Author: Matty Supported Gametypes: Slayer, Oddball, CTF Recommended Gametypes: CTF, Oddball Recommended Players: 8-16 - - -Download- - - Weapons And Equipment 4 Sniper Rifles (4 shots in each) 4 Rocket Launchers (2 shots in each) Spartan Laser 10 Battle Rifles 4 Trip Mines 1 Bubble Shield 8 Plasma Grenades 1 Shotgun 2 Gauss Warthogs 6 Mongoose's Introduction Ok i have had this map since the DLC pack came out, its a really early creation. I have played countless games on this map, and they have always been fun. Its more of an all out war map, rather than the small slayer maps that i have made previously. I recommend playing with more than 8 people. The more people in the game the fairer the game plays. Simply put, the map is the outer ring of Rats Nest. There are 2 bases, red and blue, on each side of the map. This map is perfectly symmetrical. This map is best played on CTF, but make sure you put a time limit, as this map can quite easily go on forever. I know alot of people are thinking, "4 sniperz!" or "4 Rocketz!!" But with the scale of the map, they really dont go a long way, especially with thier lack of ammo. The point of so many of these weapons is to allow the team to make a sucessful run for the flag, without bringing in bad things like spawn camping. I have released this map now, because i thought there arnt many big maps out there, especially ones set for CTF. This map has been tweaked alot. I have constantly made changes, to make it more and more balanced. I think i 100%'d it today, by making a few changes to weapon placement and cover. It should run pretty smoothly now. Here are some screenshots: Red Team bieng chased by the blues, as they make a desperate escape [img width=800 height=600][/img] Red Team deterring a once hostile Blue Team A sneaky Blue has made his way into the Red's base The Blue Team 'hog has come face to face with a rocket, and lost Ok that'll be all.
This is a very good CTF map, it plays well when there is 8+ people simply because there is an all out war on both sides of the map. There is a big variety of weapons which makes it more fun and plenty of vehicles so there is constantly a wave of opponents going for your flag. Recommended to play big team battle and also recommended to pickup a rocket at the start. Great map.
ooooo no hammer... i always enjoyed knocking an unsepected vehicle off the edge with a hammer. but it looks really good and thought out. when i first started reading i thought 4 rockets but then it made a bit more sense once i read that the warthogs were gauss. i like that you blocked off the middle area. seems like it could play very well.
Its not because of the warthog. I belive that the Gauss is quite underpowered compared to the normal 'hog, and requires much more skill. The reason there are 4 rockets, is because they only have 2 shots, so in actual fact you would only have 2 normal rockets. Faster respawns means there is much more action. But one player wont always own all the others, everyone has an equal chance, not just the guy with the rocket / warthog
In my opinion, you need at least one or two screenshots that give a better idea of the changes made in the map--something that shows overviews of the map at rest. Okay, I haven't used Halo 3's Gauss 'Hog that much, but please enlighten me; how is something that shoots bolts of insta-kill, underpowered compared to a normal Warthog? :squirrel_eyebrow: (I realize this is off topic, but it was said in this thread.)
It is very useless close range, which is where alot of the fighting can take place. It only hits one person, normal turret can get alot of people at once Slow to turn the turret around Misses often unless you line it up When you play the map you will realise. The warthog isnt the thing the "make or break" in the game.
This i would say is the best map of yours, just because of the gameplay. I really liked the guass fights, but i could never kill somone with that sniper. One of these iems i need to send your an FR to test these awesome mapz of yours. I love the weapon placement but i think the two tripmines might be a titch to overpowerful. P.S. Dom is fat P.S.S. SOI SOI