Swat Map

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by l3enit, May 30, 2009.

  1. l3enit

    l3enit Ancient
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    I want to make a good SWAT map yes that's right i said SWAT map.
    Please tell me your favorite swat maps (default one's) and the aspects you like about them.
    Thank you

    Ex: Construct because of the long open corridors and the highground
  2. Jzzkc

    Jzzkc Ancient
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    Blackout: Because there is suitable cover, many levels, and you have control over getting spawnkilled. Open maps for swat are bad.
  3. unbracingGecko

    unbracingGecko Ancient
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    the pit, multiple ways to flank people.
  4. Goober

    Goober Ancient
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    Blackout = Good Swat Map. Good base setup, can be controlled by skilled players, fairly interactive environtment (lift, fall off the edge, fusion coils), good three leveled map...
    Assembly = Bad Swat Map. Too open, too many windows making it easier to be killed without ever knowing where you were killed from, not enough base orentation.
    Pit = Usually Good Swat Map. Many different angles to play from, always keeps you on your toes.
    Narrows = Good Swat Map. May seem too open, but its not really. Gotta watch out for mancannon *****'s though...
    Last Resort = Bad Swat Map. Too easy to control the map, too open.
    Isolation = Horrible Swat Map! Way too open, really easy to spawn kill, nothing to like about it.
    Epitaph = Good Swat Map. Nice circular style map, two/three levels of play, not easy to control spawns.
    Gaurdian = Good Swat Map. Makes for good tight games, many ways to get to places thought it is difficult to get to the blue/gold side from the sniper side sometimes.
    Construct = Decent Swat Map. Sometimes too easy to control the map and spawn kill.
    Orbital = Good Swat Map. It has its open spaces and its confinements, and the escalators make for good surpises...
    Tundra in the Crypt = Horrible Swat Map! Too much jumping, too small of a map for bases like that.

    I've found that maps that don't have too much of an open air type feeling work well. Like having a good mix of open air to corridor ratio is key to making a good Swat map. You want room to breath, but you want the players to feel confined as well. That just may be my personal theory about most maps in general, as I prefer CQC over big team stuff. It's good to make players jump, but not too often. Players don't like to jump to get to things too often because it makes them fairly vulnerable, even though it kinda helps at the same time...
  5. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You forgot Ghost Town. Ghost Town is probably my favorite map to play SWAT on.
  6. natu

    natu Ancient
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    Has to be the Pit and Construct.
  7. Flying Dice

    Flying Dice Ancient
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    Guardian. I like how S tower and Gold are both defendable by an organized team, yet both have many attack routes. I like the mix of close-quarters and ceilingless space. The fact that many points of entry into various areas generate a relatively large amount of sound is also nice.(The grav lifts make a lot of noise when your sound is cranked up to the point where you can hear footsteps)
  8. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    One, Guardian. This particular map has excellent flow and points of interest (S1, 2, & 3).

    Two, The Pit. Great symmetry and opportunity for control. If you can control the center well, you can engulf the enemy. If you move forward too much, it will cause the enemy to spawn on the opposite side which defeats the purpose of your control.
  9. TheRayzerTag

    TheRayzerTag Ancient
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    I personally like Cold Storage, because of the long upper hallway that connects the two 'bases' (shotgun room and camo room).

    I also seem to be the only player in Halo that likes Foundry. I like the fence wall partition between the two main hallways.
  10. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    Here they are, with explanations

    1. The pit - good line of sight and good for flanking, i once got 38 kills in swat on The pit.
    2. Blackout - multi leveled, does not have a main battle area, good line of sight.
    3. Guardian - lots of across the map kills and flanking, fun with man cannons.
    4. Orbital - Long hallways, good for swat.
    5. Cold Storage - A lot of hallways that seem to work with swat.

    Those are my fav's
    the pit is probably the best pre-DLC map along with valhalla and sandtrap, not regarding swat.
    #10 R0FLninja, May 31, 2009
    Last edited: May 31, 2009
  11. iAnti

    iAnti Ancient
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    He said reason why also...
    I like "Cold SWATage" cause the beginning spawn kills​
  12. l3enit

    l3enit Ancient
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    I have just finished one of three i will be creating.
    Please i need some people to test it with comments please message me your gamertag and i will send you the map. Thank you

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