Project NATAL

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Aaronator, Jun 2, 2009.

  1. AlbinoFruitcake

    AlbinoFruitcake Ancient
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    sigh, cant xbox come out with something better?
    i already have a wii, i dont need another in the form of an xbox.

    furthermore, half the time i play xbox im half unconsious at 1 am, and do i really feel like jumping up and down flailing my arms at 1 am, not really.

    cant they just revolutionize gaming some other way?

    and dont say im lazy because im on my schools track team and am very active besides at 1am when i deside to play xbox.
  2. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    Obviously, it was an example.

    Talking to a 10 year old boy isn't my idea of fun. Nor is having an avatar of myself try on outfits. Or swatting in the air like a tool.

    Fighting games are usually failures when it comes to motion sensing. Those "Wack-A-Mole" type games where you have to hit something coming across the screen are pretty boring after a while too. I'm only really excited for the voice recognition, and even then it will be heavily reliant on how well the system interprets your voice, and how many commands are available.
  3. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    I think that Microsoft will be a step above Nintendo because it has the option between both motion control and controller. Yes I know that the Wii does have some physical controllers, but not everyone has them and it seems like every game uses the motion control. Someone at Gamesradar played Burnout Paradise (Microsoft got that game up and running for a demo, but didn't say if this would be an update to the game) and said it worked.

    Either way, I'm getting it on day one.

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