Yes, we all remember that game from so long ago. You know the one - you have a gun, your at a range and you shoot the ducks. Well, a friend and I decided to get together to recreate it in a more....... haloistic way. First off, I did a quick search and didnt see anything about any duck hunts, so im pretty sure its original. It started with us just messing around trying to make an infection map on standoff, but somehow oer the course of 10 minutes we got into mkaing a duck hunt game.....(we are known for short attention spans=p) In this, the game variant is set up so NOONE CAN SCORE POINTS - thats very important. This way if people decide to start shootin each other for some reason(and yes that happened to me as well, quite fun) the game can continue and people can get back to shooting the "ducks". The "ducks" in this happen to be different vehicles, warthogs, a mongoose, a banshee, a chopper, and the hardest to hit of all - the ghost. You have 2 choices for weapons, eaither way you go into the "clubhouse" first and eaither go right or left. Going right takes you to the guass warthogs, which are my favorite. If you take a left however, you'll end up at the spartan lasers, harder to hit yes, but more stafising when you do. Just keep blowing all the vehicles up that you can. Any sugestions on how to improove this are welcome. Map Variant - The Range Game Variant - Duck Hunt Figure you guys might like some pics: Overviews of the range: [img width=800 height=600][/img] [img width=800 height=600][/img] Where do the vehicles go? [img width=800 height=600][/img] The clubhouse: [img width=800 height=600][/img] The Warthogs(guass): [img width=800 height=600][/img] And last but not least, the spartan lasers: [img width=800 height=600][/img] Hope you enjoy it
y know i h8 it when that happens, i put a couple hrs into a map that i was sure was original and some1 else has already done it..... I looked at the other forum and I personally like mine better but only because in mine u get the choice of 2 weapons and your not shootin ppl(thought u can if u want)