Sandbox Mlg Eclipse

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by th3sneakybeav3r, Jun 3, 2009.

  1. th3sneakybeav3r

    th3sneakybeav3r Ancient
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    MLG Eclipse
    Mlg Eclipse v2.1

    Edit: I messed up version 2 so now i came out with version 2.1 in which i added red and blue lights to both bases to make it easier to identify which base it is and i added a little bit more cover to bottom mid

    This is me and my friends first map that we have posted on these forums. we've spent quite a bit of time on it and we think it turned out nicely. We would appreciate it if you would download it and comment on it, we are always looking for feedback. We are also looking for people to help us test the map out so add your gamertag or add Gt: ImTheBestTherIs or HellFireAngel01.

    Map Description
    Eclipse is a perfectly symmetrical map that is in the shape of a circle. It was designed for capture the flag and slayer and is a fast paced map sort of like onslaught. There are two bases that are on either end of the map and there is a lift in the middle of the map the blocks your view from each base and also allows you to lift up from bottom mid to top mid. There are two bridges on each side of the map that connect the bases to top mid and ramps that connect the bases to bottom mid. There are also two towers on each side of the map allow you to shoot across most of the map, but you have no cover.

    Weapons/Power Up

    4 x battle rifle
    2 x carbine
    8 x frag grenade
    4 x plasma grenade

    There aren't any powerups

    Capture the Flag

    I don't believe any other game types would work for this map








    Please Download and Comment

    We also need testers

    #1 th3sneakybeav3r, Jun 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2009
  2. ehand88

    ehand88 Ancient
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    When I looked at the overview, my first thought was "That is Assembly". I don't know whether or not you got any inspiration from Assembly, but it looks alot like it to me. Overall, this map looks nice and clean, the railings are a nice touch. I haven't played it yet, but I am interested to see what the gameplay is like.
  3. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    You say you need testers? I'd be more than happy to help you test this map. Gamertag is Gunnergrunt.

    The map reminds me of Desolation from halo 2. I'm betting it will play like that as well. Hope to get an invite from you soon. Can't wait to try it out!

    Senior Member

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    I got to do a quick forge-through on this tonight, and I was really impressed with the geometry. As previously mentioned, its like a mini-floating-desolation. Nice height variations and good flow.

    The map is a bit confusing in the sole fact that there are no call-outs other than top or bottom mid. However, I played around with some of the geometry to free up some cash and actually freed up 50 bucks. I was able to add a red and blue light, a Rocket Launcher at bottom mid (makes sense when you see it) and still had 8 bucks left over which could be used to add some power-up call-outs to the carbine locations. The dynamic in the central areas is a bit different now, but flow should remain roughly the same. I have it in my file share titled Not Mine, here. Check it out and if you like what you see, then run with it. If not, no biggie.. but I do feel it makes the map both more complete and a little more exciting with the Rockets down there.

    Id also strongly recommend that you avoid using the force spawn method for making your objects spawn as opposed to just having them spawn at start. There are many items set not to spawn at start and do not actually appear at the start of the game (more like a half second to a second after it starts). Id just go back through and make sure you have each and every item actually spawning at start.

    Great work though, you and your friend should be proud. I hope you like and agree with the geometry changes I made as well!
    #4 LIGHTSOUT225, Jun 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2009
  5. DarkIce Dragon

    DarkIce Dragon Ancient
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    This map looks great, I would like to test and tell what can be done better or what makes it a bit better looking!

    I don't know if these pics are clean from Effects, but it looks a bit boring because there are no lights you know. Maybe that would help!
  6. Tully13

    Tully13 Ancient
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    This looks like a really neatly forged map however it is a bit bland as i feel most sandbox maps are. As it supports CTF you should maybe add coloured red n blue columns to bring it to life or maybe the red or blue light to distinguish the different sides of the map into rvb.
  7. F2P Game7ypes

    F2P Game7ypes Ancient

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    Very good map.
    I really like how you interlock you objects.
    But like some1 else said its a little bit confusing.
    Maybe you could do some pics with the callouts of your map.
    Overall it plays very well.
  8. CometCRAZIE33

    CometCRAZIE33 Ancient
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    Hey i would love to help you test your map Actually both me and my friend from school would so send a game invite to CometCRAZIE33 if you want me to help you test it.
  9. TChun21

    TChun21 Ancient
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    Time for the ratings

    Aesthetics +1
    Layout +.5 IMO I don't like the parts where there is no ground because it ruins the flow of this map. The map has great flow except for those "holes"
    Balance +1
    Gameplay +.5
    "Holes" kindof annoys me but its still really great. It has fast gameplay
    Originality +1 Reminds me of Assembly but a smaller cool version.
    Bonus +.5 Great for fast CTF matches which I love. It's aesthetically great and plays well. I will give a .5 because of its "playability"

  10. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    WHOA, this is awesome

    and it does look exactly like assembly, and since i wonder how it plays: QUED
    excellent job, what i would do is fill up those "holes" with grass, grass meaning flipped upside down tin cups.

    5/5 great job man
  11. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    Has a midship/derelict feel to it that makes for very fun play. Haven't had a chance to play more than 2v2 on it but I hope to soon.
  12. TChun21

    TChun21 Ancient
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    aNother thing thing to add.
    I think ROFLninja's idea of patching the "holes" with grass is a good idea
  13. th3sneakybeav3r

    th3sneakybeav3r Ancient
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    Eclipse v2

    Eclipse V2 is now out. I made some small but significant changes to the map.

    First of all i raised to the middle just a ramp wide higher to make it easier to jump bottom mid and then also give you a little more of a height advantage in the middle. It also gives you more cover for cross the map shooting.

    I also added drop down holes on either side of the lifts in the middle so you don't get stuck trying to go down the lift and it helps you drop down when getting shot.

    I added a purple and gold powerups to both towers to make callouts easier, so one tower will be purple tower and the other gold tower. i'm still trying to figure out the rest of the callouts for the map and if any body has suggestions just let me know.

    I added block talls to the bottom of the map so it makes it a lot harder to fall off and i'm planning on covering the rest of the holes with grass so you won't be able to fall through.

    I switched the stone columns with gold columns to add to the aesthetics of the map and spice it up a bit.

    I also deleted all the frag grenades cause they are pointless since you pick enough up from dead bodies.

    I'm also going to change the spawn points a bit and fix some of the lifts cuz their kinda of messed up. I'm also going to add a couple other small changes and i will put the newer version on when i get done and i find time. I still need people to help test the map out and so far i've been happy with how its turned out. I want to keep the map fast paced like onslaught so if you have any suggestions on how to make it better then let me know.
    #13 th3sneakybeav3r, Jun 5, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2009
  14. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    this. ^^ I freed up 50 bucks with ease. cures all your call-out problems and some. Don't add the grass, the overall geometry of the map is fine.
  15. th3sneakybeav3r

    th3sneakybeav3r Ancient
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    Mlg Eclipse v2.1

    I put the wrong version of Eclipse V2 up so know i added Eclipse 2.1 in which i added red and blue lights to both of the bases to make it easier to identify what side your on and i also added a bit more cover to bottom mid
  16. NOV3D

    NOV3D Ancient
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    Appearance- 1.6-Monument
    game play- 1.8-Legendary
    Originality- 0.5-Exotic
    presentation- 0.3-Boring

    Over all= 4/5

    Over all this is a good map. Yes there is a few things that you should add in so that it plays a bit better as a MLG map but other then that great map. The game play was perfect. :)

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