Sandbox Lotus Islands V4

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by TailsIce44, Jun 4, 2009.

  1. TailsIce44

    TailsIce44 Ancient
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    Lotus Islands V4
    Reference to the song "Lotus Island" by Buckethead
    *Note-Only Editing done is on Goals
    *Note-Shotguns have been deleted and Battle Rifles have been put in there place and Brute Shots have been put in Battle Rifles Place

    YouTube - "Lotus Islands V4"-Halo 3 Forge Map (Tribute to Buckethead)

    Lotus Island V3-
    My final map to the 4 "Lotus Islands" maps and I have made it in the fashion I could. Whats new about it your thinking probably? Well what I have done is made it playable yet still at a standstill where people will enjoy it. Here is the always lovely overhead view picture for your viewing:

    *As you can see it has completely changed from its original yet still keeps the idea.

    Now with the new picture in your mind, lets move on to whats new and whats not.

    *4-12 Players

    *Supports All Gametypes

    X2 Battle Rifles, 30 sec respawn
    X2 Brute Shots, 30 sec respawn
    X2 Maulers, 30 sec respawn
    X2 Snipers, 30 sec respawn
    X1 Rocket Launcher, 90 sec respawn

    X2 Regenerators, 60 sec respawn
    X2 Bubble Shields, 60 sec respawn
    X4 Plasma Grenades, 10 sec respawn
    X4 Spike Grenades, 10 sec respawn

    X2 Mongooses, 30 sec respawn


    Red Base

    Blue Base

    High Bridge & Low Bridge

    Low Bridge
    *If you notice the gap in the bridge that is not there. I went back to edit it but it was fine so be aware that is a error in the screenshot I took.

    Inside a Pyramid
    Download Here
    #1 TailsIce44, Jun 4, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2009
  2. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    All i have to say is AMAZING!!! i realy want to test this out. it looks like it could be Matchmakeing material!
    can you tell is which game types are the best for this map? or haven't you truley tested it? it looks to me that this would support CTF and assault the best.

    hey, i'll be looking for this one on bungie favs. -Mav.
  3. RolandDeschain

    RolandDeschain Ancient
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    Very good map. I remember seeing the older version and I got to say this one is awesome. Very smart idea to make an extra path. Other than that keep forging and having fun!!!! 5/5
    #3 RolandDeschain, Jun 4, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2009
  4. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    i have to say, this map as well as the other versions have looked great, and have been amazing to play on, almost having a Narrows map like feel to it, the aesthetics are wonderful and it appears that you put a lot of effort into the map. I can see the improvements from the recent lotus maps, and it appears you did a great job with each base, which looks really cool with the layout, but have you tried looking at the map without the FX on?

    great job, excellent forging, 4.95/5
  5. TailsIce44

    TailsIce44 Ancient
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    Thank you for the comments now I honestly dont understand this. how does this resemble narrows? I know thats a good thing but it would help me if I know something about my map that I dont
  6. F2P Game7ypes

    F2P Game7ypes Ancient

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    good map.
    A good point is that you interlock all your objects.
    Maybe i would edit your the rocket spot and add a ramp or something that you can go on top.
    but thats your decision.
    overall nice map
  7. TChun21

    TChun21 Ancient
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    Here comes the ratings

    Aesthetics +.5
    Pyramids are awesome. I has some sloppy interlocking but I would let it slide and wait for a newer version.
    Layout +.5
    Simple but new
    Balance +.5
    I would remove one shotgun and add more BRs/Carbines
    Gameplay +1
    Simple fun 2 vs 2. I enjoyed it (Except for falling off the ledge)
    Originality +1
    Bonus +0
    CTF was fun but it could be alot better. Work on it. It still a great map and worthy of atleast a dl.

    You've made a good map. Work on another version and it would be great!
  8. TailsIce44

    TailsIce44 Ancient
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    About to be edited by fixing weapons. From the amount of blocks I had put in for each island, I cant add much more but the weapons are doable. Will be edited shortly from time I post this.

    By this time it has been edited and a video to go with it!
    #8 TailsIce44, Jun 5, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2009
  9. Reincarnation

    Reincarnation Ancient
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    in your video, you didnt even put the song "Lotus Island", you put in the song called "Lebron", now was is that?
  10. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    i really have to apologize, as i see nothing past average with this map whatsoever, and you cant lie to me and tell me the gameplay is good when there is one long curve that leaves any player stupid enough to walk it, to be terrorized by a single BR looking out. again i apologize, as you seem to be hit by forgehubs usual curse-over exageratingly friendly dults, who dont know a thing they say, like the ones who say the gameplay is good and the map is amazing so they can make someone else feel good. i suggest working on something with a little more scope. as you were obviously inspired by narrows(to my understanding more subconciously than conciously), keep in mind that it had 2 levels AND a man cannon, with the two levels not being visible to the other, in that looking over one, you could not see the other, and narrows had the ability of flow, as players could easily traverse from level to level, or be obvious and use the man cannon. another use that you need is walls, that stand for cover and closed areas that arent under the influence of 1 door, that leads to a room, with no other doors. this kills gameplay. with two strong people withBRs in the middle, the game is won as easily as that, this map is not amazing, and i apologize if you take this wrong but i say this with the most honest voice you can imagine, because your a beginning forger, and there are many flaws here. no more V's, ok, start on something knew. i will give you my final verdict, with no malicious intent whatsoever.

    -a little sloppy(bases and ramps down to the curve)
    -flawed gameplay (without even playing its extremely obvious that there is no flow, thus, poor gameplay)
    -poor feedback (this has nothing to do with you, but bad luck. ask an admin and he will tell you the same)

    if you want, ill give you help on your next map, as im a pretty defined forger.

    my gamertag is MetalicSnakeX
    #10 Metallic Snake, Jun 5, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2009
  11. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    well, its a map that you can fall off of, there are ramps leading up to the center of the map, like narrows, then there is an under the map path, like narrows. It just has a narrows feel to it, like some people say some small assymetric slayer maps have a gaurdian feel to it (example: Archaic)
  12. Rise Against

    Rise Against Ancient
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    First of all I'm not going to lie to you, I don't like it. The main problem that I foresee is the fact that there are only 2 paths to the other side of the map. If that wan't bad enough, the elevated pathway has a ton of cover, where as the lower path has none. In my mind it should be the other way around having more cover on the lower level. The team with control of the top path would completely control and dominate the rest of the map, as there would be no way for the other team to traverse the map(other than getting rained on with BR shots from the higher path if they were to take the low road).

    I don't know how you could fix these problems, and I am sorry that so many people mindlessly gave you props for a map that flows this poorly.

    Sorry for being harsh.
  13. TailsIce44

    TailsIce44 Ancient
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    Okay im really surprised an feel like im stupid because it took me this long to notice this comment. First off, there is not 2 path, there is 3. The second path has 2 ways and they are connected. Next off the top bridge control theory. Lets think. Your right someone could BR the guy from above but then he dies, the BR guy goes to pick off another guy then the other guy can save the day and kill him. End of story. Again I feel really stupid to leave that untouched for so long. And ill say this once more for everyone. I ran out of space! Even if I wanted to put something else in I couldnt. Theres your explanation.

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