What is the deal with everyone wanting it? I admit at one point I wanted it so crazy like everyone else then I realized it's just video game armor. Plus it's just a variant of the Scout armor. If you look at the description of Recon it says "The Recon armor was developed parallel to the Scout Armor in the B5DOrdnance Testing Facility in Swanbourne, Perth, Western Australia. The main purpose of the Recon Armor was to create armor with stealth capabilities and with little or no loss of endurance, specifically by reducing its IR signature, reflective surfaces, and Cherenkov radiation emission'' That being said why don't people just wear Scout helmets? If I got Recon I probably wouldn't care for it because 1: It would mean I would get 1,000 random friend requests. 2: It's overrated 3: I probably would switch back to my normal armor after a while because like every armor it gets old and boring to look at. I really honestly only like the chest and shoulders if I were to get it this is what my armor would be this
Its only wanted for its exclusity. Select few have it and that leads to jealousy. I think once they release it to Vid Master people, it will die down after awhile.
Once they release it and everyone get's all the vidmasters there's going to be a bunch of idiots in Recon just like people did with the hayabusa.
Really is just "You have it and its rare so i want it" kinda thing. But its simple then. When everyone has recon ill get boring and then they want new armor or something.
I really only like the Recon chest armor because it's the only variant (aside from EOD,) that doesn't look like a cheap Lego toy was glued onto the Mark VI armor.
I like the shoulders best, they would look awesome with the odst helmet. btw why doesnt bungie let us use jet black colored armor in matchmaking?
I think they said something about the black armor giving an advantage because it would be harder to see or something. Seems a bit absurd to me. Like what was already said, most people probably want recon because it's exclusive. That and the fact that it is prestigious. People know you had to do something 'special' to get it. Or people just like the way it looks. That could be it too.
People are entitled to their own opinions, and this has been discussed several thousand times over. Really, this discussion gets old. People like it because it's exclusive. People like it's look. People want what they can't have. It's a ****ing video game, but who gives a ****? People can have whatever ambitions they want, and if that is acquiring armor for Halo 3 then so be it.
Scout and Recon were developed parallel to each other. This means they were developed for the same purpose, and are completely separated from each other. Recon is not a variation of Scout. BTW, I don't even know if the ODST vidmasters will be hella hard or not, so it's safe to say that only the people that are skilled enough to pull it off can get it, so you can expect most of the n00b/****** population of Halo not to acquire it.
People think it looks better because they know that it is special and dont compare it to the other variants the way they would if they did not know what it was. You can see this everywhere. A big, ugly car for several million Euros-do you compare it to a Ford? No, it may not look extremely awesome for you, but you want it because it is special and you would never think it is horribly ugly. Maybe you would if you had the money, but you still would use it because you want to show that you are special. People who can afford it, but do not use it-congratulations, you are special. Its the same with recon.
Meh. It's just armor. No big deal. It's how one got the armor that counts. As for the actual armor, this is my thoughts on each part: Recon helm is my 4th fav. helm (Security, ODST, Mark V, Recon, Rouge) Recon shoulders are my fav shoulders (Recon, EVA, Hayabusa, EOD, Mark VI) Recon body is my 3rd fav body (EOD, CQB, Recon, EVA, Mark VI) As a whole set, I'd wear the ODST helm, the recon shoulders, and the CQB body.
Don't act like you're so high and mighty Sweeny... you're just as much of a sucker for Recon as the rest of us... heh heh heh.
No one wears their armor because of it's "story" anyway. I could care less if my armor was "made for stealth". People (at least most people) wear their armor because of the way it looks.
Really I could careless for the helmet, the body intrigues me and maybe the shoulders. But I can be patient with it, no need to be freakin for some armor.
Think of it like katana. When I first got halo, I REEAAAAAAALALYYY wanted it. Now that I have it, I rarely even use it. The only reason I even wanted it at the time, is because only a few people actually have it. I personally don't like the helmet all too much, although the shoulders and body piece are my favorite in the game. I've learned now not to get too over-obsessed with getting something, and you can't even see your own armor when you play anyways, and when ODST comes out, pretty much EVERYONE will get recon, and everyone will be wearing it.
I think bungie should put some sarcy comment on the armor seen only in game saying follower, sad or sheep so everyone will be lolzin at the noobs. And recon helm sucks any way, to bulky and ugly i only like the chest and the shoulders a little bit
I hope Recon will be ultra-hard (like my fireman) to get so wee boys dont take a million pictures entitled My Recon and yes Recon will die out! I feel sorry for those who actually achieved recon as they will be asumed as the rest of the crowd I will be startin a Vidmaster challenge thread where we spectulate wat they are