Signatures are art and art is whatever anyone wants it to be. There are no 'basics' or 'requirements' for something to be a signature/art. Your parochial mindset only sets limits on yourself and others. The proliferation of this type of intolerant attitude is why most people ignore what women say.
I appreciate your diction and linguistic skills. Your grasp of the concept of art is also impressive. On a less serious not it really bothers me that there is a 3 page discussion in the G and A forum over a supposed non-artistic picture. That did not request discussion.
Signatures are not art. A little picture edited, sure. Not much else. 1. Post count doesn't count round these corners. 2. I'm sure everyone who has Photoshop payed for it full price except for those few little rascals that stole it.
On the contrary. Signatures are digital art. Refer to the above post. Even Y35's signature is art. I wouldn't consider it his art as he did not take the photo, I'm assuming.
Still not art. A signature is just a something to personalize your posts. Forever will be. A creative way. Still not art.
Oh dear. I guess I'd better go tell all of those poor DeviantArt users that nothing they create is art. While I'm at it, I should go over to and tell everyone that they're not writing stories. And perhaps I'll go to a porn site and proclaim that they're not watching videos, either. I mean, with your logic...
I don't really know what to say toward your attitude...I know they're art, and I know art doesn't have limits other than the artists imagination. I was saying that I wouldn't consider it his art, because he didn't take the photo, and did very little to edit it. What I really don't get is your last statement that is quoted above...