SPEED BUMP Speed Bump <------DL Info I know no one reads the posts anymore so ill make it quick. Speed Bump is a big circle with jumps, tunnels, and tight spaces. This was designed to be like competitive racing like nocking peaple off, bumping, otherwise known as "dirty driving" I worked hard to interlock right, make turns neat and make it fun to race. Warning I ran out of money so the finish line is cheatable. Please play with a reliable party so no one cheats. PICTURE TIME!!!!! Overview of the map [/URL] Starting line [/URL] The first turn [/URL] The first jump (it is very smooth) [/URL] Second Turn and Second Jump [/URL] Third Turn [/URL] Rainbow Tunnel! (weeee) [/URL] Rainbow Tunnel End [/URL] Big Air jump [/URL] Long Straitaway "]http://haloscreenshots.net/gallery/FCFE1B84A3A53853FA8201400AA666E1/"] Fourth (hard left) turn [/URL] Little Jump [/URL] Diagnal Right then Hard Right turns [/URL] Final Straitaway [/URL] Finish Line! [/URL] After you finish, make a hard left back to the start line. If you have more than 3 people in you party the mongooses/mongeese should be out of the way [/URL] I Hope You Enjoy Speed Bump DL-----> Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
im sorry, but this is a very bad race track map, theres little to no interlocking, the finish line is cheatable not only in that you can just sit on it, but the jump is right next to it, so you could just go from the one to the other. Also its an incredibly boring design, its almost all straightaways, which no one wants to do.
Really seems like you stole my idea in my map. Your "rainbow tunnel." But you may not have, and if you didn't then nevermind. Great minds just think alike I guess. But it looks much better in gloomy.
I think that if you make some edits and create a 2nd version that this could become my favorite racing map. To fix your cheatable finish line, I suggest deleting a floor tile, creating a very tiny jump, and then you should move the finish line so that it hovers over the newly-made hole. You can then add a gravity lift or two to the other side so that driver cannot pass over it again. Love the rainbow tubes and the racing seems smooth. I'll give it a 3.5/5 for now, but with improvements it can easily be a perfect score. Edit: I read the above comments and after looking over it closer I agree that there are too many straightaways. Probably why you ran out of cash.
sorry to say.. i agree completely with rewib65 The idea is bad, knocking people off in a race map, just doesnt make it fun. Regardless of your budget loss, at least make the finishline float so its harder to cheat on. And get rid of that little pathway you can go the wrong way alog. Honour rules pretty much kill a map. Bad idea, Bad design, Bad map. The little interlocking you've done is pretty good though. You weren't joking about that jump being smooth. Ummm..... next time, i'd say get rid of so many straights, change the race height more, make it generally more interesting and fun. Also, obviously, get the whole map uncheatable, i cannot impress on you enough how much honour rules completely kill otherwise good maps. I've actually been working on my race map, Crowning Glory, for a while now. Yet to be forgehub uploaded. In that i have more jumps, less straights, more open spaces, you have to be an idiot to die on it. Generally a much better map. Well, i'm whittering now lol, so im just gna stop typing. Sorry, but next time, just do better in every way.
im sorry but this isnt that good its long and interesting and u tried, and for as long as uve been around u could do better and i made a racetrack on sandbox with my frienda and we mad a challenge to oursleves that we wouldent interlock or merge at all unless it was needed to block a cheatable area, and ares is better. sorry to say work better on the design and the layout so maybe u can touch it up with the extra money u woulkd have. i might downlaod just so i can help u out on what u can do to help ur future maps
Ok, this was my first racetrack. I wasnt going for the best racetrack out there. I was experimenting on different things. I was wanting to see what would a tunnel look like if it was multicolored, I wanted to see how straitght aways would affect gameplay, And I wanted to make smooth turns. Who ever is saying there is no interlocking I wish to say to you the turns are interlocked and the jumps are interlocked. The racetrack is smooth and ill try not to put straitaways on the maps too much. Thanks for most of you bieng kind about your posts.
Seriously, ignore these pricks. The only thing wrong with the map is that: - The finish line is cheatable - The corners should be banked so the player can turn them easier I like the layout of the track though, but it'd be much better if it weren't all on one level.
Personally I don't like it. It seems as though you placed most of the objects on the grid, and the fact that the turns aren't banked, makes for bad playability in my opinion. On the corners place respawn points on the outside corners of the objects, because by the looks of it you placed them on the inside corners, if you know what I mean, doing this makes them look alot better. The finish line is cheat-able also, somebody could just sit on it and win the game. Also I don't like the blandness, it looks to...boring, plain. Try to add aesthetics next time, many more people will enjoy that. On the 'Diagnal right then hard right turns' section of your track looks extremely sloppy, you may want to fix that. Good try anyway, take people's advice and use it on your next track (If you make one). I also noticed that you edited this post, I wonder why , please don't take people's comments the wrong way, most are only trying to help.