Phobia plays similarly to Cosmic Rick's Gravity Well, and has a circular map layout. No losing nades: every item is interlocked with at least one other item. DL link and pictures not yet available. I'm not a video editing pro: I had one render to video minute and thought I'd put it to use. Gametypes: - Dubs Slayer - Dubs Flag - Dubs Bomb - Dubs VIP YouTube - H3C x Nevz presents PHOBIA :: A Forge Union Production Watch in high quality
You dont have to change the name but i have a map called phobia already. But once again im not sayin you have to change it just some people dont like having there maps have the same map name as others. But this look really fun cant wait to play it.
Thanks. I'm almost ready to publish this thing, and I think I'll keep the name. Most names have been used multiple times.