Author: Matty Supported Gametypes: Slayer, Oddball, Juggernaught, Recommended Gametypes: Slayer, Oddball, Recommended Players: 2-4 - - -Download- - - Weapons And Equipment Battle Rifle x2 Covenant Carbine x2 Plasma Rifle x2 Sniper Rifle x1 Plasma Grenade x2 Regenerator x1 Description Ok well my Guilders application is underway, so there isnt much of an urge for me to be making something big, at the moment, especially with me currently glued to Vegas 2. But that wont stop me. Feeling sick of all my unfinished maps, i decided to create something from scratch. This map is designed for very small games. 2 - 4 Players is recommended. I would not exceed that unless you like utter chaos. The overall shape is very open, so i dont recommend this for gametypes like SWAT. There is a large range of weaponry, especially considering the small size of the map. I think the weapons are pretty well balanced. Nothing is overpowered. This map took a good few hours. It was a big of a "speed-forge". I just wanted to keep it simple, and i think i accomplished that. Because of the shape of the map, i dont think the pictures do the map much justice. I recommend playing a game or having a forgethrough before commenting. Also check out these shiny panoramaz! Ok well thats a days work for you. Its not revolutionary. I knew that. Its just a small creation coming from temporary boredum of Vegas 2. Side Note: If you have nothing to do, why not try find the names "Matty" and "Vinny". They are both placed on the map, and are viewable from inside the map.
It looks like a great small map. I see you used the sticky-out aztec-look-a-like-wall-thing. Ill have to play some later but this looks good. Also you could at a normal screenshot on the frontpage to show the overall view of the level? The panoramic one makes it look veerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry curved.
Curse you matty, curse you. You make me downloadz mapz that takes hardrive space. I'm gonna download and send you better pictures :| SOI SOI
Thanks. I have had a good few games today. They have all been fun. There is a small issue with unfair spawning, but with the shape of the map i cant really help it. I might be making a map for tuesday night. Similar style, because i thoroughly enjoy making small tidy maps.
SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI _________________________________________________ Looking to the right... [IMG width=600][/img] Looking to the left from the same position... [IMG width=600][/img] I also had a picture of me getting sniped in the foot by Matty, but it didn't upload yet.
I was shocked - I thought you had stolen one of my ideas for a map, but now I can put my ideas to rest. With the pictures you've shown me, it reminds me of slanted, which was beautifully created, but questionable on how it played (for me at least ). I DL most of your maps, and this is no exception - let's play a 1v1 on this sometime, I'll be happy to give it a review. And Alby, you actually made that your sig? You jerk. And Dark, thank you for uploading that pic viewing the side. I didn't know what was going on, there. I'm assuming he fence boxes are for team spawns? _________________________________________________ I had a quick forge-through, and I gotta tell ya - this map is too easy to escape. It's a simple grenade jump off one of the barriers, and you're out. I'm also curious as to why there's a sniper on such a small map, unless it's used for no scoping. The map is aesthetically beautiful, as if you spent much time on the map itself, but then killed it with weapon placement. Good job overall, but I'd like to see a map-patch soon.
Yo Matty sorry I didn;t come play earlier brotha i was pretty heated after losing our first 2 grifball matches of the season just before. Major bummer. But this looks good, from what I can see. I'll get back to ya
Well sorry i didnt realise it would so hard for people to understand this map. Using the first and third pictures together allows you to understand it fine. But nvm about that what do you guys think?
I think it looks amazing. Simple yet brilliant i like the way it has been set out and not to many places to hide, i like that you have made a map for oddball been looking for a good one. I also like that you have not made very many corners to hide around. I'm surprised to see that it does not look at all like foundry and its a aestheticly pleasing map. I believe that a sniper on a small level can be a good choice of a power weapon because it doesn't control the map but it lets them get a little bit more of an upper hand on the other players, if you can use it right.