You may know that I make a Tips & Tricks series on YouTube. I've made 3 episodes now. They're not hugely popular, but as I make more all of the vids get more views. Anyway, my next episode will be on campaign tricks. So far I've got: - How to drive the Anti-Air Wraiths - How to give Marines weapons - How to give the Arbiter and Johnson weapons - How to get the vehicles from the drone fight into the huge Brute firefight on Tsavo Highway so that you can subsequently skip that part of the level and move on to Rally Point Alpha - How to easily kill the anti-air gun on The Storm without having to face the Chieftain pack - How to kill Brutes easily - How to kill both types of Brute Chieftains easily But I need some more tricks for campaign. All suggestions will be taken into consideration as long as they: - Do not involve escaping a map area - Do not involve major glitches - Help the player in some way - Are not easter eggs - Aren't widely known - Don't take place on the level Halo Credit will be given where credit is due!
When you have a shotgun look where your aiming i cant count how many times ive betrayed some doing that (ill think of some more later
- How to easily kill the anti-air gun on The Storm without having to face the Chieftain pack - Do not involve escaping a map area .... What about how to kill flood more easy (spiker meelee, brute shot, stick the exploding ones...)
Err, I guess. Elaborare pl0x Also, if you get on the machine gun turret and shoot at the bottom of the gun, you can sometimes kill it from there.
Describe it in more detail. I've noticed this too. It only takes like 2 brute shot melees to kill a flood tank form. Coupled with its wide melee range, as well as its AOE rounds, make it pretty much the best anti-flood weapon.
it doesnt really qualify as "tricks" but how about hidden weapon spots,good sniping places,and just interesting placs to be.
I have a few ghost jumps (make shortcuts and higher grounds) and I can show a large amount of tactical places to kill from (high grounds, covered areas, etc that you don't normally go when you are playing through campaign). If you need any for match making ever I can do wonders. everything from learning spawns to tactical jumps, weapon timings, etc etc etc. just let me know.
I am zeh campaign mastorz xD How to kill flood easy: -Shoot marine and brute forms in the infection form (flowery thing) for one-shot kill -Heavy weaponry or beatdowns for armored combat forms -Heavy weaponry, fire, or beatdowns for pure forms -Stick the balloon forms -Bottom Line: Infection form is the weak spot. Aim there. How to kill brutes easy: -Plasma/covenant weapons work on the armor. -Marine/brute weapons work on the body. -Snipe the eyes for a surefire headshot. Not the head, chin, or nose. The eyes. How to kill jackals easy: -Aim for the right (or Jackal's left hand) space indent in the shield. Then, as they stumble backwards, hit the purple light covering their head. For Co-op (Fat Kid & Kamikaze strategy): -One player plays the "kamikaze," he sprints through the level ignoring all incoming shots and firing only when needed. -Another player plays the "fat-kid," he stays and clears everything, spawning next to the "kamikaze" as necessary. Wraiths -If area is heavily crowded (like before Point Alpha on The Ark), stay a safe distance with a chopper and fire away. -Gunner always goes first, unless you attack from behind.
Okay, no more flood advice guys. In my second vid I did a huge guide for the Vidmaster Annual achievement on how to kill the flood easily. But thanks for all the advice so far guys!
-When shooting with a shotgun, it's always good too follow up with a melee. -About 2 rocket launcher shots or a couple grenades can take out the arbiter, you can then steal his energy sword. -When on Co-Op, ALWAYS leave one player behind in case people die. (Preferably the one who is the worst at coping with the current situation) -Always plan out grenade throws. 1 Sticky grenade can take out 4 brutes' armour (if it doesn't kill them) at once. -Use the 'Plasma-Punchout' trick on brutes. Use an overcharged Plasma Pistol too take the armour out then melee them too death.
duplicating the arbs. Okay my xbox isnt working so i cant really show you first hand but i found this out myself. Right when you enter the building after killing the two scarabs, right before the cutscene, throw grenades or use some other tactic to get the arbiter off the edge. When the cutscene ends, youll find yourself in the regular place you normally are, but with an arbiter with no UNSC tag over his head. The arbiter WITH the UNSC tag should be showing up way below you down the shaft where you got him off the edge. Eventually, the tagged arbiter will spawn back to you and you will have 2 arbiters. this may or may not last through the killing of the prophet cutscene. the arbiter's sword has 1 ammo. if you betray too much, he will attack you with instant kill weaponry.