I Don't Care for MLG, But is my Opinion Steered by Stereotype?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by EpicFishFingers, Feb 20, 2009.

  1. natu

    natu Ancient
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    Well it makes you play halo in a different way. And yes, It's really annoying that theres about 4800 kids out there that will tell you you're trash, and the reason you're losing is your falut. They take it too seriously and if you wan't too be a part of MLG, then the same will happen to you.
  2. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Okay, I'm going to point out some important characteristics of my gaming style that make me think MLG is a negative view on gaming:

    - When (rarely) the game pisses me off, I put the controller down and go for a run or something. I don't go into another game
    - I'm not phased by someone calling me bad at the game. I can just shoot them down by calling them bad at life
    - I'm never ever bound by the game I am currently playing. If something else comes up in real life, I will instantly put down the controller and quit out. I don't give a **** if I were host and someone was 1 kill away from the next spree medal. I don't care if it causes our team to lose
    - I love vehicles! Sometimes in MM I'll just get in a Mongoose and drive about. Maybe getting the occasional splatter medal unintentionally.
    - Console games are only that. They are not sport. You shouldn't be awarded for winning at a game; you haven't achieved anything.
    - If someone starts calling me a 'scrub' or a 'BK' (whatever the **** that is), I'm usually capable at opening their eyes and making them aware of their outright failure as a human being. If not, I mute them or quit out (that usually annoys them a lot. I usually get a message saying that they filed a complaint against me or something like that. That usually proves that they were annoyed by my lack of dedication to the game)

    Even though I spend a lot of time on Halo 3, the part I care least for is matchmaking. So the idea of competitive gaming for prizes literally makes me feel ill.
    I love Halo 3, but in comparison I hate its matchmaking.
  3. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Custom Games/Forge > MM

    Fixed for you.

    I only like to play custom MLG games with people who I know are not stuck-up assholes. I have ventured into the MLG playlist maybe... 5 times. MM MLG is so gay.
  4. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
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    Epic. MLG gametypes are stupid? They can be boring, yes. But stupid is Bungie gametypes.
    I can't understand how you play Pit Slayer, the stupiest gametype ever. Two people get the Shotgun, one get sword and then they camp THE ENTIRE GAME in the sword room, just waiting for someone to enter there a be killed. They dont even enjoy the rest of the map.

    Then we have Guardian, that someone can win the game just because spawn near the shotgun. He go to the sniper tower, and also camp the entire game. Then if he is dying somehow, he throws a bubble shield and can kill anyone who entered...

    I'm not saying its true, but there is a hell skill gap between MLG and team slayer. For exemple, I made a new account and I was 1 in both. I played MLG, I went something like +5 each game. Then I played Team Slayer, went +26. Anyway, rank means nothing.

    MLG consider competitive gaming a sport. If you dont agree with that, If you are going to keep quiting the game because your cat wants some food, just dont play MLG. Thats all.

    I dont know whats BK and scrub either lol.
  5. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I know Dragull already kinda covered this one, but I can't let this one go tbh.

    And not doing this is somehow associated with MLG? I honestly don't get where you're coming from on this. Sure MLG is gravitated to by a whole bunch of assholes who care more about their own egos than Halo as a sport, but they're not who started it, they're not who is keeping it going, and they're not the fans who have stuck with it, caring about the game and not just their own ego. People seriously need to quit labeling anyone who loves MLG as one of these guys, even giving them the credit of saying they are an MLG tard. They are just a tard, there's no MLG in it, and associating them as any way involved in what MLG is actually about is not only a knock at those who actually are, but also giving them too much credit. They know nothing about what MLG is really based on, and neither do you if this post is anything to go by. You've basically failed to try and look at what MLG is truly about, and said "My experience of MLG based on assholes in MM and annoying kids is the most important, thus the conclusion I come to is the definitive judgement on MLG". If you're not gonna put in the time to actually find out what it's about at it's core as opposed to just running in to annoying kids who want to use MLG as an e-***** (albeit there are a lot of them, but still, you don't have to look hard to see that they're not the ones at the core of the sport), then don't pass judgement.

    Fair enough, but I still don't see how this pertains to MLG as it actually is. You're continuing to equate 'MLG' with 'asshole' without backing it up at all, and completely failing to see, or even look for, the people who actually care about the sport, instead of clinging in to it as some kind of honour badge. By doing this they are tainting the name of MLG, and I do understand that there are a lot of them, especially in MLG MM. I spend like 80% of my time in that playlist, trust me, I know about these guys all too well, either being on the losing team and having team mates quit out, or winning and having opponents quit out, that or just running into flaming, annoying children. But by defining MLG as a whole based on them only helps their end, they should be seen for what they are, blame the person, not the shield for their ego that they have chosen. It's not that hard to see that those in the MLG playlist are a long way from those who put in the time, dedication and pure passion to actually start MLG and bring it to where it is today. Those kids are only gravitating to MLG because it's gotten so big, because it's an easy way to make them feel better than someone else on an arbitrary basis. It really insults me when people class everyone who likes MLG as one of these annoying kids, and even surprises me that people can't see that these kids don't even really love MLG anyway.

    See above, you're generalising and failing to look at what's really at MLG's heart again. There's nothing wrong with wanting to win, passion and drive in other sports is admired, yet you deride it in Halo. I know you don't think that MLG is a sport, or that any console game can aspire to be, but I'll get to that in a bit.

    Oh, so because you love vehicles, "MLG is a negative view on gaming". Seriously dude. I hate vehicles, thus I prefer MLG, but I don't think Halo that uses vehicles is "a negative view on gaming". It's just different, to each his own, get off your high horse dude.

    Oh I've been looking forward to this point. Ok, first off, if your qualm is that people are rewarded then blame the people who reward them. I don't give people who do well at MLG events money, guys like Sepso do, why am I being criticised for this exactly, as an MLG fan?

    But even then, I don't think that there's anything wrong with this. The money comes from sponsors (organisations like Dr. Pepper, and I bet you feel so about this massive corporation being 'ripped off', as if it wasn't financially worth it for them anyway) and fans, both of whom are quite happy to give this money. And that's their right, that's capitalism dude. Deal with it, move to North Korea and see how that works out, or start your own commune or something.

    And about MLG not being a sport, whether people should be rewarded for winning at something that 'doesn't matter' in your eyes, this is my homeground dude, big mistake. Sure Halo isn't physically real in the way established sports are, but you're talking about 'achieving' something. How is winning in a football league (whatever that word means to you, UK, US or even Aussie rules) 'achieving' anything more than winning at an MLG event? They're both recreation, they 'achieve' nothing apart from enjoyment. And that's what competitive stuff like this (aka sport) is, the extension of recreation in to a profession. The financial aspect of it being a profession and industry comes from inter-industry funding in the form of sponsorship, and capital raised from fans who see it as a fair price to pay for that which the company has provided. The players themselves get paid because the sport is based around them. It's all part of the system, and it's how capitalist sport works in our society, be it Football, Basketball, Baseball, Tennis or MLG Halo. Again, get off your high horse.

    Fair enough, and good on you, such stupid children deserve to be shown exactly how insignificant their highest held ideals are in the larger scheme of things. It is worth bearing in mind that most of these guys are little kids, in actual fact competitive Halo is probably the largest personal aspiration they can have at this point, with so little control over their own lives in any large sense of progression or choice. But they're gonna need to be brought down at some point, so whatever I guess.

    But that's not the point. The point is basically what I've been going on about for this whole post, you've hopefully gotten the point by now. Don't generalise. Don't give the credit of an MLG label to those who don't deserve it. And don't, in turn, criticise those who really love and drive MLG, people who are actually a lot more open minded that you are being right now.

    So you don't like competition, fair enough. Just stop labeling people who do as having some objectively 'negative view on gaming'. "You MLG guys are so closed minded, can't you see that any opinion which contradicts my own is obviously objectively wrong?". Irony fun loltime.
  6. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
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    Pegasi, I hate to say it, but you destroyed that dude.
    Thank you for being one of the few knowledgeable people on the MLG section of these forums. Your posts here are always very true and still remain, for the most part, pretty un-biased and are definitely worth the usual long read
  7. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Pegasi, I am in awe.

    And FishFingers, what is so difficult about this thread that five pages in, you still just post the same stupid **** about MLG being for assholes and people who fail at life that you posted in the OP. Over and over, MLG fans here have given you reasonable responses to your claims(claims that mostly consist of "MLG is only played by jerks with no life therefore MLG is bad!" And even though it is clear now that you are too stubborn to change your opinion, you aren't even changing your arguments.

    You know what you are? You're this guy's even more stubborn and even less open-minded friend. Just accept that HOLY **** THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO LIKE THINGS THAT YOU DON'T LIKE! and move on with your life.

    And yes, I realize that the only thing you will take from this post is that I'm an asshole, and you won't even bother to think that maybe it is OK for people to enjoy MLG, or that perhaps, just maybe you're being closed minded.
    #47 Ladnil, Jun 2, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2009
  8. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Thanks for the kind words guys. It's more of a knee jerk reaction than anything, it irks me so much when people lay in to MLG on an unfounded basis, I just love the sport way too much. But yeah, if you're not gonna discuss the actual finer points of MLG style gameplay in comparison to default gametypes and just tow the tired old line of "MLG = asshole", then please refrain from cluttering up this thread with needless clones of posts that have been all too frequent in here in the first place.
  9. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Okay, I didn't think I'd need to explain how the words 'MLG' and 'Arsehole' combine because it's pretty self explanatory, but if I went into MM MLG right now and captured what some people say to me, you'd agree in a second why i see MLG the way I do.

    And most of what I said was just opinion. I just have a habit of saying it like it's absolute solid fact.

    Okay, you're right. My response was very trollish. I'd just got out of a gametype of:
    "one-shot on top-mid"
    "where's top mid"
    "oh, what the ****?"
    "you don't know callouts??"
    "wait a second, are you British too?"
    Do I need to explain the rest?
    So I was quite pissed off after leaving with something like 1 kill, 14 deaths (some betrayals for "being a british ****"). So I came here and spoke to you guys as though I were talking to the twat that I was playing with in MLG.
    I shouldn't have done that and I should have read through the posts before posting again (it was actually perfect; I was angry about MLG, and the thread that I created about MLG months ago was still alive).

    But you guys have defrinitely made some good points now that I've read back:

    - Just because I don't like it doesn't make it bad
    - The arrogant pricks who appear every so often in the playlist aren't uncommon in other gametypes (most notably Team Doubles and Social Big Team), and aren't the right leg of the aspect of competitive gaming
    - I am generalising every aspect of MLG. MLG =/= Bunch of smelly nerds who think they're better than everyone.
    - Technically, somewhere in Pegasi's 'speech', he was right about it being a sport. Everything was on the same level as MLG at some point, so it does have the potential (nay, the right) to be a sport.

    I don't think I'll cross Pegasi again, in fear of being threatened to move to North Korea, because I am now a communist for my trollish twat-isms, or in fear of being crushed by another wall of text.

    But I would definitely like to go into a game of MLG with you Pegasi, because I appear to be a tard magnet and every time I go in there I get clusterfucked by random insults and random betrayals.
  10. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Yup, more than true. And trust me dude, you wouldn't have to show me anything, I already know too well. MLG Playlist is my home, and not only am I more than familiar with the frankly retarded droves of kids in there, but I'd even say it annoys me more than it does you. I have to put up with them 80% of the time I spend playing MM because I enjoy MLG gametypes the most by far, and seeing them parade around the name of MLG as some kind of e-***** really annoys the hell out of me deep down, their screwing with the name of MLG and giving it a bad image to so many, and it's something I love so much, and understand the basic principles of more than they do by a long way.

    No, no need to explain at all. Tbh I take time to learn the callouts, but that's because I enjoy that aspect of strategy and it increases overall enjoyment for me. If that's not the case for you, then people you meet in MM have no right to act as if you don't deserve to be in the playlist, an attitude that so many adopt. The way I see it is this: Professional MLG, the Pro Circuit, and this to an extent includes Gamebattles, is what I talk about when I talk about the sport. The playlist is, in principle, no different from any other MM playlist, the only difference being the gametypes used. It's recreation, and its your right to go in there and have fun no matter how good/bad, knowledgeable/unknowledgeable you are on certain things. No one has the right to act high and mighty in MM, and tbh no one does in any sense, even the Pro circuit, it's the high and mighty attitude that gives MLG, and those who actually love it, a bad name. But, even then, MM just doesn't matter, MLG playlist or not. When I go in to the MLG playlist I see it as practice, especially if I'm not going in with a party of 4. If I lose, if my teammates quit out, it doesn't matter. It's practice, and if I learned anything from it, or even just got more experience out of it, then it's served its purpose. Winning is fun, not gonna deny that, it increases the sense of achievement massively, but if you lose then realise that it doesn't actually matter, it's not the point of the playlist since you're not actually progressing in the sport in any serious terms by doing well. People who take it so seriously and don't just see it for what it is in relation to the MLG Pro Circuit/Gamebattles, and put so much emphasis on a 50 which is, in the first place, based on a flawed Bungie ranking system, annoy the hell out of me just like they do to you dude. Trust me, I have no more sympathy for them than you do, and I can totally relate to your feelings towards them, I hate them that little bit more for parading around the name of something I take so seriously as a way to act the tard.

    Next, the British problem:

    Dude, you probably know that I'm British too, and I can totally relate to that aspect as well, so much so. I get so much **** just for being british, as if it somehow makes me worse at Halo or less deserving to play MLG. But the past couple of days have really made me feel good in that sense. On 3 separate, recent occasions, I have run in to Americans in MLG that actually liked british people. Yesterday I ran in to these two guys who really thought my accent was cool, lol, and they were really nice guys. And a couple of days before that I was in a game with another british guy, and a party of 2 US people, one guy and one girl. The other british dude was being so damn annoying, complaining all the time because he's getting shut down, insulting the other 2 for being American when they were actually doing their best to save his ass time and again, whether it be with gameplay or top notch callouts. I decided to step in and tell him to shut the **** up, mostly because he wouldn't listen to the other two at all on grounds of them being "American retards". He heard my british accent and started saying I should be backing him up, but I said that actually I have no problem with Americans, one of my best friends this year at Uni was from Rhode Island for example, and that in fact he was annoying the hell out of me too. The American guy and girl started laughing at him and we started chatting and basically triple teaming the guy for being annoying. I got FR's from both of them, and an invitation to party up sometime from the girl cause she loved my sexy accent :p.

    Fact is, many people are assholes, British or American. They will constantly find ways to try and validate their desire to be assholes with what they see as logical backing: "You're British/You're American/You're not 'MLG' ". It's worth remembering that many British guys in MM are just the same towards Americans on an aggressive, unprovoked, pointlessly prejudice basis. In both of those instances I talked about above, the US guys said how it was nice to run in to a British guy who didn't start flaming them just for being American, when they actually have no problem with Britain or the British. We basically just ended up discussing how large numbers of people, regardless of nationality or whatever, are assholes. It's not because of their nationality or anything, but just because they are people, and large numbers of people are always going to be assholes. Whilst its true that I run in to many more Americans who flame Brits than I do Brits who flame Americans, that's just numbers. Halo is dominated by Americans, it's an American game, it's simple numbers, nothing to do with Americans being assholes, and the people who fall in to this trap only end up as hypocrites like that British guy I mentioned above.

    The thing about MM playlist assholes not being the core fanbase of MLG in actual fact is probably one of my main points, so thank you for that dude. Same thing goes for the thing about it being a sport. And lol dude, you don't have to fear a deportation rant, but maintain your fear of subsequent walls of text, this post itself being a omen of sorts :p. I don't try to make my posts unwieldy like this dude, just know that lol.

    And we should get some MLG done sometime, recently it seems I've been moving away from the tard magnet that I used to be, I've been running in to more and more mature people, again the majority of whom are American just because of the numbers involved in MM. But it's great, we talk about what they like about Brit culture, even what they find kinda funny (often I find it funny too on reflection, fact is that all countries have funny little ways that are alot easier to laugh at in your own nationality if brought up in actual friendly conversation with xenophobic aggression ruling all as it seems to so often), and I talk about what I love about American culture, and there is a lot on that front, I'm totally enamored with so many aspects of US culture.

    But overall, thank you for the response dude, it honestly makes me very happy. I know I can get pretty seriousface about MLG, but it just irks me so much how many little kid tards sully it's name and give it this image of flaming, competition above all else, and not even having a sense of common decency. Being able to convince someone that the people who really care about and drive MLG aren't like this feels like a victory over those little kid tards, so thank you. And I truly apologise for this wall of text, honestly I do :p.
  11. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Thanks for admitting you were generalizing, and in light of that, I've gotta say I agree with you. There are a lot of idiots and assholes in the MLG playlist, but that is just because it is perceived as being the only good one by elitists. Jerks and elitists are naturally going to gravitate toward whatever they perceive as being the most competitive playlist. That playlist happens to be MLG, but is that MLG's fault? No. The fact that the playlist is full of those players is a reflection on that type of gamer rather than a reflection on the playlist.

    If there was no MLG playlist, those people would just go off to some other one, perhaps Team Slayer? I can imagine it now, some guy on his 6th account playing against level 10s in TS, screaming and insulting as much as he does now in MLG, but this time about how he's better than everyone so they have to give him all the BR ammo, he gets the sniper and the rockets, and everyone else is an idiot for dying. Just like it happens now in MLG, just a different playlist.

    MLG built gametypes with the goal of having the best competitive spectator sport they could make, and the fact that that attracts kids who meaure their **** size by their level in a videogame as well as players who genuinely like the gametypes, or want to improve, or just like competition against the best gamers available is not MLG's fault.
  12. master kief

    master kief Ancient
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    MLG gametypes and maps are all balanced very well. You spawn with a BR, you so can always defend yourselves off the spawn. Communication makes the matches more competitive-- strategy becomes VERY important. It's about the performance of the team as a whole, and the strategies were all developed after deconstructing the game (where spawns are, how long spawns take, when weapons spawn, when cpu spawns, when hill changes, when to push, how to spawn people near you, when to reload, where to throw opening grenades, etc.). The best players utilize strategies encompassing all this and more.

    MLG is best because of how balanced the gametypes/maps are and because you always spawn with a BR.
  13. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
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    While i do prefer MLG as well, we can't say it is the best because what is best comes down to what the individual enjoys
  14. TG buTTNuT

    TG buTTNuT Ancient
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    MLG is fun to me because it is more fast pace then the other playlists and limits out the less fun weapons. Also spawning things on drop timers makes for an exciting choke point say every 3 minutes on pit or every 2.30 on guardian. Not to mention a majority of the Obj games in MLG seem to play ALOT better then even those in the recently retired team obj playlist. Its also the only playlist that is difficult to get a 50 in and is the most admirable 50 to obtain.
  15. Ultrainium

    Ultrainium Ancient
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    Yes, Just sitting in the MLG lobby showing off your 50 while little kids ask you for help in mm.
  16. iSkillStik

    iSkillStik Guest

    The idea of MLG itself is great. The specific modifications to the game types are great, like the player speed being kicked up a little and the position of the weapons and even the weapons (though few) are great. But I think its the "I am MLG" attitude that is killing it for me. I was such a huge fan, and still am of MLG "itself" and the "idea" of MLG, but not the players. The pros, yes, the MLG wannabees online...not so much is an understatement! To be honest, this crappy "Im the ish" attitude had steered me right away form Ranked all together pretty much, with the exception of Squad. The way I use to deal with it, was to just say "1v1 scrub". While very fun, not very mature...As Ive learned form my own experiance and other fellow Generals on B.net. To be honest its the players that have ruined MLG, the ones who dont play and especially the ones who do...
  17. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    It makes you think it's cool to have alternating caps and non caps in your gamertag, and double letters eg. ii rKwLnOw Pl0xX

    I agree with EFF, but i'm stereotypical as well. I think a lot of the MLG players are very talented, I spend some time on montages and stuff, but you can be good without any of that.

    I play halo as a party game, a fun, social game, where me and my friends use teamwork and tactics, play minigames and race, play fun competitive infection maps and the like. other use it to demonstrate art & design, or logic skills in switches and rube goldbergs.
    Yet most of these people still have a social life, or live a healthy, happy lifestyle.

    But from what I've seen and heard, I haven't heard of a lvl 50 MLG player who isn't arrogant, racist, sexist, angry, tired, and none of them have seemed particularly happy doing what they do on MM & customs of MLG.

    I think it's crucial that you play games for fun, not to show off stats, look good, or whatever.
    But that's all my opinion.

    Edit: wow, sorry - didn't realise how old this thread was, or that it was only just necro-ed.
    #57 Camel Carcass, Aug 5, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2009
  18. Ultrainium

    Ultrainium Ancient
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    Could you guess where TOP MID is?
    Some people are very competitive. They don't want to loose their rank and just want to win.
    Some of them are just stupid. If you can find friends to go into the MLG playlist with then it will be a lot of fun.
    You can even make friends in the playlist. If you just be nice to them they they (for the most part) will be nice to you.
    Thats why there are ranks, If you were on your friends account who is a 50 in MLG and you play a game. You go in with out knowing any callouts or weapon times, then your team is going to get mad at you. Ranks are there to help filter the competition level.
    Low levels being the least serious.
  19. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    We're not saying there aren't good social people in the playlist, it's just the majority of the MLG community from what we've encountered have turned out to be pricks.

    The point is, you shouldn't have to play your way up to a rank thirtysomething to avoid TT on a playlist.
    #59 Camel Carcass, Aug 6, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2009
  20. Ultrainium

    Ultrainium Ancient
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    I didnt say you have to rank higher to avoid trash talkers.
    I said the higher level you are the higher level of competition.
    If you are playing on your 45 in MLG and sucking badly Your team is going to let you know.

    No one really trash talks me because I am good and I can pull my own weight.
    Once in a while you team might be loosing and some prick on your team might use you as a scapegoat but when the game is over and the stats are up then you will see the truth there.
    #60 Ultrainium, Aug 6, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2009

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