---Description--- Two elevated bases facing each other with a large wall dividing the two. There is a bridge of shield doors that can only be used by the mongooses on top of each base. There are three ways across: Bouncing across the shield bridge, jumping from a series of crates to an open box in the wall, and taking a teleport from the windowed room to the top of the wall and jumping downThere are some other "goodies" around the map, but I'll let you find those yourself. ---Screenshots--- Works best with Multi Flag/Assault --->Map Here<--- P.S. If you download the map, could you comment and rate on the bungie.net thread to bump it; it moves off the front page so fast. Idea by "WhiteEagle2" Made by "WhiteEagle2" and "Spyd3rs" P.S.S. If this inspires you to make a similar map, I don't care, just send me a link to it because i would like to see it.
No, it is just the fastest. There is an open single box at the left of the wall that you can go through (you can see it in the bottom-left), as well as a teleport on each side in the windowed room that leads to the top of the middle wall (you can see the reciever in the bottom-right).
Thanks for the comments guys, I found a little things I would like to fix, however since my xbox just died, I will be un-able to post a version 2 so your on your own. If you want to play it anyway I would recomend getting rid of the rockets on the ground level next to the gap in the wall on red teams side. And the Wraiths and Turrets. Other than that it is still a fun map!
Damnit! Me and shock were making something just like this. Oh well, it's a lot different too and we can still finish it and be original.
If you do make it let me know, i wanna see how you do it. We just kinda through this one together in a night. I'm thinking about remaking it a little nicer.
Question: How did you get the shield doors do straight? I have something similar on my map I'm currently making(although it's smaller, and less significant to the map as a whole) and all my shield doors are angled a little, so when a Mongoose drives over it, it bounces off to the side, usually causing it to fall down. the problem is, once you're down on the actual Floor, you have to kill yourself to respawn back into the game. So I kinda need them straight.
What's with the uber bump? Anyways, use the Save & End mehtod, it's the only way to do shield doors... Other than that, it's just tedious work.