I've narrowed down my initial batch of 11 screenshots taken for this weekend's contest thingymabob to 6. I need you guys to tell me which one is your favorite! #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 Please help. It's SRS BSNS.
The second one, but It would be the first one if there was not the needlers and only the green and blue colors
Number 3. To me it conveys the "prepare for battle" feel. But at the same time it also conveys the reluctance of wanting to go into battle. Either that or I am readin to much into it.
I think number 3 is the best. It has no overdone effects. It's looks cool. We all know reloading is badass.
Ima helpin' mah Debo!!! :3 Definitely number 1, but I'm mentally unstable and the bright colors enthrall me, so if I was you, I'd just do myself a favor and not listen to me. Unless you were me, in which case, you'd have to listen to me, being that I am you. So anyways, if I'm you, don't listen to me, but if you're me, listen to yourself and do what I say. So which is it, Debo? Are you me or am I you??? Madness strikes again!!
If you had Mark V on for no.2, it would've looked like the cover for First Strike. 3rd is my favorite, the effects work so well, and the tower in the back adds to to it.