The Official E3 Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by chrstphrbrnnn, May 31, 2009.

  1. KratosAurion777

    KratosAurion777 Ancient
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    That is true, most people couldn't care less about graphics, but polygons do make all the difference, look at Wipeout HD for example... there are thousands (can't remember the exact number, but it was huge) of polygons on each vehicle.
  2. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    The next gen systems are 4-5 years away from being released. Sony hasn't even begun to break even on their current unit, and they're going to keep it around for as long as they can to make some money before releasing a new tech which will drain them financially again.

    Nintendo is the current market holder, and they're going to squeeze every last penny out of their system until they must release another unit. They'll build one when Microsoft and Sony are ready, and as stated before, it's going to be a long time before Sony releases anything new.

    And of course there is Microsoft. Microsoft is the only one in the group that could potentially release a new system in the next few years. However, it has only been recently that they have ridden their systems of hardware failures, and I'm certain that they are still recouping their losses from all of the replacement hardware needed. So I would not expect anything from them for at least 3 years, although I do believe they will release a new system before Sony and Nintendo like this current gen, and I do believe it will revolve around the Natal project they are developing.

    You can talk to anyone in the industry, and they'll all tell you we're a long way off from a new counsel. Todays hi-def standards and poly count are the biggest reason for that. Studios have to drop a lot more money now a days to have their games up to current gen standards. With smaller profit margins, developers aren't as likely to jump on board to a new system just yet.

    We're only half way through this systems life span, and any future counsels will most likely follow the same 7-8 span.
  3. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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  4. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    That claimed they're going to support xbox 360 until 2015, but that doesn't mean there won't be a new unit out before then. Ideally, they want to wait to make a new system, to make more of a profit off of the current gen. I'd expect something in 2013 from Microsoft.
  5. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    I dont see anything wrong with the xbox 360 I hope it lasts forever
  6. KratosAurion777

    KratosAurion777 Ancient
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    Ok, maybe it is a bit much to say 2011 release for a new Microsoft console, but at the very least they're going to make a new version of it (like the DS and the DS Lite). They want to boost sales, and that is the perfect way to do it.
  7. ABigScaryBear00

    ABigScaryBear00 Ancient
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    since this is about E3 anyone see the star wars the old republic trailer this game is basiclt like the star wars kotr's from what iv'e hear and i can't wait till it comes out i've been waiting for a new one of these for a long time
  8. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    does anyone here think lost planet 2 looks a whole lot better than 1?? and i think i prefere the tropical land, also the co-op campaign is sweet
  9. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    I can't wait to use the NATAL to play "Shadow puppet's: The game" or "Flail your arms like a retard: The game". The controller isn't the biggest barrier, it's people's creativity when you take the controller away. The Milo voice recognition was looked O.K, but is probably a lot less accurate then they implied. Still, it would be pretty cool in games where you have multiple dialogue choices if you could SAY the line instead of scrolling down a list.
  10. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Sorry to dig this up, but he mentioned that people who are white or have white parents should see the movies or they should have their asses kicked. He was saying that blacks don't factor into this by omission and that all white people love sci-fi.
  11. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    Here is something I posted earlier.

  12. ABigScaryBear00

    ABigScaryBear00 Ancient
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    is the old republic only gonna be computer nightfire or have you hear yet cause i have no idea
  13. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    Yeah it's for pc, it's a MMORPG. Probably a pay monthly thing, not sure though.
  14. KratosAurion777

    KratosAurion777 Ancient
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    I think it uses the same pay system as Star Wars Galaxies does, though I'm not too clear on exactly what that means...

    One thing I was thinking about was the combat. KotOR was turn-based, but I can't imagine an MMO with turn-based combat... This could be interesting depending on how they handle it.
  15. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    I'm happy with the era of Star Wars they based the game on. KoTOR time is probably the most interesting part of Star Wars history. /nerd

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    YouTube - WELL BAM there it is

    They can't even make eyetoy right.
    MS has 3 exclusives, two of those are halo rehashes, one is a racing rehash.
    L4D2, rehash and also on the PC. Everything else you mentioned is multiplatform.

    Jesus Christ you fanboys are annoying.

    Yes there is a new zelda, the master sword is a spirit.
    #196 BASED GOD, Jun 6, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2009
  17. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Shadow Complex, L4D2, Forza3, H:ODST, H:Reach, Alan Wake, Splinter Cell Conviction, Crackdown 2 and possibly Tony Hawk Ride. I count at least 8, not to mention the MW2 demo that PS didn't get to show and the exclusive announcement of MGSR, plus a good bit more shown of FFXIII. MS has effectively stolen the two major previously Sony exclusives, therefore kick in the nuts.

    And great, the stupid avatar failed? Wow..that's such a failure..right after it turned a drawing into virtual data..yeah..and like I said the games aside from NATAL won MS's conference.

    What did PS unveil? Crappy looking ICO game, a rehash of uncharted, a rehash of crap online FF and a pretty sad looking (graphically) demo of GoW3. Their motion sensing thing was gimicky BS and just looked like a pathetic attempt at trying to match their competitors. The only thing all that worthwhile was the announcement of FFVII, thats it.

    As for Nintendo? Are you joking, that was a comedic performance there.

    BTW I'm not a fanboy, I own all three systems. They all have their flaws, but you are a blatant troll on a Halo3 (MS) forum honestly.

    If you wanna get real sticky, MS won based on one reason and one reason only: They left out the numbers and the "we are the bests".

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    L4D2 is not an exclusive. MGSR is multiplatform. Sony's is gimmicky BS but NATAL is not? FF13 is on 1 disc for PS3, multiple for Xbox. You don't even understand what ICO is. ODST is Halo 3 with a different SMG and the Halo 2 magnum. MW2 is multiplatform, it doesn't ****ing matter. Alan Wake looks bad and isn't likely to get finished. When the **** was MGSR an exclusive anyway? Tony Hawk Ride uses a skateboard peripheral for God's sake. Nintendo had Scribblenauts, Golden Sun 3, Metroid: Other M, NSMB 2 SMG 2, the Conduit and a new Zelda.

    These are all facts, I'm not trolling.
  19. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    HPM, are you trying to discredit yourself?
    l4d2 is only on xbox 360 if its console. PC is discounted cos its PC of course.
    MGSR is originally intended for 360, and the only reason its on Ps3 is to ammuse the fanboys
    FFXIII was only shown at the microsoft conference. that was made up for by CGI footage of FFXIV a game that's going to be 2-4 years down the line.
    Natal is completely different to ICO and the Wii because it's FULL BODY MOTION TRACKING. there's nothing you hold or anything.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Why is PC discounted?
    MGSR is on PS3 because Kojima hates the 360.
    FF13 will still be superior on PS3.
    ICO is a game, eyetoy is FULL BODY MOTION TRACKING too.

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