Fµry¡» Light is the fury of a Heart of a thousand sun Force !! Achievemet Unlocked : Ghost Patrol 25G By vitorassoBR Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
overall i see that you like ghosts and also very good pics 4-5 range for em as you can see that's what i voted on your poll keep ghost pics coming
The first picture in my opinion is one of the most original vehicular pictures I've ever seen. I love how you used the Shield Cylinder to add to the picture. You chose a great backdrop and the addition of the Ghosts on the sides improve it that much more! The second picture I don't seem interested in though. It's just a basic explosion from a ghost. If I had to like something it would definitely be the color of the explosion. Good job on these two pictures, I hope to see more of your work.
Okay first of all, using a bunch of random characters to make letters does NOT make these screenshots any better. i mean «¡Ghö$T Fµry¡»? Seriously? Just type with normal letters for ****s sake. As for the screens, they are both relatively good although the first is kind of boring and the second rather too busy and zoomed in.
First is cool, the background goes SO well with the ghost. The second, not so much. I can barely understand it, it's very bright, hard to tell what it is, and would probably only look good if a spartan or elite were on it...