WINNER DECLARED! 1st Place go's to BHS12Price for his amazing performance of finishing only seconds away from 4 minutes! 4,000 Microsoft Points for you, my sir! map: : Halo 3 File Details Gametype: : Halo 3 File Details CONTEST: This Topic is a detailed explenation on my map and exactly how to win it. In return of teaching you how to finish it in the quickest time, I've created a contest. I will be taking 15 non - Rendered contest submissions, and 85 rendered submissions ( don't have space on xbox to fit alot of films. ) at the end of the deadline ( all 100 submissions or June 23rd ( 3 weeks from now, june 2nd. ) ) I will watch every submission, and record the fastest time. TIP: This challenge is encouraged for Bungie Pro subscribers. you ease my day by having rendering capabilities. TIP: you may message me personally to show me the film. ( being your connection is better. ) RULES: Gametype must be secure. must contain proof of the true gametype, un-modified. Must be within Custom games. CANNOT USE CHECKPOINTS! THESE ARE FOR REGULAR PLAYERS! NOT CONTEST USERS! Now, a Tutorial. You start off here. crouch jump to the first block, simply jump to the second, crouch jump onto the 3rd ramp and aim for the left side. When there aim your jump up and regularly jump onto the wide ramp and jump onto the block when you have contact. Now for the hard part. This jump is where most stupid people would just try and jump it. Please, DON'T! line your jump up before anything, because you'll be looking down this jump. throw a spike grenade a little to the left of you ( on the edge of the block ) and run, brute shot on the edge of the block while jumping and if timed right, you land perfectly on the other obsticle. Now, I hope you have good timing. once again, gain your senses with a pause and gently walk toward the edge. slide down and right when you hit the wall sticking out of the other wall, press A. you should automatically bounce into the next room. This might take a while to explain in detail, but i'll put it simple : Jump on the first block ( left side ) walk around the edge and brute shot jump to the next block. repeat. jump onto the wide block and let shields recharge. brute shot to next block, repeat to Radar jammer jump. Radar jammer jump to the wooden platform ( TUTORIAL: Take your radar jammer. aim up your jump, look straight down, run, jump, press "X" and then "A" RIGHT after eachother. ) once on wooden platform, jump onto the block. get on the very edge of the block ( can't fall ) and brute shot, crouch, and hold forward. once on second block, brute shot to the sideways block above. Ignore checkpoint teleporter ( has flat boxes on it ) and go around. find second teleporter and FALL in. Don't jump, you might hit your head on the checkpoint and fall. Watch your head, because once through the teleporter you never know when the fusion coil falls. as you see it's like a chess board. Imagine it like this: the solid squares are black pieces. the inner squares are white pieces. you must stay in the white squares while moving up to the the top. My only tutorial for this: Crouch jump. stay in a square and hide every 10 seconds. ( do to fusion coil ) don't use brute shot. Fall. Jump. Jump. Jump. Gasp. Killball! Jump the killball. get a bubble shield. throw inside killball. get grav lift. jump. spike grenade / brute shot jump. jump inside wall. brute shot ontop the side of the wall. jump on box. look down. throw grav lift. hold forward. spike grenade / brute shot on top of WALLS! ( not rectangle block. ) jump from walls to said block. jump up to second checkpoint. yet again, ignore. jump on very small corner. jump on top of giant corner. jump inside "Honey Comb". Ignore short sentences and move on. Double brute shot jump, hold right. double brute shot jump, hold left. Pick a path ( left or right ) If you picked the right path, ( not left or right, meaning the correct path. ) run to the mongeese. ( sorry, I'm the 70th gooser in the world. I use them plural. ) and hop on. drive down the ramp at full speed, and right at the jump slow down to medium speed ( mid-air ) hit the shield door and keep going. Do the tricks shown here. ( super easy ) IGNORE Checkpoint. may I remind you checkpoints cause disqualification? double brute shot onto the platform. jump around the corner onto a small block and double brute shot up. repeat. Jump onto the tube ramp, repeat, and jump onto the stone bridge with the grav lift. pick it up, stand on the edge of the elevator later on, ( front end ) and throw it down. fail the elevator and it's game over. sorry. From the elevator run through the obsticles in your way, while minding the fusion coils overhead. you'll hit an unpassable wall, which in this picture you see, there are small blocks you must land on. once on said blocks, double brute shot jump onto the larger block in front. run past the other obsticles and carry on. keep going! you're almost there! Pass the obsticles provided. double brute shot jump onto the platform and grab the radar jammer. there are three teleporters, choose wisely. 2 of them bring you back in the course, ( not far, only to mongeese and double brute shot ) and the last one brings you to the LAST obsticle. This one gets your heart racing. remember the radar jammer? yeah. that. the platform brings you to a man-cannon AIMED at a killball. go willingly onto it, look down, and radar jump ( Mid-way over killball ) and hope you make it. if done correctly you are rewarded with a golf club and 5 flags waving in the breeze. after 50 seconds of glory in the throne of champions, you've WON! Any questions? Either message me on Xbox live as "MR FAM0U5 Ninja" or right here on forgehub. Good luck and have fun!
Thanks! but yeah, I'm the creator and I've only finished it twice. that's why I'm giving out maps and icons too. for extra determination ( as you see by my avatar I made a month ago )
the map looks hard, but im mostly wondering about the prize, what do you mean by free maps? like ones you made? cuz im sorry, but, uh in case you havent noticed, you dont pay for maps in halo that are custom, anyone can download them, and there really isnt anyway at all to control this.
wow looks really fun/hard. I like what you did with the radar jammer and the kill ball jump. looks very well made and origanal. i'll d/l and check out
Oooh, this is really fun. I love jump maps a lot, and the rewards are getting me addicted to this one. Tons of new creative ideas, which is what puts any jump map apart from the rest. One question, must every jump be done as you have said, because some jumps where you said to spike grenade jump or brute shot you don't need to if you jump well enough (the first double box jump). And also for the next part you can jump and curve into the end without walking slowly and falling onto the rail and jumping. I see you can't use brute shot in some parts that would be unfair, but I'm just wondering if you can do difficult jumps to try to lower your time. Great map so far, and I'll get a YouTube video of my fastest time beating it up (if I can) near the deadline.
Gravity modifiers = fail. Other than that the map is nice but you may want to consider revising your spelling in your map's description.
I DLed Im trying later, but I have a Q. We have to send you a Vid of us completing in Custom Games, right? well how do we make a vid starting from the lobby to the end of the game?
You can't without video. the proof is within the limits, where I can see that everything checked out. if you have a film, don't worry about it. I can check for sure without you having to do anything. Quote: "One question, must every jump be done as you have said, because some jumps where you said to spike grenade jump or brute shot you don't need to if you jump well enough (the first double box jump). And also for the next part you can jump and curve into the end without walking slowly and falling onto the rail and jumping." Go ahead make your own techniques! just as long as the gametype's the same I'm fine with you trying techniques other than mine. One of my friends ( Halo MasterX20 ) can do the whole first part BACKWARDS! .... Yeah. Backwards. Whatever makes you go faster ( Besides checkpoints, mind you ) go ahead and do it!
dude you have just won over like half my friends. For some reason they are obsessed with jumping maps that they can get mp points for beating. Anyways, if you could extend the deadline maybe a week, I would enjoy that, or maybe there won't even be anyone submitting a video. Looks really hard and really fun, and really well-put-together. Great job and thanks for making it.
You're quite welcome. If no one gets videos out by the deadline, I'll stretch it out into July. ( or if I'm at a trip, word is I'm going somewhere with ALL my friends for a week June. ) Please DO tell all your friends. I want this to be monumental throughout halo
I am so trying this out. I beat it on forge! (With the grav modifiers.) When I beat it I will pm you, okay? Good Maps!
Before reading your last few comments I beat it using your descriptions. I got it in 4 minutes and 35-ish seconds when I got 50 seconds. The hardest part was probably the last jump which I fell on at least 5 times. I'll probably keep trying as I use my own tactics to beat this with a time under 4 minutes, which may just be possible. Good luck to everyone else entering, I'll put this on my fileshare, and I'll upload my best time sometime next week because I'll be out volunteering and on vacation for the next two weeks.
That's quite a handful of jump maps you've completed! I expect alot from you... good luck! ( as of now I'm making the 3 icons but not adding transparency or your name yet )
I've beaten it again with all my own techniques, though I mess up and have to redo jumps 4 or 5 jumps. This time I've gotten it down to 4:20-ish, and will most likely be my last entry because I get too mad when I fall while running through it. Has anyone else entered yet because it may give me the inspiration I need to continue trying.
There's a crap load of people trying! You're the only one posting your progress, but as I've read and been getting messages there's at the least 15 - 25 people trying atm. still growing too!
ALL CONTEST PLAYERS! SUBMIT YOUR FILMS NOW! Please do not wait if at all possible, because Over 150 people downloaded my map and gametype, I'm hoping to see plentiful submissions. Thanks for playing, and good luck!