while i was forging on a canvas map today, one of my friends joined and placed a kill ball conveniently where the large pile of respawn points are on my map, so now every time i spawn its inside the killball. Ive put several hours into this map that i would really not prefer redo-ing. basicly is there any way for me to get outside the killball area?
There is nothing you can do. That honestly sucks ****ing ass, but you had it coming. Friends aren't trustworthy, forgehub members are. I really feel bad, but there is NOTHING you can do. Sorry.
Is is the OLN canvas where all the points are on top of one another? Try starting a map with 16 players, it might spread you out and then someone can delete it.
Try the 16 player thing, if that doesnt work, you could always get a modder, im geussing theres a few on this forum that arent outspoken, but if you do a request thread one may pm and help you, they just have to change the killball hex to something like a mongoose and there we go..
Modding content is not allowed on forgehub and you should know that. But yes the 16 player thing is almost guaranteed to work, given that the respawns ARE placed on top of eachother.
ROFL, your friend is a genius. Try changing player traits or just keep starting new rounds and holding the thumbstick in the opposite direction of the killball and maybe you can get out
1) Try changing teams while ur dead. It could work. 2) Get more players in there than are spawn points. 4 Ex: 3 spawn points- 4 people.
I am pretty sure if he is using an OLN canvas, there is around 70. However, this is irrelevant because there are so close together. That sucks, btw. Basically, others have said just about everything you could do. The 16 player thing should work. The only other method I can think of is have someone join after the game has begun and the player may spawn in a different location than where the spawn pile is. The palace where he would spawn is on of the safe spawns that cannot be deleted.
Bad news, you can only have 8 people in a forging session at a time. However, I know it's a mod, but I have a mod that let's you play forge withoput being pn teams. If all the respawns are next to each other, someone'll spawn outside the spawn area. And because it's a cross between slayer and forge (because it's in the custom games lobby), you should be able to play it with 16 players. The modded gametype will have no effect on your map.
i usualy don't save my maps when i have freinds over to play around in forge..... but in your case i'd just say change game types or use Fish FInger's m-o-d if you need to. i have the crappy canvas that makes you delete everything in the skybubble for each game type.again sucks to be you.
Thank you for all your help, i had several people get in on different teams and at least 2 of us spawned outside, so we were able to delete the kill ball and my map has been salvaged now, thank you all sincerely. also: the gametype thing didnt work for the reason that I couldnt, get into monitor mode, which for some reason is required of me to change the gametype. but thankyou all for your help anyways
try saving changes and quiting the game, then restart in forge, then start a new round. for some reason it always puts me at a default spawn point in the main area when i do that, even if i have many spawn points and start points.
He already did it, dude. FH ftw! An easy way would have been to make someone spawn during the game, they mostly spawn on the auto-spawns.