My dad took me to see it because its my bday today (15 btw) and im just gonna sing its praises, insane film! Best cgi i have seen and great story line, defo a sequal coming! Btw if u go see it ull like the opening beat of the drums (badum dur dur). Classic terminator beat. Ohh and small spoiler, arnies a bit hench isnt he?
I didnt think the plot was anything special. although best action sequences in any movie ive seen for awhile. I think the best cgi was in Star Trek for me
I saw it on the day it came out. It was a fun movie, but not an award winner. Just fun to watch. Didn't compare to Terminator 1, but better than 2 and 3, at least. The plot was alright. You kinda knew it all along, or at least I did. Acting was great, though. The end was a huge ". WAT?!" Probably if I had to rate it would give it an 8.
When the **** did Kyle Reese take the jump from awkward Russian kid to baddass terminator killing guy?
It was ok. Would have been better if had been released at a different because in my mind Star trek beat it in everyway. But atleast the brought back the Govenator even if only for a minute. To me it was to easy to predict.
I was actually very disappointed with it really. Being I've seen all Terminators, I would have expected it to live up to the hype, and the stellar movie plots. Though this one didn't even really follow the original story line, and went with the stereotypical 21st century action/special effects/dry story line. I don't want to spoil anything, but alot of the arrangements didn't make sense, were too predicted, or random as hell. Plus, the beginning was just irrelevant for Skynet to choose that guy. Don't get me wrong, being it was a Terminator movie it kicked ass, but it didn't kick as much booty as I had anticipated. I also need to catch up on all the previous movies, seeing it's been about 5 years since I've really reiterated them.
I really liked it overall. Those fish-terminator thingies in the water were badass. Plus, I loved the CGI cameo by the Governator.
I thought it was very cheesy on how everyone said their name dramatically in like every other scene. And how John Connor didn't die when he got stabbed by a huge ****ing metal thing through his body.
I think that it would have been better if Christian Bale and Sam Worthington switched roles it could have been better. And why did they have to give Skynet a face! That really bothered me. I think this movie was ok, it was fun to watch, but Star Trek was a better movie.
Terminator Salvation was epic to me and had some awesome action and explosions thats all I care about.